DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters are either owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi. Bastard!! Is a property of Pioneer Entertainment. I'm poor college student so do not sue me you won't get much out of it, just enjoy the fic and let me know what you thought of it. C&C to Eric Oh Note: These events takes place after the Bastard!! OVA series and if you are familiar with Bastard!! Manga that is out in Japanese and French, you will no what I'm talking about. Brief note for those who do not, after the OVA series, Dark Schneider face off against the Demons of Hell and Angels of Heaven. He is more powerful than ever and his friends have learned many skills. I'm going to have it so that Dark Schneider have picked up an ability to cross over worlds, in other word, Dar Schneider has learned an ability to come to Ranma1/2 world. < > Thoughts ( ) Chines [ ] Mental link Ranma1/2 Ranma the Bastard!! Chapter 1 Dark Schneider after another fight with an Angel that caused him to come out of his clothes again, relaxed as his adoring fans looked upon him once again in all his glory as he won another battle. As he was about to fly to the side of his love Yoko, he felt something. He has long learn the ability to sense things between worlds, but only been able to see or crossover to one other world. Today he felt a potential that was great, almost as great as his, or perhaps a potential that may surpass, even his great powers. As he was flying to his love Yoko, he was already making plans as to see what could possibly have send off such potential that was so great. "Lushe, what's wrong?" Asked Yoko who noticed that Dark Schneider was not his usual self after coming back from battle. She of course has not gotten over calling him Lushe, just like how Arshes Nei never stopped calling Dark Schneider Darshe. "Nothing my love, it's just that I'm anxious to get back to palace to see my darling princess again that's all" Dark Schneider said it with smirk on his lips, something that really made Yoko mad, that he would constantly tease her about how Princess liked him. "Fine than, see if I ever ask you if you are ok" "Don't be like that Yoko, I'm sure I can make some time to see you of course" As they both spoke and Dark Schneider had his fun, his mind was still thinking about that potential that he felt. About the same time on Ranmaverse. "Congratulation Mr. Saotome, you have a healthy baby boy" Doctor who just help Nodoka Saotome give birth told somewhat fat martial artist that his wife has just given birth to his son. "What would you name him?" "Ranma, Ranma Saotome" 6 Years later... "Don't send me back in there daddy, I don't want to learn this technique, please, I don't!!!" Ranma was begging his father not to be put into the pit filled with cats, as he was hurt by all the other times that his father has put him in the pit. He knew sooner or later that his sanity was going to snap either that he'll die. "Stop wining boy!!!! Martial artist must be willing to suffer through the pain for the sake of the art!!! Now, get in there and learn the technique like a martial artist that I raise you to be!!" With that Genma Saotome threw his only son Ranma into the pit of hungry cat once again. This however did not sit well with one being that was watching them from a viewing globe that he has gotten from the demon lord that he beat. "This idiot is going to ruin the greatest potential since... well since me. If it were up to me I would have gotten rid of this poor excuse of a human being and raised the boy to be the greatest warrior mage the world, no, the multi-worlds has ever seen. Those damned gods of that world has some how prevented me from entering into that world after I destroyed Atlantis. So what if I sunk a whole continent, it wasn't as if that many people died." Dark Schneider continued to watch the events that unfolded with the life of Ranma Saotome, whom he has determined that held great potential that now he knew surpassed his own. With proper guidance, he could become great, even match the power of a god. "I will have him as my apprentice, I will figure out a way to crossover to that world and take that boy as mine." With that said, Dark Schneider started making plans as to how he will crossover to that world. He than noticed Genma's bad habit of trying to teach his son whatever super technique that he heard about, and also his bad habit of stealing things that did not belong to him if it would benefit him. "Hmm... perhaps that is the way I can make my way into that world. I will need to move this plan into motion immediately." With that said, Dark Schneider made his way to move whatever plan he has formed into motion. 8 years later... Ranma is 14 and Genma has been taking Ranma around the Asia to teach him great martial arts. This is when he came across of a rumor of a temple that held great secrets that can make one a powerful warrior. "Hey pop, are you sure that the temple is around here somewhere? I mean you came up with lot of stupid ideas and this seem to be one of them." "Ungrateful boy!!!! Treat your father with respect and I know there is a temple that will make you a great warrior here somewhere and not some wining boy that you are!" Genma said it to his son and continue to look for this temple. It was true that Genma came across this information purely by accident and from some unknown source that probably was drunk at the time, Genma was born stupid and this was one of the example that proved it. "Hey pop, is that it?" Ranma pointed to a what looked like a ruined temple that was looking like it came out of a horror movie. "Yes boy, now let's go and make you a warrior" With that he led his son into the temple, not even knowing what they were suppose to be looking for. As always, Genma never thought things through and never thought about what the consequences will be to his actions. Little later... After while of searching for something that may look like it might be something that might give power or something that might be worth something so that he can sell it to feed his fat stomach, Genma came across a sword that was made of some strange red material. Thinking that this may be what he was looking for or at least something that he can sell to feed himself, he did not hesitate to pick up the sword. While doing so, he completely ignored the warning that was left there by the gods of this world against touching the sword. Even though warning was in every language of the world. Soon as he touch the sword we can all guess what happened next. A beast of about 20 feet tall, surrounded by flames came out of the sword and stood before the startled fat martial artist and the boy. "You have freed the Efreet and now Efreet can call forth and bring the master to this world" With that said Efreet disappeared and in his place now stood a man who was about 6'2" in height with long flowing white hair and lean muscular built. "Well now, look what we have here. I never thought that you would be stupid enough to fall for that, but I guess you are that stupid. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!" Dark Schneider continue to laugh his maniacal laugh that he was so famously known for. Genma being the natural coward that he is, was cowering as soon as Efreet was out and now was shaking. "W who are you?" "Who am I? I am of course the handsome hero who's muscle are made out of steel, and power unmatched by any being, invincible Dark Schneider!" As he was introducing himself, by usage of his magic, he was making lights flash and fire appear and disappear. "Well, Genma, you entered my property and try to steal my property, so I guess here is where I punish you" With that Dark Schneider threw a fireball the size of basketball at Genma who now was in full panic and started to run out yelling at his son to run. "Ranma run you foolish boy!!!" Ranma until now who was frozen, after hearing his father, started to run after him. Both Genma and Ranma were now out side of the temple and was running as fast as they can to try to get away from this mad man. However, Dark Schneider had different ideas, he had waited for a long long time for this opportunity. Time flow differently in both worlds and he had to wait almost 80 years for this and he was not going to let it pass. By using his magic and lot of other magic he learned, he has somehow kept Yoko looking young as himself. Dark Schneider appeared in front of fleeing Genma and Ranma putting a halt to their attempt at running away from him. "Well, Genma, you didn't think it was going to be this easy did you?" Genma and Ranma were both shocked, how did he get in front of them? "How did you do that?" Genma asked now fearing for his life and looking for a chance to run for his life. "What did you expect from the most powerful wizard in the world? Now, what should I do with you? I could turn you into a toad, or better yet a slug. Would you like that?" Genma has gone pale the thought of turning into those things were not very good. "I could torture you, and oh, you will learn the true meaning of pain from me." "Wait, I'll do anything, just let me go, please, I'll do anything!!!" Genma was using his crouching tiger technique that he had years to perfect on his master. "Anything? Are you sure about that?" "Anything!!!" "Well, than, I will take your boy" Dark Schneider said it, and Ranma didn't like what he was hearing. "Absolutely not!!! Ranma is the future of the Anything Goes School of Martial Arts!!" "Genma, you fat fool, either you give him to me willingly or I'll take him after dealing with you. It's that simple. However, being the naturally generous person that I am, I'm going to give you a chance to get out of here alive and with your son. Just beat me in a little fight, and you are free to go" Dark Schneider made his offer, knowing full well any fight between them will easily be won by him. He did not live with Ninja master Gara and not learn a thing or two about martial arts. "If you do not use magic, I accept your challenge" "Done, I will not use any magic at all" Soon as he said it, Genma jumped at him and attempted to knock him out with powerful jump kick, however, by the time Genma got there, Dark Schneider was no where to be found. "Looking for me Genma?" Dark Schneider said from behind Genma. Genma attempted to turn around, but it was too late, Dark Schneider started to beat him up with almost no mercy and Genma received the beating of his life. He was so beat up that he lost about 3 inches off of his belly. "Well, now that was no fun, it was too easy" Ranma looked at Dark Schneider and his father who was now laying on the ground, beat up and bloody. Dark Schneider made his way toward Ranma "Well, I guess now that you are mind boy." Ranma could not believe what just happened. This total stranger, this mad man was going to take him after beating his father, although he had no real love for his pop ever since the cat fist training. "How dare you you bastard!!!" With that cry, he leaped at Dark Schneider trying to do some harm. As Ranma got closer, he used a sleep magic to put him to sleep and carried to boy on his shoulder back into the temple where the portal was. "Well, boy I've been called that so many times it became something like a second name to me" Dark Schneider said that to sleeping Ranma about the term that Ranma used to call him. Later... Genma wake up from the most intense beating of his life and looked around. Both the boy and the mad man was no where to be found. "Oh for the Kami's sake. What am I going to do? Ranma was my retirement plan, my meal ticket. What will I do? What will I tell Nodoka? She will kill me!!! I must hide from her!" With that said, Genma, made his way off the mountain and started to run as fast as he can. End of Chapter 1 Next chapter Ranma meets the rest of the Bastard gang and become not only Dark Schneider's student but also the student of Gara, Arshes Nei, Yoko, and Efreet. Genma makes his way through out China making more enemy for himself and also for Ranma. Note: I read lot of Ranma1/2 fics. I read all types of fics and many crossovers. However, it seems that there are not many Ranma1/2 crossovers that have to do with Bastard. So I decided to write it. Of course I'm not that good of a writer to start with so I'm not sure how good this will be, but I'm going to continue it and see where it goes. Thanks. DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters are either owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi. Bastard!! Is a property of Pioneer Entertainment. I'm poor college student so do not sue me you won't get much out of it, just enjoy the fic and let me know what you thought of it. C&C to Eric Oh Note: These events takes place after the Bastard!! OVA series and if you are familiar with Bastard!! Manga that is out in Japanese and French, you will no what I'm talking about. Brief note for those who do not, after the OVA series, Dark Schneider face off against the Demons of Hell and Angels of Heaven. He is more powerful than ever and his friends have learned many skills. I'm going to have it so that Dark Schneider have picked up an ability to cross over worlds, in other word, Dar Schneider has learned an ability to come to Ranma1/2 world. < > Thoughts ( ) Chines [ ] Mental link Ranma1/2 Ranma the Bastard!! Chapter 2 Yoko and rest of the gang was waiting for Dark Schneider to get back from his latest quest that he set himself to. Yoko knew that Dark Schneider had been planning something for almost 80 years. It was almost as he was possessed by something to do this. "Yoko, did Darshe tell you what he was doing and when he'll be back" Asked Arshes Nei who was still in love with her Darshe. Upon hearing what Aarshes Nei call Dark Schneider, Yoko winced a little. She didn't like the pet names that those two would call each other. It showed intimacy and history that she and Lushe still had to catch up on and she didn't like it. "Well, no, he just said something like he has found him and went through that portal." Everybody was curious what Dark Schneider had in mind. He has been working on something for almost 80 years and many people who knew Dark Schneider had either died off during some battle or died of old age. Princess or better yet, now a Queen did not have many days left of her old age. Dark Schneider had offered her the same treatment that he did for Yoko, but she refused. It seems somehow, all the group, Arshes Nei, Gara, and Yoko has somehow became an immortal. Of course Dark Schneider was an immortal and everybody knew about it. Arshes Nei because of her dark elven blood made are live thousands of years that she is almost an immortal. Gara, because of his use of the demon sword Murasame, he has become linked with the sword that as long as the sword exist, that he will exist. Yoko was the surprised of all. Dark Schneider has linked himself with Yoko and made her and immortal. It seems that this action showed how much Dark Schneider actually loved her. While everyone was thinking of what the heck Dark Schneider was up to and what it would cost everybody, the portal glowed bright and Dark Schneider walked out along with a boy of about 14 over his shoulder. Everyone was surprised to say the least. Dark Schneider walking out of a portal with some boy. That is not something that Dark Schneider would do, or at least something that he hasn't done for about a hundred years. "Darshe, who is that boy?" Arshes Nei was the first to speak, not really that much surpried. Dark Schneider had raised her after all, picking her up from his walk to somewhere on a whim. Dark Schneider has also raised Cal Sue for sometime. "This, this is my new apprientice. I will teach him everything I know, he will become great, even greater than I am. He will become just like me. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!" Dark Schneider started to laugh that laugh that he does so well. Everybody was really shocked now, Dark Schneider has chosen an heir. It seems that Dark Schneider has finally found someone to pass on everything that he knows. Everyone by now knew that he never taught everything he knew, waiting for the one that he can pass on everything. It seems now that he has found that person. Arshes Nei was thinking Yoko was torn in to trying to find the good thing behind the Dark Schneider finally finding an heir, and also the sadness of not being able to have children with Dark Schneider. Gara was looking at the boy with interest, if it was someone that Dark Schneider was chosing as an heir, than the boy most have great potential, perhaps this will be interesting to see. "Well, Yoko, could you get the boy something to eat? He probably will become hungry when he wakes up and I want to start with him as soon as possible." "Uh, ok..." With that Yoko went to get something to eat. While turning to look at the sleeping form of the boy. "Dark, what the name of the boy?" Ninja Master Gara asked Dark Schneider whom has become good friends with. "His name is Ranma, and I took him from some fat excuse of a martial artist." While Gara was deep in thought, Efreet showed up "Master, should I continue to hold the portal open or should I close it now?" "You may close the portal, I have no use for it anymore now that I got what I want." "Of course master" Little later... Ranma woke up to a strange invironment. This was nothing new to him. Traveling with Genma, you learn to wake up to strange things, however what bothered him the most were the strange people that were looking at him. "What's going on here? Where pop?" "Well boy, your pop is no longer here to teach you, but I will take over your training" Ranma hearing the voice started to turn toward the voice. When he saw who has spoken he remembered what happened. And Ranma was more than little scared. People around Ranma realized what was happening and most understood why. Dark Schneider had a tendency to scare people off or at least made them uneasy of him at the first meeting. "Don't worry Ranma, he's not a bad guy, it seems that he has chosen you to become his apprientice" Yoko spoke to Ranma with her most motherly voice trying to put him at ease. Ranma's mind was in turmoil. He was surrounded by people he has never met before and there was that mad man who beat up his pop. Where was his pop anyway? Well, whatever it was, he wasn't going to show that he is afraid. "Well, I don't care, I want to go back, I can't lax in my training and where is pop?" Everybody there was impressed with the youth. He actually had the gall to stand up to Dark Schneider while surrounded by strange people. "Well boy, your pop is not going to be around, and for your training, I will take over as your new master. You will learn from me and you will learn great deal, more than any mortal men can teach you." Week later... "Ranma what did I tell you about your table manners?" Another week later... "No Ranma that is not how you summon the thunder!" Another week later... "Well Ranma it seems that you do have some martial arts training, however, I will make you stronger and faster. I will make you the greatest Ninja ever" Another week later... "Did you see that Ranma? That is how you cast the spell of Exodus" 6 months later All the Bastard cast was sitting around the table. It has been 6 months since they started to train Ranma in their own arts. Dark Schneider was of course teaching him everything he knew of magic and also art of suduction much to the dismay of Yoko and Arshes Nei. Gara was teaching him to be the great martial artist. Arshes Nei was teaching him of magic, but her style of magic, that deals with thunders and of the ice magic that she picked up from Cal Sue. Yoko was teaching him proper manner and healing magic that she learned as the daughter of the priest. "It seems almost impossible how fast Ranma can learn things. He does have incredible ability to learn things and adapt to things that we teach him." Gara was impressed to say the least. He was expecting something, but not this, the boy was learning things at an incredible rate that was almost unbelieveable. "Well, he is after all my heir, of course he is great." Dark Schneider was very satisfied with the progress that Ranma was making. It seems that he has chosen very well. "Darshe, where is Ranma right now?" "Ranma is learning from Efreet right now. He is teaching him all he knows. Although he may be just a fool, he is after all a powerful fire elemental." All were impressed in their own ways, Ranma was learning from them all, but was also learning from the fire elemental. Outside... "Young master that will be all for today, you have advanced great deal." "Thanks Efreet" "No problem young master" With that said, Efreet disappeared. Leaving Ranma with what he learned and his own thoughts. Ranma has accepted his fate and started to learn from Dark Schneider and his friends. They were all good people and they taught him things that he would never have imagined possible back in his home world. "You know I kind of miss pop, now I know he was stupid person with low morals, but he is still my pop. Well, I guess I should practice." Back on Ranmaverse... Genma was walking around with dejected look on his face. Few days since he lost his son and he was starving. People seem more reluctant to give him food for his son now that he didn't have a son, and people were not easily fooled by a picture that he had of his son. He would occasionally get away with going to restaurants and eat, run while saying that put in to the tab under the name Ranma Saotome. "Oh, you foolish boy!! How dare you leave your father like this!!!!" Genma, still not seeing the error of his ways and of course not willing to accept that he did something wrong, blamed everything on Ranma and his foolish ways. "Boy, when I find you, I will teach you a lesson!" Genma said so while running away from a street vendor after stealing bunch of pork buns. If Genma knew that Ranma has become more powerful than he can ever hope to be, he might have taken back what he had said. Genma was on constant run, the few days that he lost his son, he had made more enemies than one thought possible. However, because of his idiocy, he was making enemies for both himself and of course Ranma. Back in Bastard world 20 years later... "Ranma, you have already surpassed everything that I can teach you, you have surpassed me and everyone else here. This is incredible. I never thought that you would over come me within the century much less of a 20 years." Dark Schneider said to Ranma after a long fight that he and Ranma was involved in to test Ranma. Ranma being Ranma has learned and now surpassed all his masters. "Thank you master, but I had great masters and friends." Ranma has grown up to be handsome man, although because of all the magic that he learned from Dark Schnieder and his friends, after 20 years he now looked like somewhere around 18 to 20 and will probably look like that even after thousands of years. "Wow Ranma, you were great, I guess you are now the most powerful mage warrior." Said Angeline who is the grand daughter of queen, who has watched Ranma learn from Dark Schneider. "Well, how can I not be? I am the great Ranma Saotome" It seems that Ranma has picked up more than magic from his master, it seems that although with much better manner, Ranma has become more like Dark Schneider in personality as well. Only person that Ranma shows restrain was to Yoko who he treats more like a older sister or a mother than anything else. Arshes Nei sometimes encourages Ranma's Dark Schneider like behavior and Gara finds it amusing. "So Ranma what are you going to do now?" "I don't know, I think I'm going to visit my home world. I haven't seen it in 20 years and I want to know how it changed. Also, I like to see pop and if she's alive, I would like to find my mom." When he said that, Dark Schneider and his friends all looked at each other. After few minutes of silence Dark Schneider spoke up. "Ranma, not much have changed in your home world. Time flows differently between our two worlds. While it's 20 years for us, it's about 2 years for them. So, it would only have been 2 years since you've gone missing." "Only two year?" Ranma was in shock, he spent 20 years here and Dark Schneider has just told him that only 2 years have passed in his home world. Well, if that's true than his mom and pop is probably alive and it is probably a good thing. "Well, that's great. I guess I'll drop by and see my pop and mom." "Well, I guess you can do that, you don't look that old anyway, you look like you are in your 18 to 20s so people won't ask many questions. Just be careful with your powers ok Ranma?" Yoko, always worring about Ranma told him. She has become rather fond of him, teaching him and raising him more like a son than someone that she and everybody else is teaching. "Don't worry Yoko, I'll becareful" Ranma said with slight grin that match Dark Schneider's. Of course Ranma didn't have any intention of being careful. Being careful was just no fun and like Dark Schneider, Ranma wanted to have fun. "Ranma, if you really want to go to your home world, I guess you'll have to take Efreet with you since he works as the connector. Don't forget everything that I taught you and try to have fun." "Of course Darshe" Ranma has adapted Arshes Nei's pet name for Dark Schneider. Little later... The preparation was done and everything was set for Ranma to go back to his home world. He was excited to get back to his world and see his parents. He also couldn't wait to have fun in his world with his new powers. [Ranma, remember everything I taught you about women] [Of course Darshe] "Well, I'll see you all later" With that Ranma walked to the portal and to the world of his birth. Ranmaverse about the same time. Genma was running away from band of Amazons that was out for his blood. He was a panda at the time. He still managed to become a panda and now he was running for his life. He came across the amazon villiage and ate the food that was lain out for him. However, he was imiadetly jumped by a girl with purple hair and many other women armed with weapons. Amazon thinking that the dangerous animals was upon them and specially seeing it eating the prize, decided to eat it and now was chasing it with blood in their eyes. While Genma was running away he could think of only thing he has been thinking for the past 2 years. With that Genma head towards the nearest port town to catch a boat that was headed toward Japan. Both Genma and Amazon were so busy that they both missed the thunder and bright light that appeared at the top of a mountain near the Amazon village. End of Chapter 2 Next Chapter Ranma comes across the Amazon hunting, party that is hunting for a Panda, under attack by the Musk warriors. Genma makes it to the Tendos and Ranma goes in search for his pop. Note: I read lot of Ranma1/2 fics. I read all types of fics and many crossovers. However, it seems that there are not many Ranma1/2 crossovers that have to do with Bastard. So I decided to write it. Of course I'm not that good of a writer to start with so I'm not sure how good this will be, but I'm going to continue it and see where it goes. Thanks. DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters are either owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi. Bastard!! Is a property of Pioneer Entertainment. I'm poor college student so do not sue me you won't get much out of it, just enjoy the fic and let me know what you thought of it. C&C to Eric Oh Note: These events takes place after the Bastard!! OVA series and if you are familiar with Bastard!! Manga that is out in Japanese and French, you will no what I'm talking about. Brief note for those who do not, after the OVA series, Dark Schneider face off against the Demons of Hell and Angels of Heaven. He is more powerful than ever and his friends have learned many skills. I'm going to have it so that Dark Schneider have picked up an ability to cross over worlds, in other word, Dar Schneider has learned an ability to come to Ranma1/2 world. < > Thoughts ( ) Chines [ ] Mental link Ranma1/2 Ranma the Bastard!! Chapter 3 "Efreet are you sure this is my home world? This looks really different from what I remember. I mean there isn't even a single car or anything around" Ranma appearing on the realm of his birth looked around him after being teleported by Efreet. "Yes young master, this is your home world where first the great lord master Dark Schneider has found you and brought you to our home world" Ranma looked around half listening to what Efreet was saying to him. The land where he appeared was where the temple illusion was and after Dark Schneider got Ranma, the temple illusion was canceled so nothing impressing was around, just trees. "Well, I guess we should move around for a while, see what's around. What's this land we are on called again?" Ranma spending 20 years on the Bastard world has forgotten some of his home worlds names for things and such. "Young master, this land we are on is called China and people of this land speaks the dialect that is unique to this world. However, your power as sorcerer should give you ability to speak and understand the language people speak in this land" "Yeah, whatever, it's not like I need to speak to anyone here. First look at me and they will be so awed at the sight of the mighty Ranma Saotome that they will give me no trouble at all" Confidence that Ranma felt was justified. Some may call it overwhelming ego, however, with his powers and ability, who can blame him. "Young Master, it may be better if I turn into a sword form now, people of this world are not used to seeing beings such as myself" "Well, yeah I guess you should turn back into the sword form. You are more useful that way" Efreet thinking how Ranma has become more like Dark Schneider in personality and mannerism when Yoko is not around turned into his sword form. Ranma watched Efreet turn into the sword that he came somewhat comfortable with. It was hard of breaking his opinion of using weapons verses the Anything Goes none weapons using style, but Gara made sure that he was good with or without weapons and it was rather painful lesson to not argue with someone with magical sword. "Now, where should I go to? I mean this place seems really plain and boring. I should look for some fun" Some time later somewhere near... (Kon Di Xion Ah, did you find that panda? It has been almost been 2 days and he has eluded us so far. How can one dumb animal do that to us the best of the youngest generation of warriors of our village?) (Xien Pu do not be angered because of this turn of event, we will catch that panda and will return to the village with panda for a feast beside he can run from us, but he can't hide from us. We have Xu Pu with us, the best tracker) (Well, that panda ate my prize and he will not get away with it. How dare it, it will pay for what it has done with it's life!) The Amazon hunting party was resting for the night after chasing after the panda that was really Genma for a past 2 days. What surprised the amazons was that the dumb animal kept dodging their traps and escaping their plans of trapping it. One reason Genma had so much success at dodging the Amazons was that he being the natural coward and honorless person that he is, has already used his so call secret sealed away moves several times to save his hide. (Xien Pu, I don't think this panda is j ust any old panda) (What do you mean Per Pume?) (How else could it have eluded us so far? How else could it have threw Xu Pu off his track so many times? She is after all the best tracker we have. I mean one of her ancestor was a man from spring of drown wolf even) This caused the Amazons to think. How indeed have this animal have eluded the best of the young generation of warriors so far? How could this possible? Unless it was a demon or some kind of spirit that has taken the form of a panda. (Aiya, of course, this panda is a demon or a evil spirit that has come to haunt the amazons!) Xien Pu stated after thinking for a while, it made sense after moment of thinking about the fact about the unnatural ability that the panda has shown. (It would make sense. If it is the case, than we not have the obligation to kill it but kill it in the most painful ways for daring to challenge the amazon and also invoke the ancient spirits to tortured the soul after it has been killed) (Of course we will do just that, we must capture it fast before it possess different host for it's unholy act!) Amazons are now even more determined to capture the panda that they now believed to be a demon or at least an evil spirit that they need to capture and destroy completely and utterly. 1 Day later (Kill it! Kill it! Don't let the demon get away this time!!!!) Amazons were chasing after the panda with new vigor and new determination. Genma was running away and having trouble doing so, he actually managed to get hurt and was now paying for tying the one of the forbidden technique of disappearing or at least shielding his aura from people. What he didn't know was that the Amazons have made a spiritual ward that detected the movement of the spirit and could follow his movement. This little error in judgment caused him an arrow that narrowly missed impaling his left leg. Genma was thinking it because he couldn't talk at the moment. If Genma knew that Ranma has become what he has, he would rethink that but he didn't and this also will cost him later. Another day later... "Fat man, you see demon panda yes!?" Xien Pu asked the fat man who wore white martial arts gi and bandanna and was sweating profusely. "No, I haven't seen any panda around nope, no pandas, none at all, I'm not a panda of course I'm not!" All the amazons were looking at him funny, and they thought that something was up. (Fat man lie to us) (Of course, just look at him, he is trying to lie to us) "Fat man tell truth or we kill!" Genma was sweating, and looked from one Amazon to another, and decided to run, running would be good about now. So he did. (Aiya, fat man did lie to us, he must be working with the demon! We cannot let him get away!) With mighty battle cry, the amazon engaged in pursuit of the fat martial artist. Somewhere else... (Are you saying that Prince Herb said not to kill but capture? I thought he said kill) (No, Prince Herb said capture not kill, how else are we going to have slaves?) (Well, I guess you are right, so we capture and not kill?) (Yes.) (Do you think it will be hard to do? They are after all amazons) (Fool!! Don't tell me you are afraid of some women!? They are that just women. Beside, there are at least 20 of us and they have less than 10. We out number them. We'll prove to Prince Herb that we did not need the help of his two bungling idiots and after this I will take the right hand position that Mint and Lime instead!) Another somewhere else... Ranma was disappointed with his home world. He was looking for fun and he hasn't found anything yet. Oh, he's been wondering around the land looking for it, and since it has only been 2 years, he didn't think he was in any hurry to find his parents. He just wanted to have some fun. "Well, I'll just challenge the next town" Ranma has been going around challenging town to town looking for a good fight but none has yet to provide him with a good challenge yet. He fought against masters of several town, but they could not stand against him and his training under the Dark Schneider and his friends. Couple days later... (Xu Pu, are you sure that the panda went this way?) (Yes Xien Pu, it seems that the panda wants to leave the country in order to escape us. He is heading to the city where he can get passage out of the country. However, he has taken the road that is not well traveled hoping to throw us off.) (Impressive, this just proves without a doubt that the panda is a demon and that fat man is working with the demon to provide human ally we cannot...) Xien Pu did not get to finish the sentence because of sudden attack that came against them from all sides. The young amazon warriors were surprised but they were not the best of their generation for nothing, and immediately jumped into defense and attack position within the group. However, what they were against was the Musk hunting party. They were hunting for slaves, specifically female slaves to use for their reproduction and pleasure. When Amazons saw who they were up against and how many, they knew that they were up for the toughest fight of their lives. Xien Pu was breathing hard already and they have not yet engaged in full battle. She remembered how her mother had died, from Musk ambush, just like this one, and it seems that she is about to be joining her mother under the same fate. (Amazons, surrender now and we will let you live!) Spoke the dark Musk warrior who was seen to wanting the position of Mint and Lime. (We are the proud amazon warriors, we will not surrender to your kind. We will rather die than surrender to you!) Xien Pu stated and all the other amazons agreed. (Very well, it seems that we must subdue you with force. After we subdue you, I will take pleasure in taking you myself.) The Musk warrior looked over Xien Pu's attractive figure, which were highlighted by what she wore. (You will not dare!!!) (Of course we dare, we are the Musk) (Well than, I'll just have to kill you first!) With that the battle, which seems hopeless were joined. Further on... Genma was trying hard to lose the amazon from his hide, when he heard the battle joining and he saw that the amazons were fighting about 20 men. Genma started to run as fast as he can to the port city while thinking of all the way he can punish his son. Somewhere... Ranma was bored out of his mind. He could not take it anymore. He wanted some fun and people here just wasn't providing him with any. When he challenge a town or a village, they are scared of the fact that he flew into their town and refuse to fight him. Getting girls was just too easy for him that he didn't try, where was the point of getting girls if they just let them be taken. Where is the thrill of the hunt or thrill of chasing and being chased. "Maybe I should just go back to Dark Schneider and the others, now they knew how to have fun" He remembered all the times trouble somehow seems to follow that group. He heard the story of the four lord of havoc and how Dark Schneider saved the Meta-Rikana. Now for past couple of years, he has been battling against the angels of heaven and the demons of hell. He fought couple of them after proving himself and that was fun! There was nothing like this here. He missed all the fun and he was starting to get really bored that he was about to go find his mom and pop and see what kind of people they were. "Well, I came here to find my parents so I guess I should get it over with and go back..." This was when he heard the distant sound of battle being joined and shouting of war cries. "Great!!! Finally some action!!!!" Ranma took to that direction faster than hungry Usagi running towards food. (Sorry, couldn't help put Sailor Moon references. I might even bring them in later so...) The battle ground... Things were not looking good for the Amazons. They were out numbered by 20 to 6 and 2 of them were already down and out and bounded and gagged. (Xien Pu, it seems that we are going to lose here) (I know that Kon Di Xien Ah. How are you doing Per Pume) (Not good, I'm almost done) (Where is Xu Pu?) As soon as Xien Pu asked she saw Xu Pu being overwhelmed and being tied down. This was a hopeless battle, and it looked like the Musk warriors wanted them alive and she knew why. Well, they will never lay a hand on her, she will kill herself before she can be taken but before that she will take many travel companion with her. (You see amazons, you should have surrendered. I will enjoy taking you!) With that the Musk warrior lunched himself at Xien Pu only to come crashing into a invisible wall. (What!!) Because of this unexpected turn of event the Mush warrior was surprised. He didn't expect the Amazon to be able to do that. Where have that women pull that kind of trick on him? Xien Pu was confused, what just happened? She was getting ready to kill the Musk warrior or at least do some damage when he just stopped in the mid jump by some invisible force. "Well now, it seems that you guys are playing unfairly" That was the thought that was in the minds of most of those who heard it. What was more surprising was that it was clearly not their language yet they have understood it perfectly. "Up here you fool" The Mush warrior looked up to see a man floating up in the air. (How dare you call a warrior of Musk a fool?) He was angry at the stranger that has caused him to lose face in front of his fellow warriors and also in front of the girl that would be his. "Well, it took no daring and calling a fool a fool is only right. Well, I guess you are not really a fool, more like a buffoon." Ranma was having fun now, he saw what was going on and decided that the guys were the one that he will trash and the girls he might take them as his own or not. However, this so-called warrior of Musk was reacting to his taunting as he expected of the low intelligent life form to do so. (You dare continue to mock the great warriors of Musk!?!?!) "Well, if you put it that way... Yes you completely poor excuse for a warrior, I can't believe you are considered warrior here. If a buffoon like you are a warrior, I guess there is no surprise there about the lack of challenge" (HOW DARE YOU!!!! FELLOW WARRIORS TAKE HIM DOWN!!!!) With that he ordered his fellow warriors to attack the stranger that was floating up in the air. They started to shoot arrows at him and threw spears and other weapons at Ranma. Ranma however just hovered there without the care in the world looking bored and flicking the weapons out of the way. "Is this the best you can do? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I had babies who gave me better fight than this" It's true that the baby was really a demon from hell that was consider baby in the world of demons but hey, no one had to know that. (I shall not stand for this longer!!! Come down and fight like a man!!!) Ranma came down and was immediately surrounded by the Musk warriors who were not injured by the previous fight with the amazons. Xien Pu and other amazons took this opportunity to free those who were captured and was now looking on with interest. Not only was the stranger floating in the air, but he spoke in different tongue that they all understood. It also helped that he was handsome and easy to look at. (Xien Pu, what's going on? Who is that stranger?) (I don't know Per Pume, but it seems that he is for the moment our ally) (He's cute!) Stated Xu Pu, who was the youngest of them and who has just started to notice boys. (Xu Pu, you are too young for him) Stated Kon Di Xien Ah, who was looking over the stranger with appreciation in her eyes. (Says who? I'm much better looking than you are anyway) Xu Pu returned, it was true that Xu Pu looked better than Kon Di Xien Ah, but just because Xu Pu was over flowing with cuteness. Kon Di Xien Ah was in her right attractive. (Enough of this bickering. He is only an outsider, and stranger at that. We shall see how this turn out.) Xien Pu stated after it seems that Xu Pu and Kon Di Xien Ah was going to go on bickering. Of course she was attracted to this stranger as well, but she wasn't going to let them know that. She was going to be the future Matriarch and she shouldn't just like any man but someone who was truly strong. "So is it all of you against me? It seems unfair" (If you thought it was unfair you should not have gotten in our way!!) "You lame brain, I was saying that it was unfair for you!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!" (Kill him now!!!!) With that they all rushed Ranma who was looking at them with half smile on his face that was the trade mark of Dark Schneider that he picked up on along with other useful things that he was about to do. "Well, let see..." With that he just sprang into action dodging strikes from all sides, which seem impossible but doing it anyway, and produced the red sword and started to attack back in precise attack that Gara ingrained into him. Amazons were amazed to see this male taking on all the Musk left standing and it seem like he was winning. Musk head and other body parts were falling off like well, leaves. (He is strong!!!) (He is Cute!!!) Xien Pu thought to herself as the other amazon warriors were now staring at Ranma with open attraction. (I saw him first!!!) (I told you Xu Pu, you are too young for him!!!) (Says you, you old hag!!!) (How dare you!!!) (Enough! We are the best of the younger generation of Amazons, act like it. Beside we don't know yet of what his intentions are) Back in the fight, Ranma was having a blast, and he was prolonging the fight just so he can have more fun. While Ranma was having fun, Musk warriors were getting frustrated and worried. He has already killed many of their men but he himself has not even been scratched. With that thought in mind, the Musk warrior reached inside of his armor to pull out an object the size of an small apple. (Every one duck!) With that he threw the object at Ranma. The Amazons watching the fight was surprised to see a Musk warrior throwing a hand grenade at Ranma. How can the Musk have possession of suck weapon. How dare they pull out such a weapon during a battle!! Ranma not knowing what it was just stared dumbly at it until it blew up at him. Musk warriors were breathing a breath of relief that the treat was gone when the smoke cleared and Ranma stood there, not damaged at all, except for the clothes that he were. It was torn and ripped up in places that revealed his lean but very well defined body. It barely covered him to keep his modesty not that he had any. Living with Dark Schneider quickly eliminated suck things like modesty. Amazons were all drooling at the view they had. They were disappointed that he still had clothes on, on those places where each of them thought they will get to see when they marry the man. Ranma was angry, he was angry because his clothes were ruined not because the blast hurt. Living with the Dark Schneider and his friend he took much worse than that, he even took Maga Dash full on and barely felt it. Only reason he was dodging in the first place was because he didn't want to ruin the cloth that Yoko made him. (Who, who are you!!!) Surprised Musk warrior asked the stranger who have survived the explosion. "Now, that was really stupid thing to do. Not only you managed to ruin my fun, you managed to ruin my clothes, it was a gift to me by Yoko for my 21 birthday. Now you die!!!!" This worried the Musk warriors greatly, this man who have with stood the explosion was talking about them ruining his clothes. After staring at the man for a while, they decided it was a good idea to run when the stranger started get surrounded by energy. Amazons were impressed, the stranger not only survive the explosion, but he came out unhurt and was now surrounded by some strange energy they have never seen before. "...Fire become my sword... Venom!!!!" With that Ranma unleashed one of his attacks that to him was one of the tame one, but to whoever was on the receiving end of it, well, it was their ticket to meet their maker. And to whoever was watching, it wasn't pretty sight. Those Musk warriors didn't know what hit them, actually they knew, because it hurt a lot but they really didn't know what. Amazon warriors who were used to the idea of killing, but have not done so yet, were looking sick. The stranger just used some kind of energy to kill the Musk warriors but it was really sick to watch all of them just melt into bloody mess. (Yuck, I think I'm going to be sick) (That was not a pretty sight) (That was impressive!) Everyone turned toward Xien Pu who said that. Of course Xien Pu thought it was nasty, however she was impressed by the stranger and his powers. (Well, I think it was still yucky) (Does that mean you give up on him Xu Pu?) (What? No way, that may have been yucky, but he still looks yummy!) Xien Pu wasn't listening, she was looking at the stranger, who have somehow gotten new clothes to wear, which looked like something that a prince would wear. She started to walk toward him. Ranma was done and was clothed in new clothes. He saw a girl with purple hair approaching him and turned toward her. "Yes beautiful one, what do you want from me?" Xien Pu was feeling dizzy, the handsome stranger just called her beautiful, many people told her that she was beautiful, but no one like him. Also his smile could melt the ice. (Umm... Ah... That is... You Stranger thank you for saving the amazon warriors) Xien Pu couldn't believe that she froze up like that in the beginning. Xien Pu was shocked at that thought. She thought that the man was handsome and strong, but didn't know she wanted him as a future mate. "Well, it would have been such a shame if I would have let those idiots harm such beauties. I was just doing myself a favor by saving the flowers that I may get to know better" Xien Pu was blushing badly when Ranma said this to her. She, in all her life in the village has been considered prime prize to be won by many males, but all of them either challenged her or stayed away from her. She have never heard sweet talk from anybody before and this caused her heart rate to increase dramatically. While this was going on, other amazon warriors looked on and seeing such sweet conversation going on between the handsome male and Xien Pu, they got jealous and wanted to be included, so they moved on closer to where Xien Pu and the man was. Ranma, using his magic to check out the mental state of the amazon warriors already knew what kind of mental state they were in and were already making plans to enlighten them. (Xien Pu, you are blushing badly) (Oh, be quite Xu Pu) Xu Pu giggled while staring at the handsome male. True he was older than her, but there are many in the village that married younger male or female. She'll just have to prove to the stranger that she would be the best choice to be future mate. Thoughts like such were on the minds of all that were present. "Well, what are such a lovely ladies doing out here in the middle of the woods?" Ranma was curious as to what they were doing. Xien Pu thought with smile and blush. It seems that the blush has become permanent decorative on the faces of the amazon warriors. (We were searching for a panda demon, however, we must go back to our village to inform our Matriarch of the activities of the tribe of men whom you have defeated for us) "Oh, is that so? So there is a demon running lose?" Ranma was getting happy, he just had a great fun, although bit toned down because the fool ruined his clothes, if there was a demon here he could have even more fun. "Oh, what a poor manner that I'm showing, please let me introduce myself to you. I am the..." Ranma paused for a while, he was having a dilemma, should he tell them that he is the great magnificent, handsome hero warrior wizard or should he withhold that information for more audiences Ranma was pleased with his genius. "My name is Ranma Sa..." It seems living 20 years in a world where Saotome was the weird name and Schneider was accepted name caused him to change his mind about the family name. "Well, my name is Ranma Schneider, please to meet such lovely visions of angels" Amazons were blushing badly, well, it goes without saying that all of them were soaking up this sweet talk and complements like sponge soaking up water. (We are the warrior of amazon village. I am Xien Pu. The one with red hair is Per Pume, the short and young looking one with rather pointy ears is Xu Pu, and the blue haired one is Kon Di Xien Ah, the two others are Lie Lac and Zo Pu) Now three people were not happy with that brief introduction that Xien Pu made for them. Xu Pu were not happy because Xien Pu specifically pointed out that she was young looking and Lie Lac and Zo Pu were not happy for being treated with almost no introduction at all. "Well, it seems that it is indeed my lucky day to meet such a beautiful women but learn their names as well" With that Ranma flashed them the brightest smile that the amazons have ever seen. Amazons were all going weak in the knee and had trouble breathing because of the power of the smile. (Well, honored Schneider...) "Please just call me Ranma, that will give me pleasure of hearing my name being spoken from those lovely lips" (Oh... um... ) Xien Pu couldn't continue for a while, she was getting hot and she both liked and disliked the feeling. For the first time in her life, she was being completely and utterly feeling like a woman. (Umm... Ra..Ranma, would you do us the honor of coming to our village with us so that we may repay you for your kind act?) Xien Pu asked hoping that Ranma would say yes, along with every other amazon warriors present. As he was thinking he looked up to see the blushing amazons and grinned. "Of course, I can I refuse an offer made to me by such a beauty? Please lead on" That thought was so loud and thought by all the amazon at the same time that it was actually heard out loud. "Did you say something?" (No, we didn't say anything at all) Else Where... "Coming to visit soon, have problem must be solved. Genma" Another else where... Panda can be seen standing on the helm of the boat that was heading out of the China. Genma once again was promising his missing son pain and such. Couple days later... (Ranma this is our village, isn't it great?) Ranma was already getting bored with all the flirting that he has done with each and every girl. He specially enjoyed flirting with Xien Pu because of her response to his flirting and also Xu Pu. Sure she was too young for him, but that didn't stop Dark Schneider from going after Yoko. Well, Xu Pu was just too cute. Although Ranma got the flirtatious nature of Dark Schneider, he still obtained some ethical code from before and also Yoko's and Queen's and Princess's influences has caused him to mellowed out compared to Dark Schneider. Sure Ranma will still flirt with the best of them, however he will not cross that boundary where only married couples can. "Well, if this is the village that produced such a beautiful visions such as you, of course it is great" Ranma lied through his teeth. The village was really nothing to look at and from what he was getting from his senses, there were few strong beings there but nothing that grabbed at his attention. (Well, let's go) The group went in and walked through the village towards the house where Matriarch reside. That was nothing unusual in itself, however, people were still staring at them. Mostly young women from age of 14 to 40. They were all staring at the handsome stranger the young warriors brought with them. Thoughts such as those and questions such as (Do you think he is? That's too bad...) were abandoned. Ranma with his find tuned hearing could hear everything and was smiling at himself. People were of course awed inspired by his presence. What else can you expect from the great Ranma Saotome, or Ranma Schneider as he started to be called by the young warriors. When they approached the house where the Matriarch was residing, Ranma could feel some magical power coming from the house and also some impressive raw power coming from the house. However, living with Dark Schneider and his friends, what he was feeling was nothing. (Xien Pu, have you come back successfully capturing that panda?) (Elder Khu Lon, there are complications that I must report before going back to hunting) (What are those complications that you speak of child?) Xien Pu looked up to see her own great grandmother as well as other elders. It seems that Ranma has caught the eyes of other elders and they were interested. They could all feel the power that was pouring out from the young man. (Well elders, it seems that the panda we seek is a demon or at least possessed by evil spirit and has a human ally) When Xien Pu said this, the elders decided that was probably true for they have felt some magic from the panda. Must be powerful demon to have hide his presence from them when they first encounter it. (Well, if that is true Xien Pu, we must find it and destroy it before it causes us anymore problems.) (Yes, elder, but there is more. It seems that Musk are on the move. They have attacked us on our way to hunting down the panda demon. We were out numbered 20 to 6.) When Xien Pu mentioned the Musk and their movement against them, the elders and others listening in gasped. One of their neighbor and also enemy was making their move. (Xien Pu, child against such an odd how did you managed to survive?) Kho Lon asked her great granddaughter. She already lost her granddaughter against Musk ambush and against that kind of odd even the best of the younger generation should have fallen. When asked that question Xien Pu smiled and indicated towards Ranma who has been listening to the conversation with little interest. (This warrior arrived and defeated all the Musk warriors using powerful moves) However, Kho Lon was not the only elder to think the thought. All the other leaders of the village was thinking the same, trying to marry their daughter or granddaughter or great granddaughter to this young man. And perhaps gain the control of the village. During all this was happening, Ranma was using his magical power to read the mental state of the people surrounding him. Ranma wasn't really all that pleased with what he found. They were treating him like some kind of a prize and they are going to make him stay here. While Ranma was thinking this, the elders were giving signs to their respective great granddaughter or such to make their move on Ranma and claim him as her husband. Xien Pu thought as she saw the movements and signs being passed from one to another. With all of this going on, people missed Ranma chanting in low voice, although Ranma has gotten good enough to cast some spells without having to chant the actual spell, he did them because they were fun to do so. Unless it was life or death, usually someone else's because he being what he is really cannot die, he usually chant the spells. So when everybody, those who wanted Ranma as their husband, which ended up being the majority of the none married females in the village, and some even married, jumped up to attack/challenge him for his hand in marriage they got the shock of their life. Ranma just flew up fast about 20 feet in the air and hung there. "Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to leave. I will leave you with this though. I am Ranma Schneider, formally known as Ranma Saotome of Anything goes school of martial, currently the powerful, handsome heir of Dark Schneider. Well, bye, I had fun" With that Ranma just flew out of their village with everybody looking on shocked or not knowing what to do. Kho Lon was of course in shock and it was quickly turning into something between anger and depression. There was a prime husband material for her great granddaughter, someone who can be used against both Musk and Phoenix people and these others have chased him away. While Kho Lon was making plans, there was lot of crying going on amongst the females of the amazon village for losing such a material for husband. Xien Pu was depressed. She has gotten to learn much about Ranma. Somehow Ranma was both exciting and calming at the same time. He was powerful but somehow like a child. She was getting ready to go on a full sulk mode when she saw her great grandmother and her eyes. Little while later... (...So I've decided to send out a hunting party to hunt down this panda demon.) Kho Lon made her statement. Kho Lon thought with smile. Xien Pu has caught up with what her great grandmother was planning and she was smiling as well, although she would be accompanied by the original hunting party and few others as well, seeing how this was a demon hunting party she still had the greatest of chances. (One more thing, I will be going with them to make sure that they will not make any mistake in capturing the panda demon) When Kho Lon said this, other elders knew what was going on, but they couldn't go against the current Matriarch. They just hopped that she failed and that if one of their child was going on the hunting party, they might find that young man first and marry him. So the hunting party left the village in order to hunt down Ranma... hunt down the demon panda. Some where... "Well, that was certainly interesting. Well, I've made an impression so that's that. They will probably have dreams about me for a long time to come" Ranma was flying and thinking about the grand impression he made on the whole village and on the 6 young amazon warriors. It certainly was fun to watch their faces when he flew out of their village. "Well, what should I do next? Well, I guess it's about time I go find my parents" With that he headed towards the land of the rising sun. In Japan... "That was a quite a scare you gave us Saotome" "I'm sorry Tendo, I didn't know that it would rain when I get here" Soun Tendo, the man who was wearing brown gi and a long dark hair with mustache was talking to his long time friend Genma. Earlier that they, Panda has come knocking on their door and almost everybody freaked. Of course Kasumi calmly offered Panda a tea which Genma drank it. After some fainting and using his sign to tell what he wanted, Genma turned back into human and started talking to his friend Soun. "So Genma, where is this son of yours?" Soun was rather disappointed that Genma did not have a son with him, however, there will be an explanation or else. Akane was rather happy that her father's friend didn't have a boy with him. What a relief. Nabiki was little disappointed. She was looking forward to seeing this boy and see if he was worth keeping around. She needed some companionship, being the Ice Queen had it's benefits, but one thing was that she had no real companionship. Kasumi well, let's keep Kasumi's thoughts to herself for now. "Well, Ranma, that ungrateful boy, he betrayed me ran off with some honorless scoundrel. I tried to bring the boy back to the way of truth and just martial artist, but the boy just wouldn't listen to me. He gave me this curse for trying to help him out. However, I will never give up on the boy, after we get him back, we will reshape him and the school will be joined." Genma had plenty of time to make up a lie and this was it. He just hoped that the Tendo believed it. Soun Tendo used to be a sharp man, but after the death of his wife, his intelligence went from that of a sharp man to that of an average houseplant. "Oh, the path of the true martial artist is filled with hardships. How horrible for you my friend. Still we must get the boy back and set him straight on to the path again so that the school can be joined!" Akane was not happy with this. "Hey, don't we get any say in this? Who wants to marry some loser like that?" Nabiki knew that there was something-fishy going on here. She prided herself in excellent judge of character and what her reading of Genma Saotome told her that she did not trust him at all. That story was total fake and she didn't like to be lied to. "Well, Saotome, for the time being you can stay with us and we'll figure out a way to find you son" What Soun didn't know, what anybody didn't know was that Ranma was heading for that direction as they spoke. What Ranma didn't know was that there was the Amazon hunting party that was headed for the same direction. What Amazon hunting party didn't know was that there was a man with incredible thick glasses following them. End of Chapter 3 Next Chapter Ranma arrives to find his pop living off of the Tendos. What would his reaction to what Genma told the Tendos about him? What would Ranma do now that he came to Japan. How would the hunting party react to Japan? Note: This one was the longest of the chapters so far. I started to write and I got emails from all these people so I got so encouraged that I started to write and my juice started to flow and I couldn't stop. I wrote the story for about 6 hour straight making corrections and rewriting some parts. Enjoy. I read lot of Ranma1/2 fics. I read all types of fics and many crossovers. However, it seems that there are not many Ranma1/2 crossovers that have to do with Bastard. So I decided to write it. Of course I'm not that good of a writer to start with so I'm not sure how good this will be, but I'm going to continue it and see where it goes. Please send comments and suggestions to Jjang13977@aol.com Thanks. DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters are either owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi. Bastard!! Is a property of Pioneer Entertainment. I'm poor college student so do not sue me you won't get much out of it, just enjoy the fic and let me know what you thought of it. C&C to Eric Oh Note: These events takes place after the Bastard!! OVA series and if you are familiar with Bastard!! Manga that is out in Japanese and French, you will no what I'm talking about. Brief note for those who do not, after the OVA series, Dark Schneider face off against the Demons of Hell and Angels of Heaven. He is more powerful than ever and his friends have learned many skills. I'm going to have it so that Dark Schneider have picked up an ability to cross over worlds, in other word, Dar Schneider has learned an ability to come to Ranma1/2 world. < > Thoughts ( ) Chines [ ] Mental link { } Panda/animals using signs. Ranma1/2 Ranma the Bastard!! Chapter 4 "Well let see where I can find my old man... I really don't know what I should do. I haven't been around this world for past 20 years, although it's only been 2 years for the people here..." Ranma was flying his way to Japan, although if he really wanted to he could've been to Japan long time ago, however, he had some things to think about and some plans to make. "What am I going to do? How am I going to find my mother? I don't even remember her anymore, actually I don't even know if she is alive. Pop didn't talk much about her... Interesting. This being pop, he probably had some ulterior motives, oh well, I'll find her if she's still alive." With that he started to pick up more speed to his flying, he wanted to get to Japan fast now that he was done with his thinking and beside it was really boring being surrounded by nothing but water. Although the last shark that he fought and killed was really entertaining, but not too much too keep him around. Amazon hunting party... (Do you understand child? We must find this Ranma and you must make him your husband) Kho Lon was giving her great granddaughter instructions as to what to do. Although Xien Pu already figured out why her great grandmother was coming along, or for the hunting party itself, she was glad that she came along to help her. There was lot of competition after all and having an elder, Matriarch, with her would be a good thing. (Of course great grandmother. I will not let him get away) Kho Lon was smiling, she knew from the looks that Xien Pu gave the young man when they arrived that her great granddaughter was attracted to the young man. Now looking at the determined expression on her face, she knew that Xien Pu had the same goal, well not actually the same goal, but had similar goal that was along the same direction. Getting Ranma as husband. While Kho Lon and Xien Pu were having their own little private battle planning session, other girls were gathered around in a huddle and making a plan for their own hunt as well. (Now, how are we going t find him and get him?) (Why can't we just grab him and bring him back?) (Now, we can't do that. He is smart, we can't just jump him like animal. We must take care and make every plan) Of course they were talking about Ranma. Everyone has already forgotten about the panda demon. As soon as Kho Lon made her statement of leaving to find the panda demon and coming along, and the look in Xien Pu's face, they all figured out what the true purpose to the hunting party was. It was Ranma hunting party. (Xu Pu, I don't know why you had to come along, I'm telling you, you are just way too young for a man like him) (Per Pume, I'm coming along because I'm the best tracker of the generation. And I'm not too young for him. He told me he liked my personality so there you old hag) Per Pume was fuming. Xu Pu not only got to spend more time with Ranma when they were heading back to the village, it seems that Ranma actually paid her a specific compliment. She was so jealous of the younger girl that the insult about her age just went right by her. (Please you two, stop arguing, this is no time for that. We must make plans. Don't you see that the Matriarch is here to ensure that Xien Pu is the one to get Ranma. I don't know about you girls, but I'm not sure I'm ready to just hand him over) Kon Di Xien Ah spoke up what was in the minds of other girls who were watching Xien Pu and Kho Lon. (Well, doesn't matter, I'm still the cutest and he said so) Xu Pu spoke up and earned the glare of death from surrounding female warriors. Else Where... The individual who wore really really thick glass thought to himself as he was having trouble tracking down the amazons. He was currently very lost, like someone else that was lost very near. Very Near... "Where the heck is this place? Where in the world am I now!? Ranma this is all your fault. Only if you didn't run out on our man to man fight. Only if you didn't disappear on me 2 years ago! Only if ahhhhhhhhh" That was as far as he got before falling off of a cliff. Tendo Dojo... Genma who was currently in panda form was lounging around with Soun playing Shogi. "Listen Saotome, don't worry about your son, we'll get him back. We'll come up with a plan to get the boy back and set him once again on the path of true martial artist" "Grouf!" {Right Tendo. We will get Ranma back!} Although Genma has gotten himself used to living off of Tendo's already after about a day and is about to do nothing of the sort now that he is comfortable, he wasn't about to tell Tendo that. Genma was prepared to live off of Tendo's for as long as he possibly can before they notice that he has no idea where Ranma actually is. "Father, Mr. Saotome, would you like more tea?" Kasumi pleasantly asked her father and the panda that was playing Shogi. "Thank you Kasumi" "Grouf." {Thank you Kasumi} Kasumi seeing that both wanted some tea, went to go get more tea. It seems though just before she left, when she looked at the panda, her smile has faltered a bit. However, it could all have been a trick of the light. "Grouf.. Grrr.. Gruf?" {Tendo, she is such a nice woman, have you gotten a husband for her yet?} "No Saotome. It is true that Kasumi is the perfect housewife, however, it seems that she is not interested in any body right now. It seems that as soon as this matter is solved with Ranma, I would have to find her a nice young man to marry" "Here are your tea father, Mr. Saotome" Both men were rather surprised by the sudden voice. It seems that neither had noticed Kasumi coming back with the tea. "Why thank you Kasumi" "Thank you Kasumi." Said Genma who used some of the hot water from the tea to change back into a man. "Your welcome" With that Kasumi left the patio so that the two men can continue with that useless talking. It seems that the trick of the light happened once again. Somewhere over the sea of Japan... "Well, I think I'm close enough to Japan to use this spell. I'm not sure it would work, but it's the best tracking spell that I have and I do want to find the old man" Ranma was floating on the air over the sea staring at the land of the rising sun. He was going to use a spell to find his father but he really didn't have that much to go on. He might just come up with a spell to find him, but in order to do that, he needed something of his father or at least a clear memory of his father. He didn't really have either. "Well, I guess I'll have to go with what I have... Hmmm.... Here we go" "From the pit of depth of hell" "From the darkest corner of all that is damned" "Rise up and appear before" "Swear your loyalty to me" "Come Cerburus!" When he completed the spell, the sea that he was floating above suddenly formed a cyclone that was very impressive to say the least. It went on for a while, until from the bottom of the cyclone, something dark rose to meet it's summoner. It was a huge dog that looked like it just wanted to kill and destroy all things. However, that wasn't the most disturbing thing about the dog, it was that the dog had three head that was most disturbing about it. However, Ranma didn't even looked like he was bothered. It seems that he actually had a smile. "Well, well, it seems that you've changed a little Cer" "Grr..." [What do you want with me] "Well, it seems that I need your help. Remember, you owe me for getting rid of that pitiful demon that you couldn't handle" "Grrrr....hissss" [Of course young master] Even though it was a mental link, Ranma could hear the venom in the 'voice' of the dog. Well, although Ranma did help him out with that demon thing, he did sort of accidentally destroyed his main domain of living. "Well, I have a job for you. Since you are the guardian of gates of Hades, you should know lot's of stuff about this world right?" [Yes, I know lot of stuff about this world, and of the mortal plane of this world. The demon kinds do travel between worlds a lot, just like how you gained this ability from one of the demon lords] "Well, actually it wasn't really me but Dark Schneider who gained it from the demon lord, but anyway, that's not the point. The reason I called you here was because I need you to serve me as a tracker dog" [WHAT!!!! How dare you!!!! This is the most insulting thing anyone could have ever said to me! I the guardian of the gate of Hades serve you as a common tracker dog?!!!] "Calm down you mutt! Don't forget, I can send you to places very unpleasant... Like heaven or something" [You... you will get yours... I promise you that one young 'master'!!!] "I'm sure you'll try. Well, anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted, I need you to find my birth father for me. I don't really remember what he looks like or what he was like in general. Since you are the guardian of gate of Hades, you should have some knowledge of where he is at. You do have a good noses for this you know" [How dare you mock me!!!] "Well, are you going to do it or not? Do I have to send you to Urd's place?" (Sorry couldn't help but bring in the Ah My Goddess! I'll might bring them in later) [NO!!! no need, that woman is crazy, she is known to most demons already] "Well, that's good. Now go find my father you mutt! Oh and be sure to use invisibility spell. I don't want to have to be asked to kill a demon. You know I'll have to" [Very well, this won't take too long] With that thought the demon dog went to search for Genma. "Well, with that done, I guess I'll just have to wait for that mutt to get back. Stupid demons, they just don't have any humor. What am I going to do to pass the time now? It's so boring just waiting here" With that, Ranma started to fly forward in rather slow speed searching for something to do. The Amazon hunting party... (Elder, are you sure that Ranma is heading for Japan?) (Yes, Zo Pu, how many times are you gong to question me?) (She did not mean any disrespect to you elder, it is just that we are rather surprised how easily you knew where to find him, when Xu Pu hasn't even pick up a slight of hint of him) It has been a while and among the hunting party, it was no secret that the real purpose of this party was to track down Ranma and get him as a husband. All thoughts of panda demon now long gone. They freely talk about Ranma and what they are going to do when they find him. Although the elder Kho Lon would like to see her great granddaughter marry this Ranma, she will settle for other amazon warriors marring him, if and only if Xien Pu fails her task of getting the man herself with her help of course. (It's not my fault that I can track him. It's just that his flying and he doesn't have specific scent that I can track him by!) Xu Pu was little embarrassed that she couldn't track her Ranma down. Who knew that he would be flying all the time? It wasn't her fault. And others were laughing at her. (So, we are headed for Japan? But great grandmother, most of us can't speak Japanese very well. We might have trouble on their land) Xien Pu was worried. She spoke little Japanese and she knew lack of understanding of ones language sometimes can have hindering effect on relationship. (Not to worry great granddaughter, I know the language very well, and if you remember, it seems that the boy can understand our language well enough) When Kho Lon said it, every one there remembered how Ranma seem to understand them and spoke in some language other than Chinese but they too understood him as well. (Aiya, that's right, so the language difference is no problem) (However, it would be wise to learn the language better for our own sake. It seems that we might be staying in this land for a while, and not knowing the language will prove to be difficult to us if we can't mix well with the people of the land itself) Kon Di Xien Ah spoke up. She was probably only one of the group who can speak a complete sentence in Japanese without sounding like they are complete airhead. (You are very true Kon Di Xien Ah, you all should learn better Japanese while we are on the land. This Ranma seem like a difficult prey to catch and we may need to stay for a while) With that Kho Lon lead the hunting party to the port town where they can get a ship that will carry them to Japan and to Ranma. Near by... (So, the hunting party is headed to Japan... How dare that dried up mummy trick the other elders into thinking that they were just a demon hunting party when they are actually hunting for a husband. How dare that dried up monkey take Xien Up with her) The man with incredible thick glasses who for once actually could see, a little, was getting angry, he managed to follow them and heard what was really going on. (I will not let my Xien Pu end up with some outsider. Xien Pu, your mine!) With that he headed to the same direction as the hunting party. Else Where... "Ranma, when I find you, you are going to pay for all you've done to me!!! This, this shame, it is all your fault!!!! RANMA DAMN YOU!!!!! RANMA PREPARE TO DIE BECAUSE I'M COMING FOR YOU!!!!" Tendo Dojo... Akane and Nabiki just got back from school. It seems that Akane is not in a good mood, however, Nabiki seems to be in a great mood. "Honestly, I can't believe you told the whole school that I might be engaged to some guy. It's not even the loser is here or anything. And beside the promise was to marry one of the Tendo daughter, not me specifically" Akane was getting angry as she was talking to her sister. It seems because of Nabiki's announcement, Akane was getting more attentions than even before. Girls wanted to know what kind of a guy that she was engaged to and guys wanted to 'win' her heart even harder. "Well, Akane dear sister, let's think about this, it seems our dad is determined to get that son of his friend to marry one of us correct? Well, this is for the joining of the two schools. Naturally that means that the martial artist of the family take on the burden and you are just it" Nabiki was happy, she made more money today just selling information on stuff about supposed engagement and she didn't even have to use that much of resources. She didn't even have to sell pictures to make profit and that is something. Also making Akane this way was just so much fun. "I don't like it. It's not true and I'm never going to marry some loser. He's probably some pervert. All boys are perverts!" Akane can speak from experiences. She had hordes of boys after her every morning. They were all perverts. As they were speaking, they entered the house and was greeted by their older sister Kasumi. "Well, welcome home you two, how was your day?" "Don't ask. It was just horrible" "Oh my. What happened in school?" Kasumi knew that Akane was having trouble at school because the boys, but she left it alone, knowing that this was just one way Akane vented her anger and frustration. Just like how Nabiki has surrounded herself in protective bubble of ice. "Well, dear older sister, Akane is just angry because everyone in school found out that she maybe engaged to someone" "And who's fault it that!" "Now Akane there is no need to shout at Nabiki, I'm sure that everything will be fine" With that Kasumi went into kitchen to prepare a meal for upcoming dinner. "You know, I think our dear sister thinks everything will be all right" "Well, Kasumi will always be Kasumi" With that two sisters went to change out of their school uniform and street clothes. While the sisters were having a conversation, the two old men were out on the patio once again playing Shogi. It seems that those two haven't moved from the spot having no idea of a dark energy that was coming from one corner of the house. "Saotome, how are we going to find your son?" When Soun asked that question, Genma was taken back. He didn't think Soun was going to ask that question for a while, at least another couple of weeks or months. "Well, Tendo I think we should wait for a while, I'm sure we'll come up with a perfect plan. We shouldn't just go out and look for him" It was a thin plan and even thinner excuse to try to escape from this pinch that he was in. However, Soun Tendo was not very quick on catching up to it, and of course he trusted his friend so didn't question it. "Of course Saotome, we should wait till we have the perfect plan" While two men were playing Shogi, the source of the dark energy was watching them thinking to himself. With that he started to move out so that he can tell Ranma where to find his birth father and return him to Hades so that he can come back for his revenge. As he was moving, he caught something that grabbed his attention. There was a pretty young woman about the age of 18 to 20 looking right at where he was hiding. It's true that Kasumi couldn't see the demon dog, but she could feel the dark energy that the demon dog was sending out. Kasumi being Kasumi sensed that something that didn't belong was there, however she couldn't see it. Demon dog to test the girl, started to move around, slowly to see if she can track his movement. When he moved, it seems that she knew generally where he went, but not exactly where he was. He concluded that she couldn't see him but merely sense him. It's true that most human can't sense the demon or dark presence among them, but there were few who were of pure of heart or those who were one with nature that can sense the dark energy. With that he left the Tendo compound. "Oh, that was odd, I'm sure there was something here... Oh my, look at the time, must hurry to finish the meal." With that Kasumi returned to kitchen. Somewhere... "How dare some insolent fool dare to take the hand of the beauteous Akane Tendo's hand in engagement without my permission. This will not do, I must protect Akane Tendo and marry her myself so that she may live with her true love that is myself" This idiot of course is Tatewaki Kuno, age 17. He was walking in circles around the dojo where he have set up everything to look like a training hall of samurai. He was talking to himself and now was in the land of dream, dreaming of a vision of himself and Akane Tendo married to his magnificent self and was sharing bed together. "Ah, Akane Tendo, I must have thee!!!! This fool who is engaged to you shall meet the just vengeance of heaven at the hands of the Blue Thunder of Furinkin High, this I swear it!!!" When he proclaimed his oath, it was exclaimed by the lighting and a loud thunder. On top of Mt. Fuji... Ranma was looking down from the top of the Mt. Fuji. He flew here after ordering the demon dog to go find his father. He was looking down to the land before him. "This seem like a nice quite world. Nice, peaceful, and all in harmony. Man what a boring place. Good thing that I'm here now so I can liven up this place a bit. After I'm done with this place, it's going to be so much better, so much livelier. People are going to thank me" Ranma was looking down at the peaceful scene before him and was already envisioning of having his fun with this world. When he felt the demon dog returning. "Well, did you find my birth father?" [Yes I have, he is in a place called Nerima, Tendo Dojo. You should find him very easily] "Good, I knew you would find him easily enough, after all you have the best noses for the job. I mean you have three of them." [How dare... never mind that. Now return me to my home] "Wait a minute you stupid mutt. You have to tell me what he looks like so I can recognize him you fool. How else am I going to know who is my old man! Are you that dense?" The demon dog was getting angry, this young fool was continuously insulting him and making fun of him. [Well, here is the mental picture of what he looks like] With that the demon dog showed Ranma what Genma looked like. "Hmm... Are you sure that's my birth father? He looks nothing like me. I was expecting someone almost as handsome as me" Ranma was disappointed at the mental image that he was seeing. The man was nothing impressive to look at. Actually the man wasn't impressive at all. He was over weight, bald, and seem pretty weak. [Yes, that is your birth father, Genma Saotome. Now, I've done what you've asked me, return me to my home!] "Oh, ok. Why not? I will return you to your home" With that he made few hand gestures and chanted quietly so that the demon dog couldn't hear what he was saying. While he was doing this, all of a sudden, white circle appeared under the demon dog and he could feel the power level rising beneath his feet. [NO!!! Not this way, how dare you!!!! AHHHHHH] That was as far as he got, before he vanished into the white light. "Well, you asked to be return to your home, but didn't say how" Ranma used a banishment to banish the demon to the underworld, instead of transporting him back. This way demon suffered on his way home. Banishment is what angels used to banish demons from mortal plane. "That was fun, now to go see my old man. It has been 20 years. I don't really remember what he was like, but I'm sure I'm going to find out." With that he flew up and started to fly his way towards the district of Nerima, specifically the Tendo Dojo. Middle of ocean... The amazon hunting party has gotten themselves a boat that will carry them to Japan. They were all in a big room they decided to use as a battle planing. (Well, it should be no time before we get to Japan. After that we first learn about their culture and their language before we go seek Ranma) Kho Lon stated the plan to the young maiden warriors. (Elder why do you have to wait?) Asked Xu Pu, she wanted to find Ranma as soon as possible. (Child, it is very simple, we are not on China or our Amazon land anymore. We must learn of their way of doing things and also we must not get involved with their silly laws. In order to do that, we must learn. It shouldn't take that long) (Oh, ok elder) Other girls were also impatient to find Ranma, but they knew the truth of Kho Lon's words and decided to follow it. (After we learn of their ways, how do we go about finding Ranma?) Asked Lie Lac, who was mostly quite through out the expedition. (Child it seems that I may know where this Ranma maybe) (Elder you know where he might be!?) Asked everyone but Xien Pu, who already knew that her great grandmother had some idea where Ranma maybe. (Yes, and do not ask me where for I am not going to tell any of you yet.) With that Kho Lon went out of the room to go back to her own. Everyone else was in their own thought, most thought that Kho Lon already told Xien Pu so that she can go on about finding Ranma by herself. They were not going to do that. They are going to stick to Xien Pu like a glue. Xien Pu was just as lost in her thoughts as everyone else, but different thought. On a little row boat... On this little rowboat sat the man with the thick glass trying to keep up with that ship that carried amazon hunting party. He couldn't get anybody to take him to Japan and he couldn't get on board that ship. So he 'borrowed' a rowboat from someone and decided to follow them on his own. Else where... ".................." There was something moving around, it was very angry and it wanted to hurt someone. Actually it wanted to hurt a specific someone. "..............." Tendo Dojo... Kasumi was almost done with her preparation for dinner. She just had to get few more things ready and everyone can have a nice dinner. Although Mr. Saotome does have a bad table manner that could use some help, she liked seeing the happy expression of the people who she make nice meal for. That was when she heard knock from the front door. With that in mind Kasumi went to get the front door, knowing no one else will get it. When she open the door, she was in shock, only thought that was going through her mind at the time was. In front of her was one of the most gorgeous man she has ever seen in her life. Well, its not like she's seen a lot of men, but this one was definitely something special. She liked what she saw, not that she will ever admit it to anyone, she was Kasumi after all. However, she couldn't help look at those beautiful blue eyes that seem to be shining with the light of their own. Ranma was looking the attractive woman who open the door. He knew this was the right place, after all, it did say Tendo Dojo on the front. He could have just flew in or any other stuff, but Yoko taught him lot about manner. So he knocked. "Hello, what an unexpected surprise to run into such a lovely face. Is Genma Saotome around?" When Ranma spoke, Kasumi who up till now was staring at his eyes, finally managed to get herself under control. She just couldn't help but look into those eyes of his. "Oh my..." Ranma was now very curious, he knew what kind of affect he had on women, but this one was just staring at his eyes. "Umm... yes, Mr. Saotome is here, please come in." With that Kasumi finally invited the handsome stranger into her home. "Thank you." As he entered the house, he looked around the place to see what kind of place it would be. As he was in his thinking mode, Kasumi led them both to the dinning room where Mr. Saotome and Soun Tendo was already waiting to be served. It was also that Akane and Nabiki came into the dinning room at that time. "Kasumi when's dinner going to be ready?" Asked the middle daughter of the Tendo Clan. "Oh my, it would be some time, but first, Mr. Saotome, you have a visitor" When Kasumi said that, Genma started to sweat, he had pissed off many people and it might be someone had found him here. He was ready to run away as fast as he could when the handsome man stepped into his field of vision from behind Kasumi. When Ranma stepped into the room, the room went very silent. That was on Genma's mind. He was pretty sure that he has never seen this man before, but couldn't be sure of that. Soun was just staring at him because he wanted to know who this was. Nabiki was staring, and she was staring and staring. She couldn't get her eyes off of him. She looked him over and over again, making sure that she was seeing right. He was just gorgeous, he was better than those models that you see on television or on magazines. It just showed great self-control on Nabiki's part not to start drooling openly. Akane was looking at him, and for the second time in her life, she was falling in love with a male gender. First time was of course Dr. Tofu, but she was about to lose hope with him, but now there was this new guy in front of him that is just ready to be taken. Akane's mind was in turmoil. After couple minutes have passed with silent family looking at Ranma, he decided to see what was going on. Of course he liked it when people openly showed awe at his awesome self. With that he started to scan the people in the room. And he got very interesting stuff out of it. With that done, he didn't even bother to do mental scan on Kasumi however, he decided to speak up and end this silence. "It seems that I came at a bad time, however, I would like to have a word with my father" When he said that the silent spell within the room broke and everyone looked at him strange. "What did you say?" Ask the middle daughter who gained her control the fastest. "I said that I would like to speak to my father, you know Genma Saotome, the man sitting next to your father." When he said that Genma was his father, everyone once again went into total silence. Ranma decided to do a mental scan again to see what was going on with the family. Ranma was getting all kinds of mental scan from people in the room. "Ranma my boy, now that you are back, you can receive you punishment like a man and face your responsibility!" Genma yelled as he jumped to his feet, heading toward Ranma. Genma wanted to punish his foolish son for leaving him for 2 years and having to face all those hardship because of his foolish son. "What are you talking about pop?" "Foolish boy!!! How dare you leave your poor father like that, cursing me!! How dare you treat your poor father the way you have when you left the path of the true martial artist!?!!!" Genma was not in front of Ranma yelling at him and Soun was showing sign of joining his friend. "Yes Ranma, how could you do that to your own honorable father, who only wanted to lead you to the right path?" "What are you talking about?" "Boy, today is the day I teach you a lesson about honor, humility, responsibility, and respect!!!! You will learn boy!!!" With that Genma launched himself at Ranma, intending to knock Ranma out quick so that the boy can't say anything to contradict him and also so that he can punish him at his own leisure. Ranma, however, did not have any intention of getting hit boy Genma nor be taught by Genma anything. So he dodged Genma's attack with the ease that comes with being the Ninja Master. "What are you talking about you fool? What is this all about? I came looking for my birth father after you lost me to Darshe and this is how you treat me?" Ranma asked Genma, having told the story of how Dark Schneider got Ranma many times, by Dark Schneider himself and also by Efreet who was there. "QUITE BOY!!!! How dare you try to make this my fault!!?? Now, stand still and take your punishment like a man!" Genma try to silence the boy, quickly so that the rest of people won't learn about what really happened. He attacked Ranma with furious pace. However, Ranma dodged all attack and led him outside where the pond was. "You know, I don't know what you are talking about but this is getting to be very boring" Ranma said without having much trouble dodging all of Genma's attacks. Genma seeing that his attacks are not getting anywhere near Ranma, decided to pull all stop in order to stop the boy from saying too much. "Boy now you will see the folly of your way!" With that Genma decided to launch one of his so called sealed away move, but no longer sealed away because he used it plenty of times while getting away from the amazon hunting party. Ranma was actually caught by surprise. He didn't expect his old man to pull something like this. Dark Schneider told him how easily that old man was defeated so he didn't expect anything like this. Because of that he was caught by the vacuum slash that would normally either kill a person or at least seriously injure them. Ranma however survived, but his shirt that he wore didn't escape so easily. "Now you see son, the power of your father!" Genma was actually little surprised, sure he didn't use full force of the attack because killing his son would be bad, specially in front of the Tendos' but the boy just escaped without too much damage, just his shirt. Ranma was now looking at himself, his shirt, and his father. He had managed to catch him by surprise, hit him, ruin his shirt, and is now boasting about it. From pieces of what he heard, and from the mental scan, he figured out what was going on. With that Ranma decided to have little fun with him. "Well, pop that was very impressive. I didn't expect something like that from a old fool like yourself" "How dare you call your father such names!!! You will respect me boy!!" "Ranma, you will respect your father!!" Soun was now getting into the spirit as well. He would help his old friend lead his son to the path of the righteous martial artist so that the schools can be joined. While this was going around, the three Tendo sisters were looking on at the events with mixed feelings. Kasumi wanted to stop the fighting, Ranma was a guest after all and they were treating him so badly. Nabiki wanted to stop the fighting because if they damage Ranma too much, she won't be able to make money of off his good looks, and when they go out, people might not be as impressed with him as they should. Akane wanted to stop the fight because, well, she actually wanted to fight to go on a little so that Ranma might get injured a little, so she can take him to Dr. Tofu's. This way she can be with Ranma and Dr. Tofu. "Why should I respect a old fool who couldn't even defend his son from being taken from him?" Ranma asked, bring things up to ruin Genma's plan that he figured out. "Ranma!!! How dare you say such lies about your father!!!" With that Genma launched himself at Ranma again, he couldn't let the boy say too much, or else his plan might be ruined. However, two of the Tendo sisters heard what Ranma said, those two who thought that Genma's story was just too convenient. Kasumi and Nabiki knew something was up. Akane however, missed it completely, she was in her own dreamland with Dr. Tofu and Ranma. Genma charged with one of his other secret move, he was charging in with ki charged kick that, he thought should quite down the boy enough when all of a sudden, he was knocked out of the air. "What?" Genma couldn't understand what happened. One moment he was charging at his son with one of his secret moves and the next thing, he was knocked out of the air and landed heavily on the ground. "Well, pop I think it's about time you tell these nice people what really happened" "Ranma stop trying to get out of your responsibility and trying to pin your faults on me!!! Now take your punishment like a man!!" Those thoughts were amazingly shared by two people, father and son at the same time. Genma got up to launch another attack at his son when Ranma just vanished. "What!?" And that was all, Genma was in a world of hurt. Ranma didn't really vanish, but he moved really fast and started to pummel his father with basic moves that he learned from Gara. After a while of this beating, Ranma tossed Genma into the pond to wake him from the land of unconsciousness. While Ranma was beating Genma, everyone who was watching was in awe. Soun saw the martial arts power of Ranma and knew that the school was secure. Kasumi thought that it was nice that Ranma could defend himself against such father like Genma. Nabiki looked on with more ideas of how to make money off of Ranma. Not only can she make him into a model, but also a action movie star as well. Akane looked on with mixed feelings. Sure she was attracted to him, but she was still the best martial artist in the area and he wasn't going to take that away from her, unless he was really nice to her. After Ranma tossed Genma into the pond, he waited for his father to resurface. However, he got another surprise from his father. A giant panda rose from the water instead of his father. "What the? Now what is going on here?" "Grouf!!" {How could you do this to your poor father? Cursing me with this form!!!} Genma still refused to give up his little lie and continue to pursue it. He couldn't believe how strong his son has gotten but he wasn't about to give up on the lie and making his son pay. "What the, is that you pop?" "Gwrof!!" {Yes! It is me, this the cursed form that you gave me!!!!} "I don't know what you are talking about..." That's when Ranma remembered what the amazons told him about panda demon and human ally. "Hey, pop did you have bunch of amazons after you for a while?" "Grr?" {Huh? How did you know that?} When Genma said it, Ranma broke into a laugh that was loud and maniacal that three Tendo sisters refused to believe that it was Ranma who was laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Genma looked at him with strange expression and anger. "That is just too funny. So you are the demon panda that the amazons were after huh?" {How do you know about that?} "Well, pop, I've met those nice girls fighting some half rated warriors and decided to save them. After than they told me that they were after a demon panda, isn't that funny?" Rest of the family was looking at each other. When Ranma mentioned saving girls, Kasumi thought that it was nice of Ranma to save those poor girls. Nabiki thought that he can fight too, so that she can make money having him fight. Akane was little jealous of those girls. "They also told me that you stole their food and that you ran away, isn't that interesting? I think that's really interesting" {HOW DARE YOU SPREAD SUCH LIES ABOUT ME!!!} "Yes Ranma, how dare you spread such lies about your father?" "Look here Mr. Tendo, it is Mr. Tendo isn't it? Well, I don't know what the 'Panda demon' told you but you can forget about most of it. I can tell, not even doing the mental probe that most of them were lies." "What are you talking about Ranma?" "Yes what are you talking about?" Now, all of the Tendos were standing close to him paying attention to what he was about to say. The three daughters were now all paying attention to him. Two of those two daughter whom already knew that something was wrong with Genma's story were ready to believe Ranma's story. Akane was ready to believe Ranma's story anyway. "Let's see, I guess I should start from where pop lost me to Dark Schneider" When Ranma started this, Genma rose from the pond and try to jump him, in order to stop him from telling anymore of the story. This can ruin the plan. Ranma already knew that Genma was coming from behind him, prepared a little spell for him. When Genma was near enough he let go of a lighting that he was holding. "GROWFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" After a little of a light show and panda being fried, you can actually smell the fur of damp fried panda. "Well, now that no one is going to interrupt me, let me start from beginning. It was about 20 I mean 2 years ago that pop heard of a temple that can make you invincible warrior or something like that..." Little later... "So now that I'm back I came looking for my birth parents and what do I find?" With that Ranma indicates Genma, who was back in his human form, but still out cold because of the electro-shock. Well, after the explanation was done, all three Tendo daughters were in sympathy with Ranma. Kasumi was genuinely feeling sorry for Ranma who she become to understand as a tortured soul. Tortured by a poor father who didn't know how to raise a kid. Nabiki sympathized with Ranma because she wanted to make a good impression on him. She could make lot of money with him and he could be someone that she might want to be with. She being the Ice Queen of Furinkin, did not have many male companion and Ranma can very well prove to be it. Akane were in sympathy with Ranma because well, she was his fiancee wasn't she? "So, now you know the whole story" Of course they don't know the whole story. Ranma carefully edited the story to make it more believable and he didn't mention the difference in time and also what he is truly capable of. He also didn't explain that he summoned a demon dog to find his father. He just told them he knew a little magic. "Oh my. You have been through a lot Ranma" "Well Ranma, that mean your problem wasn't as serious as we have imagined" Said Soun, of course he didn't completely believe the youth. Unlike the daughters, he trusted his old friend Genma more than Ranma the boy, but now that he is here, he can move on with the plan of engagement. "Now that you are here, you can full fill your family oath and honor" Ranma was curious, what was the man talking about? "What are you talking about Mr. Tendo?" By this time Genma was waking up and feeling pain all over his body. However he heard Tendo mention the family oath and decided to help his old friend. After all this was matter of family honor. "Yes my boy, you can now full fill the family honor" "What are you talking about?" "Ranma, this is Kasumi 19, Nabiki 17, and Akane 16. They are my daughter, pick the one you want and she will be your wife" "HUH?" After this announcement Ranma just went into one of those silent mode. After all he had many woman after him, however he never had their father whom he have never met before coming up to them and offering their daughters to him. Kasumi was in deep thought. She of course found out that Ranma is only 16, although he didn't look 16. She didn't like boys younger than herself because they were so immature. However, Ranma didn't look immature, on the contrary. He looked very mature. Perhaps... Nabiki was already making plans as to how to get Ranma to pick her. This was her chance at making lot of money and having a good-looking boyfriend/fiancee. Akane was sure that he would pick her, I mean she was his fiancee, even Nabiki said so just today at school. And why won't Ranma pick her? Every other boy wanted her. "Let me get this straight, you are offering me your daughters?" "Yes" "Why?" "Let me explain this to you boy!! This is family honor you have to do it!! That's it!!" Genma who was now angry at being defeated by Ranma so easily was talking to him. Not really explaining anything. He of course thought that his son will obey him like he did 2 years ago. "That really doesn't explain anything now does it? So who wants to tell me what this is all about?" Genma was surprised and was getting angrier, Ranma actually questioned his actions. Genma was seething in anger thinking dark thoughts. "Well, let me explain it to you Ranma. Long time ago, even before you were born, your father and I made an oath. This oath was to join our two schools of Anything Goes martial arts. Now that you are here you can marry one of my daughter and the schools will be joined. This is family honor so you much do it" Soun finished with his explaining. Satisfied that he cleared it up and now that Ranma will marry one of his daughter and school will be joined. "Hmmm... I don't know about this, you are expecting me to keep some oath that you two made before I was born. Is that right?" "Yes, it's matter of family honor" "So, you are going to just hand me one of your daughters is that it?" "Well, you will be marrying one of my daughters, yes." "What do they think about this?" Ranma asked Soun and in the process asked the daughters of Soun Tendo. The answer of course was unanimous. "We don't mind at all" Ranma thought as he looked at the three Tendo girls. "Mr. Tendo I can't accept your offer be..." That was as far as he got when Soun Tendo and Genma rose up and started on him along with the Tendo Daughters. "Son, this is about family honor, you must!" "Ranma how dare you try to disobey your father!?" "Why not? Aren't we good enough for you!?" That was of course Akane Tendo who was getting desperate. Kasumi just looked at him without saying anything, but that look she was giving had more volume than both Genma and Soun combined. Nabiki was trying to keep from yelling out loud that he can chose her. "Bringer of silence bringer of calm" "Come and lend me your power" "Let those who abuse the silence" "Taste the silence itself" When Ranma was done with his spell casting, those who were talking all at once found that they couldn't speak. No matter how hard they tried they couldn't get a word out. "Now that's done. I just took your voices away because I wasn't done talking" Nabiki was impressed. With talents like that... Kasumi was just looking at him. "Anyway, let me continue here. I said that I can't do that because I don't really know your daughters. I might, and I repeat this, just might get to know them better for the future purposes, but I am not guaranteeing anything" This made Soun happy, Ranma said that he would get to know his daughter for the future. He was willing to marry them. What else could he have meant? Genma was fuming. How dare his own son do this to him? Akane was of course confused, how has he not picked her out right? Nabiki was thinking that this Ranma was not just some pretty boy, that he actually had a good working head on his shoulder. Kasumi was looking at Ranma and her look changed into something more warm and honest smile. "Well, is that acceptable Mr. Tendo?" ".............................." Soun was making motions but couldn't say anything still under the effect of the spell. "Oh, that's right I forgot" With that Ranma made some hand motions and Soun, Genma, and Akane found that they could talk again. "Well, son I have a notion to that deal of yours" "What is it Mr. Tendo" "It is a deal as long as you agree to stay with us to get to know them better" "Well, ok, you have a deal Mr. Tendo" As soon as he said that, Soun Tendo launched himself at Ranma to give him a hug #26 welcome to the family hug. When Soun got there Ranma however wasn't there. Ranma stood next to Kasumi and asked her "Is your father always like this?" Which Kasumi just gave him a gentle smile and a nod. End of Chapter 4 Next Chapter Rumor of Ranma staying with the Tendos spreads. Ranma has to go to school? Tendo girls make their play at Ranma. Ranma seeking out fun. What's this, this is the villainous fool that has claimed Akane Tendo? Dark Schneider and friends wondering about Ranma. Note: This one was actually longer than the last chapter. This one actually kind of stumped me for a while. I was writing it and just couldn't get on for a while. However, I'm done with it. Oh and I'm taking a poll. 1. Which girl do you think should get Ranma? You can mention any girl you want even if it's from different anime. 2. Am I being too hard on Genma Saotome and should I rewrite to make him a noble ? 3. What should I curse Ryoga with? I know you all knew that was Ryoga that fell off of a cliff and fell into the cursed springs. So what should I curse him with? Give me your ideas. I can tell you this though, I think I'm not going to cures him to become a piglet. I have an idea of my own, but I want to hear yours. I read lot of Ranma1/2 fics. I read all types of fics and many crossovers. However, it seems that there are not many Ranma1/2 crossovers that have to do with Bastard. So I decided to write it. Of course I'm not that good of a writer to start with so I'm not sure how good this will be, but I'm going to continue it and see where it goes. Please send comments and suggestions to Jjang13977@aol.com Thanks. DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters are either owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi. Bastard!! Is a property of Pioneer Entertainment. I'm poor college student so do not sue me you won't get much out of it, just enjoy the fic and let me know what you thought of it. C&C to Eric Oh Note: These events takes place after the Bastard!! OVA series and if you are familiar with Bastard!! Manga that is out in Japanese and French, you will no what I'm talking about. Brief note for those who do not, after the OVA series, Dark Schneider face off against the Demons of Hell and Angels of Heaven. He is more powerful than ever and his friends have learned many skills. I'm going to have it so that Dark Schneider have picked up an ability to cross over worlds, in other word, Dar Schneider has learned an ability to come to Ranma1/2 world. < > Thoughts ( ) Chines [ ] Mental link { } Panda/animals using signs. Ranma1/2 Ranma the Bastard!! Chapter 5 "I wonder how Ranma is doing back in his home world. I wish I knew what he was up to." Yoko was sitting around wondering how Ranma was doing back in his home world. Although only few days have passed in Ranmaverse, considerable amount of time has passed in the world of Dark Schneider and his friends. "It has been quite a while and he hasn't send us message or anything like that to us..." She was about to finish that sentence when she heard Dark Schneider laugh. That in itself wasn't that interesting, but what she found interesting was that Gara and Arshes Nei were laughing with him. "I wonder what's going on in there" Yoko never bother to hang out with Gara and Arshes Nei anymore after Ranma left. She took care of him like her own son and when he left she just didn't feel too sociable anymore. So she either kept to herself or she educated the princess who were quickly approaching the age of marriage. As Yoko got closer to the room where Dark Schneider and the others were in, it was very clear that the people in there were having fun. When Yoko open the door and looked inside she got the surprise of her life. On the glowing mirror was Ranma. "Ranma!!!" With that she ran as quickly as she can to the front of the mirror and looked. "Ranma, how have you been!" "Yoko, he can't hear us, he doesn't even know we are watching" Yoko than looked evilly at Dark Schneider. With the look that promised much pain, she spoke up. "Why haven't you tell me that we could watch Ranma this way? You knew how much I missed him?" When Yoko asked that question, Dark Schneider just shrugged and try to dismiss it like it was nothing big. "You never asked me my kitten" Gara and Arshes Nei who backed away as soon as Yoko came running in, were now looking from Yoko, who looked like she wanted to do serious bodily harm to Dark Schneider, and to Dark Schneider, who were facing an incredible enemy. The woman whom he loved. "I wonder how long Yoko is going to give Darshe before she start beating on him again" "You know I wonder how she can continuously hit him when he is the most powerful warrior wizard of all time. It's not easy beating several hundred years old warrior wizard" As Gara and Arshes Nei was talking to themselves, Dark Schneider was looking at Yoko in the eyes with the 'look'. Because of the 'look' Yoko's anger was melting away and Yoko knew she was losing this argument. [Yoko, I promise you I'll make it up to you tonight] [Lushe! I'm already over hundred years old!] [That didn't stop you last night now did it kitten?] Yoko was blushing beat red. She was over hundred years old, but thanks to what Dark Schneider did to her, she never aged now. She still looked the same as when she first awoke Dark Schneider from his prison within the boy's body. "I wonder why Yoko started to blush all of a sudden" Gara said looking at Yoko and Dark Schneider with interest. Of course Arshes Nei knew why Yoko was blushing so badly. She was actually very jealous, she haven't been with Dark Schneider since he got with Yoko. It was always her dream that when Yoko dies, he will once again return to her, but now that was impossible. Somehow Dark Schneider connected his life force with Yoko's. As long as he is alive, she will live too. "They are just talking about personal stuff, don't ask me about it" Gara now looked at Arshes Nei and knew something was wrong. She rarely looked this upset or sad about things. With that thought Gara decided not to pursue the matter right then. "Yoko, are you interested in what happened to Ranma so far? You missed so much" "Of course I want to know what happen to Ranma, he was just like a son to me you know" Dark Schneider knew that well. Yoko raised Ranma just like her own son, teaching him everything she would have taught her own son. "You missed a lot Yoko. It seems what Dark Schneider told us about his birth father wasn't all that of an exaggeration at all" Gara now believing it safe enough to get close to Yoko and Dark Schneider walked up to them and started to talk. "That's right, that fool got himself cursed to become a panda and from what we've seen was chased all over a land called China by these warrior women who thought he was a demon" Arshes Nei not wanting to be left out joined the group. Now the four of them were together three of them telling Yoko what she has missed. "... so Ranma finally found his birth father and is now staying with this family with three daughters. I hope he puts my teachings to good use" With that Dark Schneider concluded the events that happened to Ranma up to now. Yoko thought to herself after hearing what everyone had to tell him. "Hey, it seems like Ranma is going to awake, so let's watch what happens to him today" Gara stated as the mirror that stopped glowing when Ranma went to sleep started to glow again. Ranma was waking up from his sleep, not knowing that he is being watched by the 4 people whom he has learned under. As he was awaking, he remembered the events from last night. Flashback... "Is your father always like this?" After Ranma asked that question, Kasumi just smiled and nodded at the question. He found that very interesting that the girl doesn't seem to be fazed by anything. He would have fun trying to bring more out of that girl than just smile. Well, he will try to bring smiles too. Soun was surprised that his hug missed him that he forgot about crying and just looked at Ranma. After nothing happened for several minutes, since no one has ever dodged Soun's hug it no one knew what to say, Ranma decided enough was enough. "Well, thanks for the warm welcome, now where is that room where I can stay in?" "Oh my, I'll show you to your room. Please come with me" With that Kasumi started to lead Ranma up to the guestroom. She thought about putting Ranma and Genma together but that would not be good, so she decided to use the one and only room left. (This is the room where Happy stays when he is in Tendo. So please don't send me emails saying that Tendo's don't have anymore room) "Ranma, this will be your room" Kasumi told Ranma with a smile. Ranma looked in the room, it wasn't anything fancy, just a room with nothing much. He'll fix that real quick, few things magically created, few things that he can buy with what he brought from the other world and this room will look like his own room back in the castle in no time. "Thank you pretty one, you do me honor by escorting me to my room. Hopefully I will get to know you better" Ranma said it with a smile, but didn't use the 'look' yet. He didn't want to start on it this early. He wanted some challenge and take his time, and using the 'look' would be just too easy. "Please call me Kasumi" Kasumi said it with smile, but you could see the blush that was settling nicely upon her face. As Kasumi was walking back down stairs to clean the table Ranma studied her from the back. He was deep in thought. "I hope to see more of you Kasumi" When Ranma said it, Ranma had more than one meaning behind that words. However, Kasumi's reaction was something that Ranma didn't expect. "Of course Ranma" Ranma was shocked by that. Ranma didn't expect that from girl like Kasumi. However, he just dismissed it right away, thinking that Kasumi didn't get the full meaning behind the words. Ranma wasn't ready to go to bed yet. It was just too early and he wanted to look around town. So he open the window that led out side and flew out of his room. It has been about 2 hours since he left the Tendo's place and started flying over the town. It was a quite town and nothing much happened. He was getting bored already. "I'm going to have to liven up the place a lot. I mean this place is basically dead..." That was when he heard a scream. Immediately he started to look around and found the source of the scream right away. That was one advantage about flying, you can see everything from up there. There was about 4 men surrounding one young woman, who looked like she was about 26. It was obvious to Ranma even without using the mental scan spell what the men were up to. With that thought Ranma flew down on the group. On the ground... "Stay away from me!!! Some one help!!!!" The girl was getting desperate. She wished that she wasn't walking alone and she wished that she didn't end up in this street in this corner with those men. "No use screaming girl, everybody around here knows about us. No one will come to help you. Now why don't you just give up and let us do our stuff. Faster we are done, faster you go home you know." With that the men started to close in on her. The girl knew she was done for, she didn't have anywhere else to go to. Her back was to the wall. Times like this she wished that she knew martial arts or anything to get her out of positions like this. "Please, I'll give you all the money that I have, I have some with me and I have more in the bank, please let me go!" She was trying to get out of here without having to be violated by these men but she really didn't like the look on their eyes. It was scary to say the least. It was like looking into the eyes of the predator, which they were. "We don't want any money, now shut up or will have to hurt you more than it's necessary" With that the men try to rush the girl. Key word here being try to. They were stopped by an invisible wall that they smacked into hard. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you guys are an idiot. I can't believe you didn't even check for a magical barrier before rushing into things!" Four men who were now on the ground and the girl that was wondering what happened all looked up towards the sky when they heard the laugh and the voice. When they looked up they saw a man floating up on the sky and laughing his head off. "What the?" "Who the hell are you?" The men started to ask question and were getting little uneasy. They have been doing this sort of things for while, but never encounter anything like this before. The girl, well, she was looking at who looked to be her savior and was developing a crush as quickly as one can. She was looking at him with hearts in her eyes. She was so head over hills over Ranma that she didn't even care that he was floating up on the sky. However the four men did care. They knew that it wasn't normal for men to fly without some kind of special effects machine and they didn't see any. So, they knew they were in trouble. This was when Ranma came down on the ground to have some fun. "Well, aren't you guys going to attack me? I mean I'm getting bored just standing here you know?" When Ranma made that invitation, the men were debating between running or staying and taking on this guy. They all looked to each other and decided to run. As they turn around to run, they once again ran right into an invisible wall. "Don't even think about that. I put up a shield around here so that no one can come in and no one can get out. Oh and no once can hear you either" It was so ironic how Ranma was telling the men what they usually tell their victims, without the shield part of course. The girl was staring at Ranma with hearts in her eyes and she was thinking thoughts that just moments before were scaring her. It was being with this man that made it ok, no more than ok, desirable. She wanted him and she wanted him badly. The men now seeing that they couldn't get away from this weird guy decided to pile him. At least four on one, they might stand a chance. They looked at each other, and they all pulled something out of their respective pockets and jumped at Ranma. The girl seeing light reflecting off of one of the things that the men pulled out knew it was either a knife or a gun and was worried for this handsome man. "Watch out!!!" However, Ranma didn't look worried at all. In fact he just stood there looking bored until the men were at him. What happened next the girl couldn't see fast enough so she wasn't completely sure, but it seem like the handsome man just blurred and all four of the men were knocked back and slammed into the invisible wall. "Well, that was no fun at all. I can't believe these guys were so weak. Well, at least that was something to do to pass the time" Ranma was disappointed. He wanted more fun but these guys just couldn't take what he had to dish out. "Oh well" With that he walked up to the girl looking at her right in the eye "Now now, pretty young lady such as yourself shouldn't walk around in this kind of place at this time of hour" Ranma said to the girl. He could already tell that she was developing strong feelings for him. The girl was looking at Ranma and his eyes. He had the deepest blue eyes she has ever seen. She couldn't just swim in them and never get out. She was so into his eyes that she missed what he had said. "Well, it seems as though you are ok, so I'll be leaving you" With that he bent down and kissed the girl's hand and flew up and disappeared. The girl was in shock. The most gorgeous man she has ever men just saved her from these animals and kissed her on her hand! She was never going to wash that hand again. She was so excited that she ran out of that corner and ran as fast as she can to her home. She needed to write this down on her diary and she had to call and tell all her friends. She knew she will never meet anybody like him and she knew she is going to remember him forever. However, tonight, she was going to sleep well and have a pleasant dream about her and her handsome stranger. On the air... Ranma looked down towards the girl that was running as fast as she can to her home. "Well, at least I gave her a new meaning for living. She got to meet the handsome hero of the show. Me. I guess it's about time I go back and get some sleep" With that he flew towards the Tendo house. End of Flashback... "That was certainly an interesting stuff. However, this town is really too quite and too boring. I must, and I mean this with all my heart, I must liven this town up. Now, what can I do here?" Ranma was thinking hard now about what he could do to bring this town to its feet. "Oh, if Dark Schneider was here he would know what to do. He always knew how to have fun. I remember that time he took me to the neighboring kingdom and to that place where the girls don't wear any top..." "You took Ranma where?!?!?!" Yoko yelled at Dark Schneider so loud that the sonic boom created by it blew Gara and Arshes Nei backwards. "Yoko, it was for an educational purposes. It wasn't anything like what you are thinking. Beside I didn't do anything" Yoko couldn't believe what she was hearing, she try so hard to raise Ranma to be a proper warrior and not such a flirt like Dark Schneider, however it seems like Dark Schneider was teaching Ranma everything and that meant EVERYTHING!!! "How dare you take Ranma to such places without even telling me!!!" "Yoko, won't you calm down? It's in the past, and nothing much happened. Ranma just saw some naked women that's all" "THAT'S ALL!?!?!?! THAT'S ALL!?!?!?!" "Yes, that's all, it wasn't like Ranma spend any private time with them or anything" "LUSHE I'LL SEE YOU IN OUR ROOM NOW!!!!" With that Yoko left the room in a hurry. Dark Schneider looked to where Yoko just banged the door shut and to Gara and Arshes Nei. "What did I do?" Gara was going to answer that question but Arshes Nei just shook her head no. "Dark, you should go see what Yoko wants" "Oh, all right." With that Dark Schneider walked out of the room to go meet Yoko. When Dark Schneider left the room, Gara and Arshes Nei looked at each other for a second than turned towards the mirror again. "What can I do?" Ranma was thinking hard when he heard a knock to his door. "Who is it?" "It's Kasumi, breakfast is ready" "Thank you Kasumi, I'll be there in a minute" Ranma told Kasumi and got up. He couldn't think about how to liven up the town later, but first he had to eat. When he got down, he was greeted by delicious smell. And also adoring look from Akane, and sharp look from Nabiki. He looked from Akane and Nabiki and gave them a smile that made Akane blush badly and turn away and Nabiki smile. He then looked at other members who were sitting on the table and met with the hopeful eyes of Soun and ugly looks from Genma. Ranma was about to say something when Kasumi entered with more food and sat down. "Ranma won't you please sit down and join us for breakfast?" When Kasumi asked him with that smile of hers, he just had to do it. So he sat down without making any comment to his birth father. As they were eating, Nabiki interrupted Akane from staring at Ranma as he was eating. "Oh, we are going to be late, we have to leave for school now" "Oh no!! I don't want to be late, especially with that happening!!!" "That's right, you three should leave for school now" When Kasumi said that Ranma looked up to look at Kasumi looking at him. "Huh? Me? You want me to go to school? Whatever for?" Ranma didn't expect this. They wanted him to go to school. I mean he was well over the age for school. He was over 30 years old for crying out loud! "I don't need to go to school" "Foolish boy!!! Of course you need to go to school!!!! You will go to school and that will be the end of it!!!!" Genma started to shout at Ranma. He was still angry about how Ranma treated him last night and how he somehow prevented him from coming into his room to see if Ranma had anything of value that he can use to get some drinking money. "Listen Pop, I don't have to go to school..." He didn't get to finish it because Kasumi handed him a school bag. "Of course you need to go Ranma, you'll need proper education" Kasumi said it with a smile. Ranma looking at Kasumi debated about telling her about how old he is and how he has all the education that he'll ever need. Of course they will think that he was Akane's age. They didn't know about where he had spent last 20 years at the different world. But decided to withhold that information for now and go with the flow. "Ok, I guess it won't hurt to go" "That's the spirit son. Go to school with your fiancees!" Soun hearing that Ranma will go to the same school with his daughters already started to cry of joy. "Listen Mr. Tendo, I said I will get to know them first, I didn't say anything beyond that" When Ranma said that Soun stopped crying out of joy and started crying out of sadness. "But you just said...WAWAWAWAWA!!" "Well, we don't have time for this, let go Ranma!" With that Nabiki grabbed Ranma's hand and headed out for the door. Akane not wanting to be left behind and especially not wanting to give Ranma to her sister went after them. Ranma was thinking and walking while Akane and Nabiki was walking in each side of him. They were both holding onto his arm and looked really possessive. Nabiki was already making plans as how she was going to make money and have Ranma as hers. Akane was already seeing herself with Ranma and all those pervert boys stop coming after her because she now belong to Ranma. "What kind of place is this school?" Ranma asked just out of curiosity. Sure he could have mental scan the information out of them, but he didn't think it was such as big deal that he would have to cast such a spell. He could just ask for it. "Well, it's just like any other high schools you'll see" Nabiki answered Ranma. She didn't wanted to give out too much information that might shy him away from the school. Bad for business and all. "It's full of perverts!!" Akane told Ranma with more than little anger in her voice. Ranma was about to ask what she meant when Akane seem to get angrier and angrier. Akane was getting angry, thinking about those perverts was getting her mad. She hated it. She hated them! They were getting close to the school and they could see the school now. "I HATE THEM!!!!" With that Akane started to run towards the school. This actually made Ranma curious. This was when Ranma sensed lot of hormone in the air and also desire. He turn towards the school gate and saw huge crowed of people waiting for something. They were all dressed in some type of athletic outfit. Ranma was watching them when Akane ran right at them and they engaged in a battle. "What the?" "Don't worry about that Ranma, Akane goes through this every morning. We should just go, she'll be done in a minute. Akane always have so many boys wanting her" Nabiki was trying to eliminate Akane as her competition for Ranma's hand. With that in mind Ranma jumped into the fight. He just wanted to have fun and these guys seem like they are having fun. Akane seem like she was having fun. Akane was having a harder time than usual today when all of a sudden her burden was lessened. She had no one to fight. Everyone was already out cold and she and one other person was the only one to stand. It was Ranma!! He wanted her too!! "That was fun wasn't it Akane?" Ranma did have fun, little bit. "I accept you as my boyfriend!" Akane announced to the world in front of all of everybody who watched her morning fights. People were really interested in that gorgeous guy who just helped out Akane. Most were either drooling over him or wondering when Akane was going to fight him too when Akane just made that announcement. "What did you just say?" Ranma had no idea what was going on, he just wanted to have fun and all of a sudden Akane claimed him as her boyfriend. "Did she just accept him as her boyfriend?" "NO, I want him!" "It seems that things are quickly going out of Ranma's control doesn't it?" "Yes Gara, it seems things are quickly going out of Ranma's control. I wonder how long it would take before Ranma will be faced with real trouble" "Akane what was that..." "FIEND!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU CLAIM TO BE THE BOYFRIEND OF BEAUTIOUS AKANE TENDO WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!!!" Ranma never got to finish his sentence because of loud yell by a man who was hiding behind the tree waiting for his signal to enter the fight for Akane's hand. He was waiting when Akane announced that Ranma was her boyfriend. "How dare you vile scum!!!! I'll have to teach you the error of your way!!!!" With that the man pulled out a bokkon and rushed towards where Ranma was standing only to be blocked by Akane. "Kuno! I don't need this today!! I just said that Ranma will be my boyfriend so you can't fight him!" This being Kuno completely missed the point and saw and heard what he wanted to hear. "Oh beauteous Akane, I see how it pains you to be away from me, only to be enchanted by this vile dark sorcerer. I shall free you from his spell and than you can be with me, your one true love!" Kuno tried to get past Akane to get to Ranma when Akane blocked his path again. "Kuno don't you dare!!" Akane was about to punch this idiot out of her face, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turn around only to see Ranma. Akane was happy, Ranma made bodily contact with her. He must have accepted that he was her boyfriend now. "Akane, let this moron try what he wants. I'll deal with him" "But Ranma what if you get hurt!" When Akane said that Ranma just looked at her and than "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" Ranma laughed so hard that he thought that he was going to die. People around him thought they were going to die because their eardrums were going to explode. "You think this bumbling fool has a chance at hurting me? That is so funny!!" Akane didn't know what to think as many others. Kuno was the best fighter in school, and Nabiki knew that Kuno held back a lot when he fought against Akane. Some others knew this fact too, but this guy was claiming that Kuno won't be able to hurt him at all. "Akane don't worry about it, he won't even touch me" Akane was worried that she was going to lost her boyfriend the first day that she got him and was about to protest more when Kuno spoke up. "Vile cretin, how dare you hide behind beauteous Akane Tendo, who no doubt you have put spells to scum to your evil ways. You now, no doubt fear my might and using her to hide from me!!! You are no man I say no man!!!!!" "Did you hear that Akane? Now I have to fight him, be a good girl and let me fight the moron" Ranma told Akane with a smile which melted her and she moved away not wanting to disagree with him. Other girls who were close enough to see the smile also melted and was now having fantasy-involving Ranma. "So the dark enchanter finally shows himself before the mighty Tatawaki Kuno" "Who?" "Very well, I shall let you know the name of the man who will destroy your evil! I am Tatawaki Kuno, of the glorious heir of Kuno house name and it's school of Kendo. I am also the rising star of the high school Kendo world, undefeated Blue Thunder of Furinkin High!" When he finished his introduction, there was lighting which was timed just right to give it impressive show for Kuno. "Not bad, but not too impressive either" Kuno was enraged, this lowly cur was actually degrading him. "NOW DIE!!!!" With that Kuno rushed him. Ranma seeing Kuno coming from miles away, took his time dodging his attacks and looked bored. He looked so bored everybody started to laugh at Ranma's face expression. Kuno was getting more angry as the fight progressed. "Well, I guess it's my turn to introduce myself since you are boring the heck out of me and everybody here. I am Ranma Saotome of Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts!" When Ranma said it, he cast a spell so that there was an impressive array of lighting and thunder as well as shooting stars in the sky that was bright enough for you to see during the daytime. "WOW did you see that?" "I thought Kuno was impressive, but Ranma is better!!" "This guy is just so much better than Kuno!" Kuno saw and didn't like it. How dare this fool best him!!! How dare he take away his people!! He must teach him a lesson. He must have used his black magic!!! "You dare to use your black magic to enchant everyone in this holy school where I go!? I shall smite thee!!!!" Ranma was having fun. This idiot was like none other he have ever met. He was just too stupid and too arrogant to be real and really easy to anger and mock. However he didn't want to fool around with him anymore, he sensed that the rain was coming. "Well, since you continually insist that I use some kind of black magic or sorcery, I'm going to show you something" With that Ranma moved close to Kuno faster than most eyes could follow. Also he cast a paralyze spell on Kuno even faster so that know one knew what he did. He just acted like he punched Kuno once and Kuno fell down. "Well, you were nothing at all. I guess you overestimate yourself fool" With that Ranma headed for class and everybody just watched him go until they heard the bell. Ranma just had a great time. He was just about to enter the classroom when rest of the class caught up with him. Most followed him after the bell rang, but still there were some who didn't move until it started to rain. Kuno however was still frozen on the ground promising revenge on Ranma however quietly since he couldn't talk. "Ranma wait for me!" It was Akane who finally managed to catch up with him. "Hey, Akane that was fun wasn't it?" "Yes Ranma" Akane didn't wanted to disagree with Ranma and beside, Ranma actually made today fun. "Well, this is our class Ranma, let's go in" Miss. Aino was ready to start her class when the door to her class open to reveal Akane Tendo. She heard about all that happened during the morning and expected her to be coming in about now so she didn't pay attention at all. However, the person who came in after her caught her eyes. Than she took a closer look at him than "It's YOU!!!" It was him, the handsome man who saved her! End of Chapter 5 Next Chapter Miss Aino learns that the handsome man that saved her is in a class that she teaches. Ranma learns that the girl that he saved is now his teacher. Amazon comes knocking... Note: Thanks for all of you who answered my poll question here are some of the popular answers. 1. Which girl do you think should get Ranma? You can mention any girl you want even if it's from different anime. Some answers to this questions were expected and some were not. Lot of people answered Kasumi and Nabiki. I think about one person answered with Akane. There were also lot of Urd and some Sailor Pluto. Also there were people from other anime such as Macross and Cat Girl Nuku Nuku. 2. Am I being too hard on Genma Saotome and should I rewrite to make him a noble ? One person answered this saying that I was being too hard on Genma that I was falling in the trap that almost all fanfic writers falls under. Making Genma look worse than he is. He told me that Genma is actually very honorable and is a good teacher. However, majority of people answered that I was not being too hard on Genma but actually going too easy on him. 3. What should I curse Ryoga with? I know you all knew that was Ryoga that fell off of a cliff and fell into the cursed springs. So what should I curse him with? Give me your ideas. I can tell you this though, I think I'm not going to cures him to become a piglet. I have an idea of my own, but I want to hear yours. Most people answered this with either spring of drown girl or spring of some powerful being. However, there was one who answered with just a black piglet. I don't know, I think I'm going to surprise you with the curse. Thanks. DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters are either owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi. Bastard!! Is a property of Pioneer Entertainment. I'm poor college student so do not sue me you won't get much out of it, just enjoy the fic and let me know what you thought of it. C&C to Eric Oh Note: These events takes place after the Bastard!! OVA series and if you are familiar with Bastard!! Manga that is out in Japanese and French, you will know what I'm talking about. Brief note for those who do not, after the OVA series, Dark Schneider faces off against the Demons of Hell and Angels of Heaven. He is more powerful than ever and his friends have learned many skills. I'm going to have it so that Dark Schneider has picked up an ability to cross over worlds, in other words, Dark Schneider has learned an ability to come to Ranma1/2 world. < > Thoughts ( ) Chinese [ ] Mental link { } Panda/animals using signs. Ranma1/2 Ranma the Bastard!! Chapter 6 "Isn't that the girl that Ranma saved last night?" "Yes Gara that is the girl that Ranma saved last night. It seems that she is going to be Ranma's teacher in this high school... Things are getting more interesting by the minute" "Well, it seems that the girl is as shocked as one can get. I wonder what Ranma will do now" Back in Ranmaverse... "IT's YOU!!!" "Huh? Wait a minute, I know you" Miss. Aino was getting red in the face just by thinking about the handsome man in front of her and what he came here to do. She was having various fantasy involving herself and the man in front of her. "Ah, you are the girl I saved last night. I knew you looked familiar and I know I don't forget a pretty face like yours" Ranma said as he was looking at the girl in the eyes. Ranma knew he had nice eyes that can mesmerize people by just looking them in the eyes. "Yes, it's me" "So, you go to this school too huh?" Akane who was left out of the conversation ever since Miss. Aino's proclamation was not liking where this was going. Something was happening with her boyfriend and the young teacher and she didn't know what it was and she didn't like it. "Excuse me Ranma, do you know Miss. Aino?" She said it in a loud tone that was meant to be heard and feared, however, Miss. Aino was lost in the depth of Ranma's eyes and Ranma was enjoying himself too much to be bothered. "HELLO!" "Huh? Oh Miss. Tendo, how are you?" "Miss. Aino, let me introduce you to Ranma, MY BOYFRIEND" "Your boyfriend?" "YES" "Now, Akane what is this about boyfriend business? I meant to ask you about that before, but that sub standard human being interfered" "You mean you are not her boyfriend?" "YES HE IS!" "Miss. Tendo, please do not shout within the classroom. Beside isn't he a little too old for you? Young girls your age should go after a nice young man close to your own age" "LISTEN HERE, He is my own age!" "Now, Miss. Tendo, you shouldn't lie like that to your teacher. He look more like he is in early twenties" "Wait a minute, you mean you are a teacher here?" "Why yes, I am a teacher here" "Interesting" "MISS. AINO! HE IS MY AGE AND HE IS YOUR NEW STUDENT! SO DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!" Akane yell that one so loud that everybody in the whole school building heard it. Nabiki was not having a good day. First her little sister made that absurd claim that Ranma was her boyfriend when he wasn't. And now somehow Akane was making things even worse. "Miss. Tendo I will not have you raising your voice at me like that. Go stand outside now" Akane wanted to say more and she wanted to tell this woman to stay away from her boyfriend but she remembered where they were. She was in school and that woman was a teacher and she had to do what she was told... for now. But if she crossed the line, there will be hell to pay. People in the classroom was having a blast. Things were getting interesting and it somehow involved Akane, the new handsome guy, and the teacher. Things like this didn't come around often and they were enjoying every minute of it. Girls were of course watching Ranma with hearts in their eyes. They were just out right staring at him. Some of course heard Akane proclaiming that Ranma was her boyfriend but didn't care. They were already making plans to go see Nabiki as soon as the lunch period arrived. "Now that's settled, what can I do for you?" Miss. Aino was hoping that the handsome man in front of her will now get on his knees and propose to her. That or just take her than and there, whichever one met his fancy. "Well, I go to school here. It seems that I'm one of your new students" Ranma said with a smile. It was a smile that made half the girls in the classroom faint. It was a gorgeous smile, however those who knew Ranma could tell you that the smile was not a good one. It was a smile Ranma got every time he was up to something. "You mean you really are a student here?" Miss. Aino asked him, not really believing it. This handsome man can't really be that young. He must have fallen back couple of years or he could be joking... at least she hoped that was the case. "Yes, I am a student here starting today. So, where should I sit Miss. Aino?" When Ranma said it, he said it looking right into her eyes and with a smile on his face that made her think of something better to teach him, however she was in front of other students and had to maintain some dignity. "You may sit in that front row seat" Miss. Aino directed him to the front row seat that was empty that happened to be close to her own desk. Ranma as he was walking to the desk gave her another smile. Of course he knew why she directed him to that particular desk and he was having fun. He never even thought that the girl that he saved would be his new teacher. Before Ranma sat down on his seat, he turned to the class and winked to the class which caused the rest of the girls who did not faint to faint. The class did not start that day until right before lunch time because the teacher Miss. Aino could not get things together and all the girls in the room kept on fainting. Through out all this, Akane Tendo stood outside the classroom, fuming and planning to keep her boyfriend from all those girls in the classroom and also that hussy who was pretending to be a teacher so she can steal her boyfriend. Miss. Aino having completely forgotten about Akane tried to go on with the class but having Ranma's eyes follow her everywhere and knowing that those blue eyes were following her kept her too nervous to teach. Lunch time arrived and Ranma was surrounded by girls from the class and also from other classes as well. They all wanted to know about Ranma and what he did and where he lived. However most couldn't get the words out, just looking at Ranma made them tongued tied so that they could not speak and sometimes they had trouble breathing. It was then that Akane came back into the classroom having enough of being stood outside. She saw that her boyfriend was being surrounded by all those perverted girls and decided to protect her boyfriend. "GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU HUSSIES!" With that Akane charged into the circle to protect her boyfriend. It was a rather violent scene that followed. Akane unleashed force that she usually reserved for those perverted boys but now she had to unleashed that force again to protect her boyfriend. When she got to the center she saw that Ranma wasn't in any danger but you could never be too sure with all these perverted girls around. "Ranma, are you ok?" "Of course, I'm ok. Where have you been?" "Outside where that hussy told me to stand, I swear if she tried anything to you, I'm going to hurt her" Akane was ready to deliver her just vengeance looking around. She looked on with fire in her eyes that the girls around saw and took a step back. Of course they wanted to know more about Ranma, but their health was in jeopardy and Akane just did some pretty damage to a few girls getting to the center of the circle. "Akane, what are you talking about?" "You are my boyfriend and I'm going to have to keep you safe from all these succubus!" "Akane, you really shouldn't worry about things like that. After all, I am staying at your home and you will get to see me there" When Ranma said that the girls around him heard it. They heard it and they didn't like it. They didn't like the fact that Ranma was staying with Akane and Nabiki. Few of them remembered that they had an older sister named Kasumi and they didn't like that either. It bothered them that Ranma was staying at a house full of girls and they were not part of it. "Ok Ranma" Akane didn't stand a chance. When Ranma wanted to he can be very hard to argue against, especially if you were a girl. "Now, it seems that it's lunch time, should we go and eat that delicious lunch that your sister cooked for us?" "Ok Ranma" With that Ranma got up and started for the door. Of course the girls parted to make way for Ranma, it was as though Moses parted the red sea. The girls just parted to the side and formed a human wall. Miss. Aino during all this time was completely lost in her own fantasy world which involved Ranma and herself and some interesting places doing things that were not very wholesome. Bastard!! World... "Ranma is getting really popular with the ladies isn't he?" "And why not? He is after all Darshe's heir and we raised him" "I'm not sure though, he might be in way over his head. Too many women at once always gives you a headache you know" "No, I don't know, why don't you tell me" "Well, women always complain and stuff that gives us guys headaches and they are only good for a few things. Now imagine having all those women complain and giving you a headache, I don't think even Ranma can handle that" It seems that Gara has forgotten whom he was talking to. He was talking to one of the most powerful woman in his universe and he was bad mouthing all women. Not a very good or smart thing to do. "Garaaaaaaa!!!!" "Huh? Oh no!" Ranmaverse... Ranma and Akane were outside the school building and were enjoying the lunch when Nabiki came out of the building. Of course she was looking for her younger sister to have a "talk" with her. "There you are" "Hello Nabiki" Ranma greeted Nabiki and for few moments Nabiki forgot what she was here for. But she had strong will power and she wasn't too easily deterred from what she had set out to do. "Hi, Akane can I talk to you?" "Not now Nabiki, can't you see that I'm having a date with Ranma?" Nabiki was of course planning something to ruin Akane's chance with Ranma, but first things first. "Akane, I need to talk to you now!" With that she proceeded to dragged the struggling Akane away from Ranma and to a secluded spot where she does her business. "Nabiki how dare you!" "Akane, you better listen up, I can't believe what you did this morning and you are going way overboard with this whole thing. Ranma is not your boyfriend and you don't have any claim on him" "What?" Akane was in shock, her own sister just told her things that she did not want to hear. Of course Ranma was her's how dare she tell her otherwise. "Nabiki you take those words back or else!" "Or else what dear sister? Don't forget I do have those things that I can..." "What are those things?" When the two Tendo sisters heard that voice they turned around to see Ranma watching them. "RANMA!" Two Tendo sisters said it in stereo and it was impressive. "Well, aren't you going to tell me?" "Tell you what?" "What those things are?" Nabiki started to think, if she told him now, he might break off with Akane then and there. Akane was getting desperate, she knew what Nabiki was talking about and she didn't want Ranma to know about it. "It's NOTHING!!" With that she dragged her older sister and ran as fast as she could while carrying her sister towards their home. "I wonder what that was all about. Hmm... things are getting more interesting" Somewhere else... (I can't believe these stupid Japanese people. Why can't they pronounce our names correctly?) Xien Pu was not a very happy camper along with rest of her Amazon sisters. They had arrived in Japan and they were ready to go search for Ranma. However, they were having a lot of trouble because they really didn't know the language that well, and the elder Kho Lon has run off somewhere who was the only one who spoke perfect Japanese. Besides only thing all these Japanese men wanted was their body and they already had to break a few bones and teach them what not to do. (Xien Pu, how many hands did you break today?) (I'm not sure Kon Di Xien Ah, but I know they were more than enough. Won't these stupid Japanese people ever learn?) (Yeah, and what is with their stupid pronunciation of our names?) (Per Pume, it seems that these Japanese people are not all that intelligent. I can't believe that Ranma is one of them. Perhaps he is not truly one of these idiot race of people) The Amazon warrior women were trying to ask their way and find Ranma, however, not having their Elder and not speaking the language perfectly and because of their culture they were having problems. It didn't help that they usually ask things like "Where Xien Pu" which Japanese people hear as "Where Shampoo" or "Where Ranma" and do not understand the question at all. (It's hopeless, we need Elder Kho Lon here) The Amazon warriors all agreed. The group that consisted of Xien Pu, Per Pume, Xu Pu, Lie Lac, Kon Di Xien Ah, Zo Pu, and few other amazons who were tagging along since this was supposed to be a demon hunting party. (I am already here child. Have you learned more about the ways of these people?) (No Elder Kho Lon. Only thing we learned was that these people are barbaric and uncultured. They also dare to touch the amazon warriors in sacred places where only husbands get to touch) (Oh? Is that so? What did you do?) (Of course we taught them a lesson that they are not likely to forget. As long as they look at certain part of their body or certain missing part of their body they will remember the lesson) (Very well child, however, all of you should be more careful as to what you do. I've already told you before, we are not among our people and their laws are different from ours. We must tread carefully) "Now, we must speak in Japanese so that your language skills will improve when we go looking for Ranma" (Of course Elder) Everyone there said it and received a bop on the head for the trouble. "I said speak in Japanese!" "Ok Elder" They all said it again and made it as short as they can. Somewhere else... With that the blind boy ran in a random direction completely missing the Inn that he just passed by with the women in them. Somewhere else... "I will find you Ranma and when I do you are going to pay for all you've done to me. It's all your fault, ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!" End of Chapter 6 Next Chapter Amazons finally catch up to Ranma. Things in school heat up with Ranma, Akane, Nabiki, and the girls, including Miss. Aino. We finally get to find out what Ryoga is cursed with "Oh you did see hell!!!" Note: First, I would like to thank all my pre-readers for what they did for me. Also I would like to apologize for not updating for so long. I am studying for the LSAT and it's not that easy. I will update more often now. Thanks. DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters are either owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi. Bastard!! Is a property of Pioneer Entertainment. I'm poor college student so do not sue me you won't get much out of it, just enjoy the fic and let me know what you thought of it. C&C to Eric Oh Note: These events takes place after the Bastard!! OVA series and if you are familiar with Bastard!! Manga that is out in Japanese and French, you will know what I'm talking about. Brief note for those who do not, after the OVA series, Dark Schneider faces off against the Demons of Hell and Angels of Heaven. He is more powerful than ever and his friends have learned many skills. I'm going to have it so that Dark Schneider has picked up an ability to cross over worlds, in other words, Dark Schneider has learned an ability to come to Ranma1/2 world. < > Thoughts ( ) Chinese [ ] Mental link { } Panda/animals using signs. Ranma1/2 Ranma the Bastard!! Chapter 7 It was almost the end of school, however, Akane and Nabiki haven't come back since they left, or more accurately when Akane dragged Nabiki away during lunch. Ranma was bored to say the least. Although there were some occasional fun he had during the class, mainly by using his magic and mental powers to feed interesting images to the minds of the girls in the class and watching their reaction, it was getting boring. Ranma was quickly getting bored and he wanted some action and nothing was happening. He was regretting putting a spell on that Kuno boy making him freeze up for the day, it would have been great if he would come and challenge him again, but no such luck. It was no surprise that Ranma was bored. He was raised by Dark Schneider and his friends and of course most of them had incredible knowledge that they all passed onto Ranma. Only thing that Ranma was lacking in this world was their history, which Ranma didn't really care for. Their mythology wasn't all that interesting either, after having fought angels from heaven and demons of hell, the mythology tends to get boring. While Ranma was thinking that this was going to kill him, the girls and Miss Aino were having a hard time not staring at Ranma and doing nothing but that and imagining themselves all over that body of his. Of course there were some girls who just went on and did that, but no one noticed it since most were too occupied with themselves and their own thoughts. Ranma looked at the clock again and saw that only 1 minute has passed since he last saw the clock. Bastard World... "Ranma looks like he is going to die from boredom doesn't he Gara?" "Argggg" Gara wasn't in much position to speak very coherently right now, after receiving the beating that puts one of Akane's violent rage into shame. Of course after having made that remark about women and how they are only a headache maker, he should have expected that from Arshes Nei. "DEAR GOD!!!! WHAT KIND OF TORTURE ARE THEY PUTTING MY HEIR THROUGH???" Arshes Nei turned around to see Dark Schneider standing by the door way, looking little tired and knew that he must have worked really hard to have pleased Yoko to get her to let him go. After seeing how angry she was with Dark Schneider, she wasn't really all that surprised. "Arshes, what the they putting Ranma through?" Dark Schneider after "convincing" Yoko that he didn't mean anything much by taking Ranma to some of the places that he had, came back to see how Ranma was doing only to find that Ranma was being put through the worst torture that he can think of. "They are making him sit through classes" "CLASSES!" "They thought it would be good idea for him to go to school, and since they figure that he is about 16 years old, it seems that he does have to go to school by their law as well" "How dare they put Ranma through this kind of torture, even Yoko didn't put him through something like this!" "Darshe, calm down, it's not like he is hating it that much. You missed quite a bit, but there were some exciting things going on in that school. Ranma will be fine, so let me tell you about what has been going on since you went with Yoko" "Well, ok, but they better be good and exciting or else, I'm going to have to go to that world myself. By the way, what's wrong with Gara?" "Gara? He is just rethinking the values of women that's all" "Huh?" "Never mind that Darshe, now remember that girl Ranma saved? She happen to be..." Ranmaverse... Ranma was about to make a grand move when the door open to the classroom and walked in Akane with interesting look on her face. It looked like she was angry, jealous, and embarrassed all at once. Ranma was looking at Akane and when Akane caught his eyes, she turned beat red and look down at her feet. "Miss Tendo, why are you so late to the class? Do you have an excuse?" Miss Aino was annoyed at Akane for many reasons. First she interrupted a good fantasy she was having about Ranma. Second, Akane is the self-proclaimed girlfriend of Ranma, which meant that she was competition. Third Akane seemed to have caught Ranma's attention. And fourth, which she almost missed, was that Akane was very late for class. Akane looked up at Miss Aino and her expression changed. She still sported the red face, but this time it was out of anger. She looked at the older woman and knew that she was planning something about her boyfriend Ranma. Miss Aino saw the expression on Akane's face and knew what Akane was thinking. It didn't take a mind reader to read that facial expression and menace that was written all over Akane's face. Miss Aino was returning the look with almost equal force. It was rather strange to see this reaction from Miss Aino. Those who know her will tell you that she is a rather shy person, however Ranma seem to effect her the way that is very not like her. People in the class could see the dark energy that was flowing between Miss Aino and Akane. They could feel the tension and they could feel that it was about to blow up any time now. Ranma looked on with amusement. This was much better than sitting in the classroom listening to some stuff that he cared nothing about. This at least provided him with entertainment. Akane was about to make her move and pummel the female sex demon who is going after her boyfriend when she looked around and saw that everybody was staring at her and Miss Aino. She also saw that Ranma was looking on as well with a smile on his face. This wasn't good, she shouldn't show Ranma that she was a violent girl. Akane tried to control her anger and jealousy, and succeeded after a while, at which time Miss Aino had realized the same that Akane had and gained control of herself. She was after all a mature woman and shouldn't be fighting with younger girls. Ranma was rather disappointed, he wanted to see some action, but the two girls who looked like they were about to rip each other's throats out, became calmer. It was strange how they became like that after looking at him. "Miss Tendo, outside, bucket, now" Miss Aino said in a rather controlled voice which let out little bit of the emotion that she was feeling against the younger girl. Akane was staring daggers at the older woman. She was once again preventing her from getting close to her boyfriend and she didn't like that. She was at school so she had to listen to that whore, but outside of school, she will get even. After glaring at her a little more to show what she thought of her, Akane went outside with buckets. While all this was happening, Nabiki came back to her class, but she wasn't punished for coming late. She never get's punished in any of her classes because she had a deal with most of the teachers in the school. She had some secrets that they wanted to keep from others or she had some things that the teachers wanted and she made deals that will benefit her. After being dragged around by Akane, she was angry and she made her point clear to Akane by telling her that if she doesn't stop dragging her, she will tell Ranma the next time she sees him about Akane's little secret. That stopped her sister cold. At which point Nabiki started to tell her sister that Ranma wasn't Akane's boyfriend. However, when Nabiki mentioned this, Akane get angry again and they went at it with words like rabid dogs. Nabiki was angry with herself now because she lost her cool and control. It seems that Ranma was the cause of this and that made her think. Why would she lose so much control of herself over just a guy. Sure he was a handsome guy, but still he was a guy and she was Nabiki. After a while of argument she had with her little sister, Nabiki made a deal with Akane. Deal was that Ranma was a free agent, between the two of them. Which means that Nabiki can make her play as well as Akane. Akane didn't like that, she kept going on and on about how Ranma is hers and that he accepted the fact. However, mentioning of Akane's little secret and how Ranma might learn about it, shut her up quickly and Akane agreed to the term. After the deal was made, Akane ran back to school with anger and other emotions in her eyes. Nabiki didn't run back to school. She didn't have to, notes she missed will have been done by others, and she wasn't going to get into trouble. Now she was sitting in her classroom, thinking of a way to get Ranma and making him hers. Of course she wasn't really ready for a serious commitment, but for Ranma, she could make the exception. Somewhere Else... "Where in the world am I now!!!! Ranma this is all your fault, you will die!!!" Somewhere else... "Great Grandmother, did you find Ranma?" "Of course child" That was the thought shared by all of the amazons present. Of course some of them were more open about their feelings than others. The youngest of them Xu Pu was jumping up and down and showing her joy at the news. Others who were more open with their feelings were smiling and imagining things in their heads which made them giggle. However, Xien Pu and Kon Di Xien Ah weren't that open with their feelings. They were of course over glad to hear the news, but they were smart enough to know that finding where the prey was and getting to the prey and actually capturing the prey was a completely different thing. "Honored Elder, where is Ranma?" "He is in a place called Nerima, which is not all that far from here. We will make our way to that place tonight" Thought which was shared once again by all the young females of the group. "We must prepare ourselves, as you all know, none of you were actually defeated by Ranma. That means that you will have to challenge and be defeated by him then after that must deliver the kiss of marriage. Than we can claim him as our own" "Great grandmother no worry. Ranma strong warrior, he beat us easy" When Xien Pu said that she received a displeasing look from Kho Lon which made her shrink back. "Xien Pu, never forget who we are, we are proud Amazon warriors. How dare you even think that we are so much weaker than an outsider male!" "I sorry great grandmother" "It is only temporary that he is for the time being better than some of you, however after the marriage, he will share his secrets with us and we will be more powerful" Everyone nodded to that. Of course the package that came with that secret was incentive enough to the young females there. "Now, let us make plans as to what we are going to do, we cannot just barge in and attack him, or he might retaliate or even worse, flee from us again and we might have to track him down again so...." Elsewhere... (Oh Xien Pu, if only I could see you now. I so long to see your face, touch you, feel you...) Furinkin High... School was over and people were coming out of the building. However, the crowd that was coming out was smaller than usual. This however, could be explained by the fact that almost all the girls were surrounding either Ranma or Nabiki. Ranma was pretty much entertained for the moments with all the girls that surrounded him and also all the interesting questions that they asked and their reaction when he actually answered them. Nabiki was having conflicting emotion. She was making a lot of money, more money than she could make in a month from all those girls. However, they were asking things about Ranma and she didn't know if she should tell them things or not, and make possible competition for Ranma. Miss. Aino was looking at the crowd that was gathered around Ranma and decided to rescue him from the girls that were bothering him. The school was over and they shouldn't bother Ranma when he should be taking her out for a date. Miss Aino headed for the crowd that held Ranma in the center, what she didn't know was that there was another person who was approaching the crowd with the same intention. "Get away from him NOW!" When Akane yelled, the crowd that surrounded Ranma came apart, although reluctantly. They wanted to see more of him and actually get to touch him and ask him more questions, but they were worried about their health, and without their health, they can't come to school. If they can't come to school, then they can't see Ranma. When the path was cleared, Akane walked up to Ranma with smile on her face. She has gotten over the talk with Nabiki and was once again better able to face Ranma. However, as she got near him, she saw from the corner of her eyes, another person approaching Ranma. Miss. Aino at the same time as Akane saw that Akane was approaching Ranma as well. She didn't even hear Akane yell because she was so focused on getting to Ranma and asking him to take her on a date. When they both saw each other, they stopped and glared at each other. They both became surrounded by a flame of blue which bothered some people who were there. The crowd began to get further away from the action but not too far, they wanted to see the action. This drew the attention of Nabiki who looked at what was going on and knew instantly what was happening. She decided to watch for now and see what was going on, but put a stop to it if things get's out of hand. Ranma was pretty close to those two and he might get hurt. "What are you doing here Miss Tendo?" Miss. Aino said it with ice in her voice which threatened to freeze those around her. "I go to school here Miss. Aino, and I'm here to get by boyfriend to take me home" This caused Miss. Aino's eyes to flatten out. That remark did not go by Nabiki either and this did not please her. Nabiki who was thinking to herself started to glow as well. Those who were surrounding her decided that this was not a good sign and backed away from her. From the sky above and also from an American Satellite, you could see in the Island of Japan three glowing points. "Miss Tendo, I suggest you go home now and leave the school grounds" "That is what I'm intending to do. I'll take my boyfriend home with me" With that Akane started to walk to Ranma and to grab his arm to take him back to Tendo Dojo, when Miss. Aino reacted. "I mean you should leave, by yourself" Miss Aino had intercepted the hand that was about to grab Ranma's arm. This caused sparks to fly and the brightness of their auras to get even more bright. Ranma was looking at them and also the aura that the two were emanating. Ranma's attention was also caught by the third glowing person that came into his view. Nabiki had had enough, Akane and Miss Aino were both making fools out of themselves and also they were laying claims on Ranma. Akane also suggested that Ranma and her had more of a relationship than they really did. With that Nabiki walked up to the pair, which didn't pay attention to her at all. They were too busy staring at each other to notice her walking up to the pair. Nabiki grabbed Akane's arm and turned her to face her. This got the attention from both Akane and Miss. Aino. "I don't know what you think you are doing Akane, but remember what we talked about earlier today" Nabiki gave Akane the look after finishing this, which made Akane angry but she kept her anger to herself. She knew what Nabiki was talking about and she didn't like the fact that Nabiki keeps bringing that up. After making sure that Akane wasn't going to mention anything again, Nabiki turned her attention to Miss Aino. "Miss. Aino, I don't know what you are doing, going after a younger man, especially one of your students. I believe it is very looked down upon to date a student of your own. What will the school board say about this?" Miss Aino was looking at Nabiki and heard what she said which made her think. After Nabiki was done, she just held the eyes of both Akane and Miss. Aino and knew that this was far from over. All three had something in their eyes that said, 'you are going to lose, he's mine!' Ranma was having a great time watching the three females fighting among themselves. Ranma was thinking of making the school more fun when he felt something like a danger sense going off, but it wasn't all that dangerous. More like something attempting to attack him. He turned around to see a red object coming down towards his head, which he caught. "What's this?" He looked at what seems to be a red umbrella, he looked at it and didn't think much of it when he saw the person attached at the end of that umbrella. Ryoga was shocked to say the least. He had expected Ranma to dodge or get pummeled by his attack, but he didn't expect him to catch it. He tried to yank the weapon back but couldn't even move it and it seems like Ranma wasn't even noticing his efforts. "RANMA PREPARE TO DIE!!!!" With that Ryoga let go of the weapon and attacked him with full force. He launched a vicious punch at Ranma which would have destroyed a boulder or knocked down the tree from it's roots. However, Ranma just looked at it and caught it with his other hand. "Who are you? You look very familiar but I can't place your face" Ranma said to this guy who was trying to attack him. Ryoga was angry beyond angry, Ranma, his mortal enemy has just stopped two of his attacks and it seems like he had one of his hands in a vice like grip. He gritted his teeth and launched another punch with his free hand, which looked like it was going to connect with Ranma's face. Ranma watched the fist come at him with interest. He saw it, and he gauged it for power level and destructive force capability. He noticed that the punch was pretty strong for a normal human but nothing compared to himself and what he can do. He moved his head the very last minute, out of the way of the fist and using the momentum and threw the guy away from himself with the hand he still held. While this was happening, the three females that were glaring at each other finally noticed that there was something going on with Ranma when Ranma threw the stranger away. This got Akane angry, obviously someone was attacking her boyfriend and she needed to get her anger out. Miss. Aino was angry because someone was attacking her Ranma within her school. Nabiki was angry because someone was attacking her future husband and moneymaker and she didn't know who he was. Ryoga got up and was about to attack again when he saw that he was now the focus of attention of three glowing females. Not having much contact with females, he didn't know what to do and they all looked very angry. "What do you think you are doing!" "How dare you attack Ranma in my school?" "Who are you and why are you attacking Ranma?" Ranma who was glad that someone actually decided to fight him was watching the three girls and also the stranger who seemed to be very uncomfortable with all the attention that the girls were giving him. "Girls, I think he was attacking me to kill me. I mean look at that umbrella that he was using to hit me, it is very heavy and could very well destroy boulders" When the girls heard it they saw the red umbrella and noticed that indeed it was heavy by the way it was sinking to the ground. This caused the girls to see red and they for now had a common enemy they needed to vanquish which they acted as one to launch themselves at. Ranma was having fun, watching this event unfold when the stranger said something during the screaming from pain that caught his attention. "Coward!!! OWWWW how dare you hide behhhhhhhh... behind women!!!! AHHHHHHH.... You are just the YOWWWW coward that I HRGGGG remembered!!!" This caught Ranma's attention. No one calls him a coward, not even Dark Schneider. He wanted to educate this stranger in what not to do around him. "Girls, please stop, I want to talk to him myself" When Ranma asked the girls stopped, they looked at Ranma and the stranger which they were pummeling, and decided to listen to Ranma, but not before giving him one more kick. "Now, if you can, tell me who you are and the reason why you called me a coward?" "Don't try to deny it coward, you are a coward!" Ranma did not like this, so he grabbed him by the throat and held him up. "I'll ask you again, why did you just call me a coward?" "I know you know who I am coward, I am Ryoga Hibiki, remember the man to man duel you ran out on you coward?" When Ryoga said it Ranma knew what he was talking about. Although it had been a long time since then, he remembered, and when he remembered dropped Ryoga and started to laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "What's so funny coward!" "You, you are calling me coward? You!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Ryoga wasn't a happy camper. Ranma was laughing at him. He wanted to get up and kill him, but the beating he took from the girls was limiting his movement and the strength Ranma showed him by the ease that he picked him up by his throat made him decide that it wasn't a good idea just then. "You are the one that didn't show up at the promised time, I waited for you for three days and you are calling me coward? HAHAHAHAHAHA" "How dare you!!!! You knew I had problems! You should have waited one more day, you ran away because you are a coward!" "You are such an idiot. The place to be fought at was behind your house. I waited for you to show up for three days after the promised time and you are calling me a coward. I think you have that reversed boy, you are the coward. You didn't show up because you were scared that you were going to get your little butt kicked. You just attacked me when my back was turned, surprise attack, because you are a coward that knows that you can't beat me face to face in a fair fight and the only way you can beat me is if you cheat" "HOW DARE YOU!" "I don't dare anything because it's all true, coward" "AAHHHHHH" With that Ryoga launched an attack that was based on his anger. However Ranma caught it and looked him in the eye. "You better train harder if you want to face me in fair combat coward, because right now, you are no match for me coward." With that he threw him away to the other side of the school, where the pool was located. After watching the stranger fly away from here, Akane walked up to Ranma. "Ranma, who was that?" Question that was on the mind of everyone there, mostly girls, who now viewed the stranger as an enemy. "His name is Ryoga Hibiki, I thought he was a friend, but now I see that all he was, was a coward, self-delusional just like Kuno, and person who has no honor" "No honor?" Nabiki was curious what made Ranma say that remark. She could understand the coward part, which Ranma basically said it to Ryoga. "Well, he is without honor, because he attacked me when my back was turned, a surprise attack with a weapon when I didn't have one" "Oh" Comprehension dawned on everyone there, especially Akane, who considered herself a martial artist and knew these kind of things. "Well, shall we go back home now?" Ranma asked with a smile, which melted all the tension for now. Ranma started his way out of school and Nabiki and Akane followed, leaving all the other girls to their imagination and also Miss. Aino with the impression of that smile and a stronger conviction that she and Ranma were made for each other. Pool... Ryoga who had just landed in the pool was cursing the gods and Ranma for doing this to him. He got himself out of the pool and moved as fast as he could away from the school. However, in his current form, he wasn't all that fast and his movements were rather awkward to him. Somewhere else... "Great Grandmother, every thing ready, we go now yes?" "Yes Xien Pu, we will go now, let the others know" With that the hunting party made their way towards the Tendo Dojo. Else Where... Tendo Dojo... Ranma, Nabiki, and Akane had just made it home, they didn't talk much along the way because the girls were too busy staring at Ranma and having their own thoughts and Ranma was too busy thinking of having more fun with Ryoga. He was making plans and thinking when he felt a calming presence. "Oh welcome back Ranma, how was your first day of school?" "It was ok, nothing much happened" Nabiki and Akane noticed that Kasumi for the first time ever did not greet them. The thought that was shared by both Akane and Nabiki which did not sit with them well. They knew that Kasumi was the most womanly person they know. She is kind and gentle and if Kasumi was in the running, their chances were not very good. "Oh, welcome home Nabiki, Akane. How was your day at school?" "It was horrible, that whore made me stand outside the whole entire day!" "That's nice, now go wash up, dinner will be ready soon. Ranma would you like to help me in the kitchen?" "Sure, I have nothing better to do" Nabiki and Akane was about to voice their objection to the idea when someone knocked on their door. "I'll get it" Kasumi went to get the door and allow time for both Nabiki and Akane to think to how to prevent Ranma and Kasumi being alone in the kitchen when they heard a lot of footsteps and looked towards the doorway only to find a few of the most beautiful women they have ever seen. The Amazons all saw Ranma at the same time and they didn't even care about the girls that were giving them evil looks. Ranma saw the Amazons and was rather surprised. "Hey, how are you guys doing?" At this point, Xien Pu launched herself at Ranma yelling "Ranma, you I challenge!" Ranma really didn't know what was going on, but she challenged him and that was that, she also held a weapon, he knew to be bonbori and he didn't want Kasumi to get hurt, so he acted fast, grabbed Xien Pu and tossed her outside where the koi pond was. This happened so fast Xien Pu did not have time to react and hit her head on the rock by the koi pond which knocked her out. This in turn made all the other Amazon warriors there jealous, Xien Pu was defeated first and which means that Xien Pu would become his first wife. While discussing among themselves and making plans as how to get Ranma, elder Kho Lon decided that Ranma is just too good of a specimen to be married only to one, so she allowed multiple marriage. She also made it clear that Xien Pu will be the first to challenge and if she is defeated first, she will be the first wife. Well, now that Xien Pu is defeated, only thing is that she wakes up and give him the kiss of marriage and everybody else there could get on with their challenge. This was when Xu Pu found a cute little pink bunny that just wandered into the house. She launched herself at it. The bunny in question which was angry and depressed never saw her coming until it was too late. "This one too too cute!" Xu Pu held it up to herself and start to coo at it, making baby sounds and also soothing sounds in Chinese which the bunny didn't understand a word of. Bunny struggled to get out of the grip, but couldn't get out of it. By this time, everybody else there saw what the youngest of the Amazons held and came to see it. "This one cute!" "Aiya!" They all surrounded Xu Pu and the bunny which was not very good for the bunny who fainted from sensory overload. Xu Pu went up to the older girl who opened the door for them. "This I keep ok?" "Oh my, ok" Kasumi didn't know where the bunny came from, but it seems that the younger girl wanted to keep it, since it wasn't hers and she didn't know where it came from, she really couldn't refuse it from the younger girl. Ranma not having much of an idea what was going on, just looked around till his gaze caught the bunny which was surrounded by magic. [Xu Pu, may I see that bunny?] "Ok" When Xu Pu handed him the bunny, he looked at it closely and saw indeed that the creature was magic and that it was shape-changing magic. He was looking at the bunny when it woke up and when it saw that it was Ranma holding him, he got very hostile and try to bite him to attack him in any way. Than he felt the same anger and depression he felt merely a few minutes ago at school. [Ryoga?] [DAMN YOU!!!! BECAUSE OF YOU I HAVE SEEN HELL!!!!!] [Hmm... It is you, you coward] [How dare you call me a coward, you did this to me, you turned me into this thing. YOU TURNED ME INTO A BUNNY!!!! A FEMALE BUNNY!!!!!!!] [Female bunny?] Then Ranma started to laugh out loud. He remembered someone saying something like let's go at it like rabbits and he saw for fact that they do go at it. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" [How dare you laugh at me!!! Because of you I have seen hell!!] [Well, it seems that you did see hell. Bunny hell] "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" People were confused as to why Ranma was laughing but that was cut short when the wall exploded and showed about 4 people in dark clothes. "You are Ranma are you not?" One of them asked Ranma who stopped laughing because of the explosion and dropped the bunny, which Xu Pu reclaimed. "I am" "Then die" End of Chapter 7 Next Chapter Who are these guys that showed up all of a sudden? More enemies show up. Note: First, I would like to thank all my pre-readers for what they did for me. Also I would like to apologize for not updating for so long. I am studying for the LSAT and it's not that easy. I will update more often now. Thanks. DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters are either owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi. Bastard!! Is a property of Pioneer Entertainment. I'm poor college student so do not sue me you won't get much out of it, just enjoy the fic and let me know what you thought of it. C&C to Eric Oh Note: These events takes place after the Bastard!! OVA series and if you are familiar with Bastard!! Manga that is out in Japanese and French, you will know what I'm talking about. Brief note for those who do not, after the OVA series, Dark Schneider faces off against the Demons of Hell and Angels of Heaven. He is more powerful than ever and his friends have learned many skills. I'm going to have it so that Dark Schneider has picked up an ability to cross over worlds, in other words, Dark Schneider has learned an ability to come to Ranma1/2 world. < > Thoughts ( ) Chinese [ ] Mental link { } Panda/animals using signs. Ranma1/2 Ranma the Bastard!! Chapter 8 Bardard World.... "Who are they?" Dark Schneider asked as he was looking at the 4 clothed in dark and was threaten Ranma with death. "I'm not sure Darshe, but one of them seem pretty powerful" Arshes Nei told Dark Schneider. Gara wanted to make an observation too, but it seems that his jaws and his vocal cords were not working properly yet. "Hmm....it's getting interesting, this might provide Ranma with some entertainment for a while" Dark Schneider, having incredible faith in his heir, already decided that Ranma will rise as victor in this little up coming battle. "You never know Darshe, things might not be as it seems" "Huh?" Ranmaverse... "Huh?" That was something that was on the mind of everyone present, except for Ranma. He was already checking them out for their fighting abilities, their magical abilities, and their chi or ki power levels. "Ranma, you have anger the people of Musk Kingdom and you will pay the price" "Oh, and let me get this right. The price is my life isn't that right?" "You seem smart enough" With that, the one who has been talking in low voice made some type of hand movement and the 3 started to move towards Ranma. This was when Xien Pu woke up and saw Ranma standing there and went to give him the kiss of death. This was when Akane saw that the 4 men were a threat and the 3 of them were moving towards her boyfriend. This was when Kho Lon decided to watch Ranma in action herself and order the rest of the Amazon worriers to stay back. All these things happened pretty fast, first Shampoo attached herself on Ranma and started to give him the kiss of marriage. Next, Akane launched herself to one of the three men. When the three saw that someone was attacking them, they went into defensive mode, but when they realized that it was a female they stopped and just stared as Akane launched herself at them. Because the 3 just stood there and watched, and didn't react at all when Akane attacked one of them with vicious punch to the jaw. Akane was satisfied that her punch, her attack connected and that now she can move onto the other 2 to defend her boyfriend when she started to feel pain on her fist and when she looked around, she saw that the person she hit was still standing there. Akane couldn't understand what was going on, when she usually hit someone they go down, but this guy just stood there like her punch was nothing. In fact if she didn't know better, she would say that the guy and his friends were just looking at her. Rather looking at certain part of her. "Pervert!!!!!" With that Akane went into her destroy the pervert mode and started to attack the 3 with all her might. Which resulted in the same thing, the guy that she hit first just stood there and took everything she dealt. Another guy just moved around her attacks like she was moving in slow speed. Third one, she couldn't even get near because something prevented her from getting too close to him. While Akane was fighting or rather try to at least hurt them, other man in dark was just looking on at them impatiently. Kho Lon decided that the girl had potential but not the necessary skills or the training to be a match to even Xu Pu. Rest of the worriers were looking on with somewhat of hate and fear in them. Almost all of them were there during the battle with the Musk worriers and if it wasn't for Ranma they would have been captured by them. Kasumi, Nabiki, Soun, and Genma were watching this whole even unfold with fascination. Ranma had already figured out the power level of the three men while they were fighting Akane. Of course they weren't even letting a fraction of their real power, but Ranma could figure it out by watching them even now. Although Xien Pu has just kissed him, he really didn't care that much for it, he rather pay attention to the growing fight rather then the girl at that point. Beside, he had kissed plenty of girls not to be bothered by this one. However, if he knew the full implication of that one kiss, he might have thought other wise. Xien Pu on the other had was in heaven. She was now the official first wife of Ranma. She just stayed where she was, hanging on his neck and having her face buried in his chest. "Mint, Lime, Lore master! Enough playing around. We came here to kill the one called Ranma, not play around with some girl!" "But your highness, I have never seen one this close before!" "Yes your highness, I want to see her breasts!" "PERVERT!" "His highness is right, we should not be playing with this girl" "Well, since you said your business is with me, why don't we go to a different place, place more suited for what we have in mind?" Ranma suggested after the leader of the group told the three lackeys. "Of course, it won't be fitting for you to just die here, we shall make a grand event out of this" At this point Akane was getting tired, and she decided to go for the leader instead of wasting her time with the underlings. "KIYA!" With that she launched herself at the leader, however, thing didn't turn out as she planed. The leader just pointed her hand at her and shot something out at her. Last thing she thought before darkness overcame her was When Ranma saw the leader do that, he got slightly man and immediately caught Akane before she hit the ground and saw to that she wasn't all that injured. "Don't worry, I did not kill the girl. I wasn't here for her. However, you on the other hand will surely die" Ranma wasn't listening. He already knew that he didn't like the man in front of him. He hurt a girl. Ranma was always taught that girls were to be respected by Yoko, and girls are to be pleasured by Arshes Nei, girls are to be enjoyed by both Gara and Dark Schneider, but one thing that all of them taught him was that unless the girl was your enemy, threat, or your student, you never hurt her. Beside he considered Akane to be somewhat of an amusement and his own personal property of some type. "You know, you just made this personal. I was going to take it easy on you during the fight, but now I decided to just beat you" "You can try Ranma" "Let's go, I'll lead you to a suitable place for us to fight without anybody getting in the way" With that Ranma levitated himself and started to leave. The leader levitated himself as well and followed and the three men who were looking at all the women in the house reluctantly started after them. Two of them running and one flying. With that Kho Lon started after them. She would have like to take the Amazon worriers with her, but she knew that none of them could probably follow them and if they came with her, she might miss something. Xien Pu and other Amazons try to follow them but by half way there, they lost track of them and could not follow anymore and they had to return. When they return they were met with Tendo family who were tending to Akane, well, Soun was crying his eyes out. Kasumi was tending to Akane and confirmed that there was no injury to her. Nabiki was already making plans as how to turn this to her advantage. Ryoga was in the pouch of Xu Pu, who had decided to keep her to herself. Ryoga tried to get out of the pouch so that he can go after Ranma, but the young Amazon already felt him struggle and kept a firm hand over the pouch so that the cute bunny couldn't escape. Where Ranma was... "This seem like a good place for a beat down doesn't it?" Ranma asked now standing in a middle of an empty space. There were standing in the middle of a wood clearing. Ranma had lead the 4 strangers pretty far away from civilization as he can before he saw the place where a fight can take place. "Yes, you have chosen well for your grave" "Now, what is with you guys? Showing up all of a sudden out of now where. I mean are you guys that desperate for a beating?" "Ranma, you have killed many of my men, for that you will die" "Your men?" "The Musk worriers you killed" "Musk worriers?" "Enough of this! Mint, Lime, Lore master, get him" With that command, the three who have now taken off their dark robes attacked Ranma. Kho Lon was watching this fight with interest. She knew about the three that the leader spoke of. They are supposedly be the greatest of the Musk worriers. Mint, Lime, and the Lore master. Kho Lon watched carefully the Lore master for she heard that Lore master does not make appearance outside of Musk kingdom very often. This was great opportunity to learn what Musk magic was all about. Ranma was watching them attack without much interest. As Mint got close to him with incredible speed, Ranma just grabbed him like he wasn't moving and tossed him towards the leader. Mint was very surprised to be grabbed by him. He was the fastest member of his kingdom, next to Prince Herb that is. However, this man just grabbed him like he wasn't even moving and what was worse, just threw him towards the prince. Herb watch the event unfold with keen eyes. He was surprised to see that Ranma grab Mint like he was nothing and threw him at himself. He threw up a ki shield, which Mint hit and dropped with air knocked out of him. Next to face Ranma was Lime, who in all right was a walking tank and as stupid. Lime launched a vicious punch that would normally have killed a person, well utterly destroyed a person. What shocked him and Herb was that Ranma just took it. He didn't move, block. He just stood there and took the punch to the jaw. "Was that all? It felt like a fly just landed on my face" For the first time Herb was rethinking the values and abilities of this Ranma. However, there was still the Lore master before he might have to step in to the fight himself. Mean while, Kho Lon was impressed with Ranma. She had already figured out the true power of Lime and Mint and knew that there were very few people in her village that can fight them to a stand still and Ranma here was just playing with him. Lime was surprised, this had never happened before. He was so confused that he didn't see what happened next. Ranma seeing that Lime was stumped, just lifted his index finger, pointed it Lime's forehead and gave a gentle flick. Gentle flick which resulted him Lime flying backwards and slamming into 4 different trees before he came to a stop, unconscious. "You know, this is boring, I mean you guys showed up with such a style I expected more from you" "Lore master, kill this man now!" "Of course" Now it was Lore master's turn. He watched Ranma while he was fighting, no playing with Lime and Mint and knew that the man had great physical strength as well as ki abilities. No one can do that without the aid of ki to boost up their abilities. "You were good, you have caused me to step out of the Musk kingdom. That alone says great deal about your skills. However, you will now die because now you face the Lore master of Musk kingdom" "Whatever, let's get this show on the road!" With that Ranma launched a fireball at the Lore master who put up a magical shield to block it. Lore master was little surprised to see Ranma fire off a fireball, but he was expecting something of that nature so that he wasn't all that surprised. Kho Lon was now truly impressed. She was told that Ranma had magical abilities, and from how he used language spell, she knew that he had magical powers. However, he also possessed a offensive magical abilities and that can be a great asset to the village. Ranma after shooting off the initial fireball was now thinking to himself about how boring this fight was going to be and how he was going to make it more fun. Now it was Lore master's turn to fight back. "I'm impressed, you had an offensive magic in your arsenal, but let's see how you deal with mine!" "Freeze Wind!" With that Lore master of Musk kingdom launched a magical attack that started to turn everything around Ranma to freeze. "Huh?" Ranma just looked around in surprise. But it was too late as Ranma was in cased in a thick block of ice that was too thick too even see Ranma clearly. Kho Lon was about to jump into help, it just won't do to lose such a fine husband material now when they have just found it. Lore master was looking on with smirk on his face, it was actually rather easy to beat him. Herb looked on with interest. He didn't think it would have been this easy. "Lore master, finish him, heal Mint and Lime and let's leave" As Lore master was about to obey the prince, the ice that Ranma was in cased started to crack and with loud noise exploded outwards. After the ice debris stopped coming down and the area was cleared they saw Ranma standing in the middle of what was before a huge ice block. "Was that the best you can do? I mean really, I had snow man who gave me better fight that that!" Lore master was angry, Ranma had just mocked him. "I'll show you foolish man!" "Pillar of Fire!" With that he created a pillar of fire that swallowed up Ranma. He knew that Ranma could not survive that move. The fire was as hot as the magma from the earth. He began to relax after a minute but soon as he was about to turn to his prince, he started to hear laughter. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!" He looked into the pillar unbelieving to see Ranma standing in the middle of the fire, with all his clothes burned off, but not burning himself. "You know, that was very refreshing, now let me return you the favor!" With that Ranma turned himself into a flame, and with the heat energy that the pillar was giving him, he made himself hotter then the magma of earth and he launched himself towards the Lore master. "Ice Wall!" "Magic Shield!" "Flame Wall!" Lore master try to put up as many defensive barrier as he can to block this attack from this unbelievable person. However, me made a grave error in creating a flame wall. Ranma was now a living flame, and flame wall only served to make his flame bigger. Because he was already hotter than the magma and his flame just got bigger because of the flame wall, he went through the ice wall like it wasn't there and the magic shield that the Lore master put up was too weak to stop the incoming force that was Ranma. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Lore master was severely burned and injured. However, Ranma stopped just short of killing him and with his magical abilities, Ranma had no doubt that Lore master will live. Now there was only Ranma and the prince. Ranma turned to look at the prince and in his eyes, Ranma saw hatred pointed towards him. Ranma was happy. Things were getting boring, of course there was school and situation with Akane, Miss Aino, and Nabiki. But those were sure to get boring real quick. What Ranma wanted was battle, and looks like this prince character is going to provide him with it. Ranma was already making plans as how to make Ryoga better so that he can at least be a challenge to him. "You have done well, Ranma. But now you have angered me more then ever, you don't know what you have done. You will now suffer at the hands of the Prince of Musk Kingdom, descendant of the Dragon!" "So, you are a descendant of the dragon huh?" "I am Prince Herb, ruler of Musk Kingdom and the descendant of the dragon blood line!" "Well, this should be interesting" Ranma was thinking if he should tell the prince that he had killed many dragons back in his own world. "Now Ranma, you DIE!" With that Herb started to power up. Usually he didn't have to power up to face an opponent, however, he saw that Ranma was indeed powerful enemy and that he wasn't taking any chances. Kho Lon was amazed at the power that Herb was showing. Amazons knew that the royal family of Musk family was from a dragon bloodline, however, she did not know the true power of one of them. It wasn't as though the Prince himself fought the actual battle or such, it was always the underlings. Ranma watched prince Herb power up with interest. He started to rate the level and was rather surprised that Herb has already passed some minor demons that he fought. When Herb was done powering up, one could see the outline of blue surrounding him, and also the energy that he was letting out. "That was an impressive light show" "As calm as ever, how does it feel to know that you are about to die?" "You talk too much" When Ranma said it, he fired an arrow made up of ice. He wanted to test the prince. Herb saw that Ranma had initiated an attack and went into an attack himself. He shot a huge ki blast that destroyed and headed straight at Ranma. Ranma saw that Herb has shot a ki blast at him, but the ki didn't feel so powerful, he allow it to approach him and hit him. However, when the blast hit him, he was put under very painful experience. "AAAA!!" "You have underestimated the blast" Herb said after Ranma went down to one of his knees. "I knew you could tell the level of power in blasts such as that. What you didn't know was that I can compress my ki blast so that it might seem like it's not powerful, when it is more powerful the blast twice it's size" Ranma was down, the thing hurt. He was over confidant that he forgot to do more then a surface scan of the projectile. "It had been an interesting adventure. You have defeated my worriers Mint, Lime, and our Lore master. However, you are no match for the prince of Musk. Now you die" With that Herb fired off a ki blast the size of pinball which held incredible power. It was so compressed and so fast, Kho Lon had trouble following. The blast then went and hit Ranma in the chest, going through his chest and exploding. After the explosion, Herb and Kho Lon looked at where Ranma was only to see Ranma laying on the ground with huge whole in his chest. "It was mistake angering the kingdom of Musk" And with that Herb was about to collect his fallen men, when the wind started to blow. At first Herb didn't think any of it but the wind started to blow harder and harder. Then the ground started to shake and then he knew something was wrong. Kho Lon could feel the power rise, Kho Lon could feel the nature and all that was around her bending to someone's will. Then the body of Ranma started to glow with unnatural light and started to rise. That was when Kho Lon knew that Ranma was more then she ever dreamed of. This was when for the second time in her life, she feared. Herb just stared at Ranma, he too felt the power rise, and he too felt that nature was obeying one mysterious force. But too see the man that he killed not 2 minutes ago being surrounded by a light and being lifted from the ground was something that he did not expect. "What is the meaning of this? Is this one of your trick?" With that Herb launched a ki blast toward the floating body of Ranma powerful enough to destroy small mountain. What he did not expect was that the ki blast being blocked by some type of force field. Herb couldn't help but stare at it. He had just fired off one of his most powerful blast and the supposedly dead body just blocked it. That was when he started to hear the voice. Voice of Ranma. "Herb, you came here to kill me for some odd reason. You wanted to show me your power, your ability. Do you dream that you are the worlds most powerful? Do you dream that none out there can defeat you? Do you feel that you hold the true power?" When Herb was hearing these words, Herb looked around to see if this could be some kind of trick. But all he saw was the tree shaking angrily because of the strong winds. "Herb, you foolish, foolish being, let me show you, true power!" With that the body that was floating gave off a brilliant light which blinded both Herb and Kho Lon that they had to look away. When they looked back, there was Ranma, all healed and in a typical Dark Schneider outfit. "HOW!?!?" That was spoken by both Kho Lon and Herb both whom were so shocked that they didn't even notice that Ranma was wearing something entirely new. "Well, Herb, I think it's about time I beat you so I will" Ranma started to make hand movements and Herb knew that Ranma was about to make an attack, what he didn't expect was that when Ranma made the final move, he couldn't even defend himself. He put up the strongest of his ki shield and still the attack hit him and he was sent flying. Just before he passed out the thought passed Herb that he was defeated. The prince of Musk kingdom, defeated. That was the last thing he though before passed out. After performing his attack Ranma made sure that Herb wasn't dead. After all, it won't have to lose such an amusing fellow who had so much potential to becoming a great entertainment for him. "How?" "Huh?" "How did you do such things?" "What are you talking about?" "How did you die and come back?" Kho Lon was in her thinking mode. If Ranma can bring back the dead, then how great it would be to bring back the dead of their tribes. If he can raise himself, then surly he can do that for others. "Oh, that it's a trade secret" "Tell me!" "Listen Kho Lon, it won't be a secret if I just told you now would it?" Kho Lon was about to ask again, but this time, she thought better of it. He probably will refuse again and it wasn't as though she could force him to tell her. She will just have to wait her chances. After all he is now married to her great granddaughter and will soon be married to many other of their tribe members. It won't be long before the secret will be theirs. After that, they will regain their old glory. "Well, I had fun, I think we should go back. Tendos and also your Amazons will probably miss us" "Yes, let's go back to your wife" "Yes let... huh?" "Your wife, my great granddaughter" "WIFE!?!?" End of Chapter... Next Chapter Kho Lon and the Amazons tell Ranma and the others of their law. Guess who comes to town. "Ranma Saotome! Your mine!" Note: First, I would like to thank all my pre-readers who have gotten back to me for what they did for me. For some odd reasons most of my pre-readers have not gotten back to me. Of course they must have been busy with their own work and also vacations so it's all good. Oh and one thing, I wait for about 5 days for pre-readers to get back to me, if they don't, I just post what I have. Also I would like to apologize for not updating for so long. I am studying for the LSAT and it's not that easy. I will update more often now. Thanks. DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters are either owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi. Bastard!! Is a property of Pioneer Entertainment. I'm poor college student so do not sue me you won't get much out of it, just enjoy the fic and let me know what you thought of it. C&C to Eric Oh Note: These events takes place after the Bastard!! OVA series and if you are familiar with Bastard!! Manga that is out in Japanese and French, you will know what I'm talking about. Brief note for those who do not, after the OVA series, Dark Schneider faces off against the Demons of Hell and Angels of Heaven. He is more powerful than ever and his friends have learned many skills. I'm going to have it so that Dark Schneider has picked up an ability to cross over worlds, in other words, Dark Schneider has learned an ability to come to Ranma1/2 world. < > Thoughts ( ) Chinese [ ] Mental link { } Panda/animals using signs. Ranma1/2 Ranma the Bastard!! Chapter 9 Bastard World... "I told you my heir will win!" "Yes Darshe you did, but did you hear what the old woman said?" By now Gara had finally gotten control of his mouth again. "Yeah, she said that our boy Ranma was married!" "Married!?!?" It seems that put Dark Schneider, the mighty warrior sorcerer into a shock. "Darshe? Darshe? Are you ok?" "Hey, Dark you ok?" Gara and Arshes Nei was trying to snap Dark Schneider out from the shock that he got from hearing that Ranma was no married. "Married! Ranma! He's not even 200 yet!" "We know Darshe! Come on, calm down, and let's just watch what happens ok?" "Oh man, wait till Yoko hears about this" Now there were images in Dark Schneider's mind about what Yoko will do to him after finding out that he was married. Ranmaverse... People of the Tendo dojo were all waiting for Ranma to come back from fighting those four men. Akane had woken up thanks to the loving care by Kasumi and the Amazon treatments. It seems all was well, except the people there were all suffering on their own. Xien Pu was suffering because she was away from her bran new husband. She wanted to cuddle with her husband. Other amazon warriors was suffering because they wanted to get their chance at Ranma, and to become his wife, like Xien Pu. Soun Tendo was still crying, saying that his daughter has come back to him from the dead. Nabiki was still trying to find a way to make money out of this situation or at least get an advantage of any sort. Kasumi was just finished with tending to her little sister and was not busy cleaning up the mess that was made when the four men attacked them. However, one person that was suffering more then anyone was Ryoga. Ryoga was now in the loving clutch of one Xu Pu of the Amazon. She was trying to feed him some vegetables that she got from Kasumi, however Ryoga refused to eat them. After Xu Pu decided that her newly found pet didn't want to eat now, she decided to play with it. They were all thinking about Ranma in one way or the other when they heard his voice, and the voice of something that was really old. "Listen, I'm telling you, I am not marrying anybody now!" "You have no choice son-in-law, you are up against the 3000 years of Amazon tradition!" "And I'm telling you that I am not going to marry now! I'm too young for that kind of thing!" "You will" "Will not!" When the women in the house heard this, they were all very saddened. They all heard that Ranma was not going to marry now. This depressed Xien Pu, she was after all his wife, however, he refused to acknowledge that fact. Other amazons were also getting depressed. It seems that Ranma was going to be harder to get then they originally thought. Akane was happy and sad at the same time. She had always been rather romantic at heart, so she wanted what all the romantic books have between couples. She wanted to date, and be courted. So, she was willing to wait for the marriage, however, not too long. Nabiki was thinking how to turn this into her advantage, so that at the end, she will be the one who will wear the ring from Ranma. Kasumi was just smiling and open the door so that Ranma and Kho Lon can come in to the house and not trouble themselves with jumping over the wall or such. "Son! What is this business about you being married!" It was Soun, who heard the conversation, which put dampers in his own plans for the Saotome Tendo union. "Perhaps, I should explain" It was Kho Lon who said it without even giving Ranma a chance to talk. "Yes, why don't you?" "Perhaps we should talk inside with cup of tea?" Kasumi suggested and when Kasumi suggest something, people usually listened and today was not going to be an exception. Ranma was about to go into the house, when he felt some evil power. With that Ranma started to scan the area, and he almost found the source of the evil when it disappeared. Elsewhere... "You have the information?" "Yes my lord" "What of him?" "He is currently staying in mortal realm called Japan" "Is that so?" "Yes my lord" "What of his allies?" "It seems that his allies are not in this realm my lord" "You mean the young fool is alone?" "Yes my lord" "Hmm... it seems cerburus was telling the truth" "What shall we do my lord?" "What can't we do? HA HA HA HA HA" Elsewhere... "Ranma Saotome, I have finally found you, you will feel the pain that I have felt!" Tendo dojo... "So, tell me how is it that Ranma is married to one of you?" "It is according to the 3000 years of Chinese Amazon tradition!" "What is this so called tradition!" "If the amazon warrior is defeated by the female outsider, then the warrior should pursue the female outsider and kill her at all cost!" "What?" "Now, in case the outsider is male, and has defeated the amazon warrior, then the warrior should give him the kiss of marriage and take him as her husband" This proclamation by Kho Lon had caused everybody to look at her. "That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!" Of course that was said by the most volatile of the group, Akane. "Yes, what kind of uncivilized and stupid tradition is that?" Of course that was Nabiki, saying her piece, after all they were talking about taking Ranma as their own husband. "Outsider females make fun of our law?" The amazon warriors all decided that they did not like these two females and they all started to take up threaten stance. "Yes! It is one of the most barbaric, stupid, uncivilized, ignorant, and ridiculous law that I have ever heard!" Usually Nabiki would not have stood up to the face of danger like this, when if she did not have anything to use against them. However, this was for the sake of Ranma. "Why you!" With that the Amazon warriors started to move towards both Akane and Nabiki, when they could not move an inch. "What?" Akane and Nabiki had tried to move as well, only to find themselves unable to move as well. "Now, can we talk about me and not act like I'm not here?" It was Ranma who, while everyone was too busy arguing, had casted a paralization spell. It was the same spell that he had used on Kuno, except this time, it was for more people. "Now, what is this about amazon tradition? I mean, we are not even on amazon land. Also, I'm not an amazon, and I don't think that I will have to obey the laws of amazons" "You must!" "I don't think so old woman" "You dare stand up against the 3000 years of history?" "I do not have to dare anything old woman. It's rather easy" "How dare you!" "Already told you, I dare nothing. It's very easy. I mean the 3000 years of amazon history you talk about? They are all dead. To me, they mean nothing, actually less then nothing. I have never heard about it till today, and quite frankly I'm not too impressed by it" When Ranma started to say these things, Akane, Nabiki, Soun, Genma started to smile. After all, that means that the family can still be united. "That's right! Ranma already has a fiancee!" Soun decided to speak up for the sake of the Saotome Tendo union. When Sound said it, Akane and Nabiki started to smile even more. The amazon warriors heard it, and thanks to staying in Japan for a while, the understood what Soun meant, and they also saw the smiles on Akane and Nabiki's face and they could think of only one thing. "That does not matter! Ranma will marry the tribe and that's that!" Ranma was beginning to think that he should do a personality modification spell on these two. "Ranma was engaged to one of my girls even before he was born!" "Amazon law is above any and all engagement before!" "See, now that's where you are wrong" It was Nabiki who spoke up this time. "Quiet child! This is no place for a child like you!" "Actually, this is place for me. Don't forget, you are in my home, you have invaded my house, and you are for the moment, a guest who is about to lose that privilege" "You dare young whelp!" "Oh, name calling now huh?" It was good thing that Kho Lon was paralyzed or else she might have gone and hurt this free speaking girl. "What you said before, that amazon law is above and beyond all other laws?" "Yes" "What a crock of bull!" "HOW DARE YOU!" "Listen here granny, I don't know where you have been for the past century or so, but your laws and tradition doesn't mean dirt to us. We are citizens of Japan, and not some backwater town like where you are from. Also, you are not even recognized independent nation. You have no rights or laws as long as the international community is concerned. You have no name outside of what you call your Amazon world. Simply put, your laws? Not even worth the paper that I used to wipe my nose with" Nabiki finished it with a smirk that she often used to show her superiority over others. As Nabiki was talking, all the amazons there were getting angrier and angrier as she kept talking. By the end of Nabiki's little speech, all that was running through the minds of the amazon warriors was Nabiki laying down before them, and with various of torture equipment next to her. As Nabiki was talking, Kho Lon started to get angry, and her internal fire started t burn brighter and brighter. She looked towards the young girl who have defied and trashed her laws, the laws of the 3000 years of Amazon history. Ranma was watching this and he felt the mental state of all that were here. "Well, this is all very interesting, and all, but I think I'll go to sleep" With that Ranma started to head upstairs, what with the people down there paralyzed and everything. "Ranma? Come back here and unfreeze us!" "Ranma? Ranma did this?" "Airen! You come back and give Xien Pu proper wedding night!" Ranma heard all this and more, but he just ignored it. Ranma was about to go to sleep without releasing any of them, when he remembered about Kasumi. He made few gestures, and released Kasumi of her paralyze spell. Later that night... "RANMA!!!!" Bastard World... "HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Dark Schneider was laughing his head off watching what Ranma did to those who were down there. Apparently, Ranma had left them frozen there for hours and because they have been frozen, they could not fall asleep. "Darshe, it's not that funny" Arshes Nei was not enjoying this as much as Dark Schneider was. Of course, what Ranma did was indeed funny. However, she did favor those warrior women over the others and did not like to see them suffer. It seems that Arshes Nei and Gara has already picked out their favorite and who should get Ranma. Obviously, Arshes Nei being the warrior woman that she is, she was favoring the amazon warriors, specially the one called Xien Pu. Gara watched it, and Gara has decided that he liked the one called Akane. It seems that she sort of reminded him of this girl that he had couple of years back. Both were wondering who Dark Schneider was favoring. "Anyway, Dark, have you picked out a girl for Ranma yet?" "What?" "Well, I think Ranma should get with that Xien Pu girl. She is after all the perfect match for the wizard warrior like Ranma. A woman warrior" "You are crazy Arshes, Ranma belongs with that Akane girl. Beside, she is somewhat of a woman warrior herself" "Gara, she is unskilled and she is unfocused!" Dark Schneider just watched his two friends argue among themselves for a while with this look in his face. "Darshe! Tell Gara that you favor Xien Pu!" "Now, why would I do that precious?" "Huh?" "Ranma is way too young to be tied down with just one girl. Why, when I was his age, I had hundreds of different girls!" After making this little proclamation, Dark looked from Arshes to Gara, only to find them looking behind him. "I'm happy for you that you had so many women before ME!" "Darling, I was only kidding!" "Go talk to someone who cares!" "Yoko!" Ranmaverse... Ranma was coming down after the refreshing rest when he saw that most of the people that he left were looking like they have all came back from the dead. They were still all frozen in place, however, they all looked like they were all punched in both of the eyes. "R..R...Ranma... please, release us" It was spoken by Kho Lon, who had the superior will, and whom, by that shear will was now talking to Ranma. "Oops, didn't you guys have nice night?" "N...no!" "Good morning Ranma. Could you please release those people from whatever you have done? Breakfast is almost ready" "Good morning Kasumi. Well, since you asked nicely, I will" With that Ranma released the group from the paralization spell that held them. The moment that he released them, the whole entire group fell in heap and finally went to sleep that was denied from them. "How rude, falling a sleep when Kasumi went through the trouble to cook breakfast for us" With that he turned to Kasumi and gave her a smile which made her heart jump. "Well, it seems like it's only the two of us for breakfast" "Very well" Later... Ranma was walking towards school, next too him was very tired looking Nabiki. Akane decided that she was going to sleep in, actually she could not be awakened. Nabiki however, had to come into school. She ran the place and she could not miss it. Beside, she could not let Ranma come to school without being there to watch out for him. As they were nearing school, they saw the crowd of boys there. As they approached, Nabiki spoke up. "Sorry boys, Akane is not here today" "We are not here for that" "Yeah, we saw Saotome beat Kuno yesterday and Akane saying that he is her boyfriend" "We give up on her... you are a lucky man Ranma" "Huh?" "NEVER!" They all turn to look towards the sound, although they all knew who it was. "I shall never allow this! I cannot let this dark demon take hold of pure Akane!" "Dark demon?" "You are a demon! You have used your dark magic to defeat me yesterday! However, today I come prepared!" With that Kuno actually pulled out a real blade instead of the boken that he usually carried with him. "Oh? You have a real sword this time huh?" "Silence foul demon! This is the holy instrument which will deal you your just destruction!" "Is that so?" "Have at thee!" With that Kuno launched himself at Ranma with complicated sword patterns that the spectators were amazed with. They all knew Kuno had skills, however, what he was doing was beyond anything Kuno had ever done before. "Not bad, but you are still no where good enough to even scratch me" With that Ranma decided to pull out a sword of his own. "Your mine!" Kuno was about to connect when Ranma pulled out his fire blade. When both swords clashed, there was sparks everywhere and bright light which the spectators had to shield their eyes from. "So, your sword does have some magical qualities huh?" Ranma asked, now fending off all of Kuno's attacks with one hand. Kuno was getting more frustrated by the minute. He was doing his best moves and was using the legendary blade of the ancestors which were told that could even kill a demon. "Silence! I shall destroy you with my ancestor's blade" "I doubt that" With that Ranma started on the offense, which Kuno had hard time defending against. It wasn't as if Ranma was doing any complicated attacks. He didn't wanted to waste his skills against such a weak opponent. He was simply doing a simple attacks extremely fast. Fast enough so that Kuno can see it and defend against, but slow enough so that it won't actually hit Kuno. Nabiki who were watching the whole thing couldn't help but get that feeling. The feeling that Ranma was merely playing with Kuno. "What's going on here!" It seems that all the commotion and all the fire works had drawn the teachers out as well. They were all used to the morning fights, however, they were not used to what seem like a death duels with real swords. "Well, this bumbling idiot decided to pull out a real sword, so I was merely returning the favor" Ranma answered, not even really paying attention to his attacks anymore. He looked like he was bored. "You do not take me seriously!" With that Kuno decided to use his ultimate move. "Take this demon!" With that Kuno, who had been furiously defending himself against Ranma, back paddled so that he could get enough room, and started a furious strike against Ranma. Ranma saw what was going on and were little amazed. The teachers and students were all amazed at what Kuno was doing. Of course, Ranma was using his own sword to misdirect the strikes, however just with the air pressure alone, Kuno was doing great damage to the wall that was behind Ranma. "Watch out Ranma!" It was said by Nabiki and Miss. Aino who were concerned about Ranma's safety. However, when both realized that each other was there, they started to glare at each other. "Well, I'm getting bored with this. I think I'm going to end it. After all, we would not want to be late for our class now would we?" Kuno was about to retaliate when Ranma sword started to glow red, and what he saw next made him realize that his proclamation was right from the beginning. What Ranma did was, he called forth the power of the fire blade, and launched a small fireball at Kuno. Enough to singe and put him out of action, but not enough to do major damage. It would, after all, be shame to kill such an amusing fool. The spectators saw what Ranma did and all the girls that watched it fall more into love with Ranma then before. "Look what he did!" "What pretty light!" The guys wanted to stay away from Ranma's bad side. It will not do for their health to mess with someone that can fire off a real life fireball. Teachers decided not to fail Ranma no matter how badly he does for the same reason the guys decided to stay in good side of Ranma. What they did not expect was Kuno blocking the fireball with his own sword. "WHAT?" Everybody there, including Nabiki was surprised by what Kuno had done. They were all sure that the fireball was the end of Kuno for today. "Foul demon! Once again you seek to find victory by using your black magic! But, today, the vengeance of heaven will triumph over the demon such as you! Behold, the power of the blade of my ancestors that once destroyed one much like you!" With that Kuno's sword started to glow as well, but he did not fire off a fireball. It seems that his sword started to multiply and it was moving by itself. With that Ranma took a closer look at the sword that the Kuno was using and realized that it wasn't Kuno that was doing the sword, but it was the sword itself. "Oh wow! Look what Kuno is doing!" "I never knew Kuno had it in him!" "Now foul demon! Face the just wrath of my vengeance!" With that Kuno's sword started to launch itself against Ranma. "RANMA!!!" Nabiki and Miss. Aino was about to jump to rescue their perspective boyfriend/husband when something amazing happened. Ranma just stood there and caught the blade that came at him. He caught the main blade causing the other blade which the main blade created to disappear. "WHAT?" Kuno was in shock. His best blade, his ancestor's blade had been stopped by this demon. "YOU VILE CREATURE! RELEASE MY ANCESTOR'S BLADE AT ONCE!" "Hmm... not bad. Pretty good balance, and seems to hold some good magic. However, it won't do to have this kind of sword in your possession now would we?" With that, he flung the blade up in the air and brought his own blade upon it, destroying it. "HOW DARE YOU!!!!!" Kuno was outraged. This demon had just destroyed the greatest treasure in his family, the honored ancestor blade that was passed down from generation to generation. "I don't know why everybody keeps asking me that. It was easy. You did not know the value of the sword. You don't deserve it. The sword was better off being destroyed rather then to belong to your family" "I WILL KILL YOU!" With that Kuno charge at Ranma, so enraged that he didn't even care that he didn't have his weapon. When Kuno came near enough, Ranma delivered a simple but powerful punch to the stomach, causing him to pass out. "Well, that was fun, but I think it's about time we go back to class no?" With that Ranma walked into the building, leaving the whole entire school looking at his back with their own feelings and thoughts. Later... Ranma was inside the classroom, where people were just outright staring at him. Girls with adoration and hearts in their eyes and boys with somewhat of fear and other emotions mixed in their eyes. Ranma was once again bored. It was fun when Kuno attacked an Kuno did provide an interesting entertainment for him, but the class was just so boring. Ranma was about to get up and leave the room, when someone came into the room, walked towards the teacher and after talking to the teacher for a minute turned and glared at him. "Class, we have a new student today. He just came to us from China. Please give warm welcome to Ukyou...what's your last name?" "I don't have one... it's just Ukyou" The person said it not even looking at the teacher. He was just too busy glaring at Ranma. Ranma was trying to think of where he heard this guy's name before, when something about the guy made him realize something. "Teacher, I think you have it wrong" "What do you mean Ranma" "You just introduced Ukyou as a guy" "Yes, that's what the paper says" "But, she's a girl" "WHAT!!!!" End of chapter 9 Next Chapter "You knew and you ran from me!!!" "What are you talking about?" Note: LSAT done, and I'm on my break. Thanks for all of you who actually read my work. Thanks. My email address is Jjang13977@aol.com I have my own web page. http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/ericheeohfic/index.html DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters are either owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi. Bastard!! Is a property of Pioneer Entertainment. I'm poor college student so do not sue me you won't get much out of it, just enjoy the fic and let me know what you thought of it. C&C to Eric Oh Note: These events takes place after the Bastard!! OVA series and if you are familiar with Bastard!! Manga that is out in Japanese and French, you will know what I'm talking about. Brief note for those who do not, after the OVA series, Dark Schneider faces off against the Demons of Hell and Angels of Heaven. He is more powerful than ever and his friends have learned many skills. I'm going to have it so that Dark Schneider has picked up an ability to cross over worlds, in other words, Dark Schneider has learned an ability to come to Ranma1/2 world. < > Thoughts ( ) Chinese [ ] Mental link { } Panda/animals using signs. Ranma1/2 Ranma the Bastard!! Chapter 10 Bastard World.... "Darshe, did you hear what Ranma just said about that boy?" "I did, and Ranma is right. I can recognize a girl anywhere, no matter what kind of disguise they have on" "I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!" It seemed that Dark Schneider forgot that Yoko was right there with him and she was still pretty angry about that comment he made about him having hundreds of women before her. "Darling" "Don't touch me!" With that, Yoko ran out of the room. "Every single day" With that Dark Schneider followed her, to make up for what he did. "Arshes, I'm getting tired of those two doing that every single day you know" "So, am I" Ranmaverse... "WHAT!?!?!?!" "You all said that already" "Ranma, what makes you say that Ukyou here is a guy? His paper says that he is a boy" "How dare you!" "Don't you people get tired of asking me that question already? What is with you people. Every new character that shows up, it's 'How dare you this' or 'How dare you that'" "Ranma, you still haven't told us why you said that Ukyou is a girl" "It's pretty obvious. Girls and Guys have different auras about them. Girls have different balance then guys. Ukyou tries hard to make up for that difference but not doing a good enough job. I can tell by looking at her aura, and also the way she moves that she's definitely a girl" That silenced everybody in the classroom, including Ukyou. Actually, Ukyou had her head down and looked to be shaking. After Ranma mentioned all that, people in the classroom started to think about it, and then they all saw how pretty Ukyou was for a guy. Everybody in the classroom was all deep in their on thoughts when Ukyou screamed. "YOU KNEW AND YOU RAN FROM ME!!!!" "Huh? What are you talking about?" "You knew I was a girl! And that means you knew about our engagement! And you still abandoned me and ran from me!" "Now what are you talking about?" "How could you! I called you Ranchan! I loved you! We were supposed to get married, but you left me on the side of the road taking my family cart!" "Wait a minute" "Ucchan?" "Don't call me that! You don't deserve to call me that!!!!" "You are Ucchan?" "I said don't call me that!" The whole entire class was shocked by what Ukyou said about how they were supposed to get married and how Ranma left her. "It's you, but you were a guy before" "I was never a guy you jerk! I was always a girl!" "I can't believe it. You are a girl.....my childhood friend" "I'm not your friend! You ruined my life! When you left me on the side of the road, I was ruined. I denied my womanhood then and trained everyday on my family martial arts so that one day I could get my revenge on you and your father. It seems like that time has come!" "Ucchan, can't we talk about this? I don't even remember what you are talking about" "Stop your lies! I will not hear it" With that, she pulled out a instant grill from somewhere and started to work on something. Then she tossed it to where Ranma was, which he caught. "I'll see you there and I will have my revenge" Ukyou said as walking out of the classroom. On the thing, which was Okonomiyaki, was a challenge letter. "Meet me at the front of Gym entrance after school" With that Ranma also left the room. Later.... "Pop!!! Get your ass out here now!" With that Ranma came into the house looking ready for a battle. "Welcome home Ranma, school over already?" "No, I'm just looking for my pops, have you seen him anywhere?" "Oh my, yes. He is at the back yard with father" "Thank you Kasumi" Ranma went to the backyard, only to find it empty. It seems that Genma heard Ranma and was now hiding from him, and Soun as well. Genma was actually using one of the forbidden techniques that he developed. It was forbidden, however, it didn't stop him from using it, honorless person that he was. "You know it's useless to hide from me, show yourself now or I'm going to get angry you know" Soon as he said it, Soun popped out of the ground started to cry. "I'm sorry!" "Please, get up Mr. Tendo, I'm not here for you" "Oh, in that case" With that he went into the house, thinking himself lucky to have escaped Ranma's wrath. Both Genma and Soun have noticed how powerful the boy was, after all he did beat those strangers as well as completely freeze the whole family. They have decided that it would be a good idea to stay away from his bad side. "Pop, I'm going to give you till the count of three. If you don't show yourself I'm going to hurt you in so many ways that you will not be able to eat for at least 10 days" Of course by now, Ranma knew where Genma was hiding, and slowly making his way towards the wall that Genma was hiding. Genma was repeating that thought over and over again, hoping the boy will give up. "Ok, one, two, THREE" With the count of three, Ranma was by Genma's side and already had him in a one handed throat grip that Genma could not escape from. "I told you that if you don't give yourself up, you will suffer didn't I?" Genma tried to reply, to beg for his case, but the fingers that grip his throat prevented him from speaking and moving his head. "Well, I keep my promise, unlike someone I know. So, here we go" With that, Ranma started to chant and this feeling came upon Genma. When it was done, Ranma released Genma, and Genma looked up to Ranma. "What have you done to me?" "Well, you'll find out soon enough. However, I have a question for you and you better answer me truthfully or else I'm going to do much worse things" "OK OK" "What have you done to Ucchan?" "What?" "What have you done to Ukyou and what is she talking about us stealing her family cart and leaving her by the road?" "That is...." With that, Genma looked like he was about to make a run for it, however Ranma grabbed him by the back of the neck so fast that Genma could not even attempt the escape. "Answer the question old man or else" "It's better that you do not know!" "Don't give me any crap old man. She showed up today and she's talking about things that I don't know. Give me the whole story or else you will regret it" "She showed up?" "Yes, now talk!" "Well...." "I see, you need some incentive to make you talk, is that it?" "What?" Ranma started to chant again, and this time Genma could feel something really wrong with his body. "Ok, now what did you do to Ukyou?" "Her father and I made a deal. I was to take in Ukyou as your fiancée and he gave me their family cart as her dowry" "Oh, in case you are wondering old man, I put a spell on you. For the next whole week, you will not be able to lie and any question that anybody asks, you will be force to answer them truthfully" "So, you just took her family cart and left her on the side of the road" "Yes, that's how it was" "Why?" "Because, I didn't want the extra burden. I made the deal so I can have some things to eat for a while. I did not want an extra mouth to feed and she would have became a burden to me" "You selfish old coward. If you didn't intend to take her with us why did you make the deal!" "I was hungry" Bastard World.... "I cannot believe that kind of a man is Ranma's real father!" "Thank goodness Darshe got to him when he did" "I have a half a mind to do there and teach him a lesson myself" Ranmaverse... "Well, she is here and she thinks it's my fault. She challenged me to a fight! You are going to make it better. You are going to go and explain to her what happened and you are going to make it up to her" "What?" "You heard me" "I can't!" "You can't or you won't you coward?" "I'm your father!" "I don't know about that. I'm going to have to talk to mother about you when I find her" "What?" "Anyway, if I had a bat's wing right now, I would put you under a powerful curse but since I don't have one here, you escape that fate" "You would put a curse on your own father!" "If you were a normal father, probably not, but since you are you, yes" "Oh what ungrateful son I have!" "What do I have to be grateful to you about?" "You are my son! I gave you life! I taught you everything you know!" "Wrong, maybe, and wrong" "What?" "I said I no longer consider you my father, we don't know if you are my biological father, and you didn't teach me anything" "What?" "You heard me, I no longer consider you my father and you taught me nothing and until I hear from mother, I don't even think you gave me life" That shocked Genma. The few things that he thought he had on Ranma he just destroyed. "Well, come on old man I'm taking you to Ukyo right now so you can explain things to her" With that Ranma picked him up by his neck and started to roof hop towards the school. Somewhere Else.... "Soon Ranma, now that you are alone without any of your friends you will taste defeat and death at my hands!" School.... Ukyou was at the gym entrance working to make the ring where she was going to destroy Ranma, not only for his insult but knowingly running away from her when he knew she was a girl. Ukyou was deep in her thought that it caught her totally off guard when she heard someone calling her name. "Ucchan" "I told you to stop calling me that!" "Listen Ucchan, I know what happened and I can explain" "You can explain what! It's too late for that! I wasted 10 years of my life!" "Ucchan listen to me please" "Since you are here, there is no need to wait till after school, I'll defeat you here and now!" With that Ukyou charged at Ranma with her battle spatula raised high only to come few feet short of Ranma and unable to move. "Now, you will have to listen to me" "What have you done!" "Nothing, I will undo it as soon as I'm done explaining" "Undo it now and fight you coward!" "Listen to me first! Well, actually this old man has something to say to you first" With that Ranma brought struggling Genma forward "What can he say to me that will change my mind?" "Well, ask him" "Ask him what?" "Ask him about why he did and what he did" "No" "Fine then, I'll ask him. Why did you run away without Ukyou?" "She was a burden that I didn't want and I didn't want the extra mouth" "What?" "Did I have anything to do with this, did I even know about the engagement?" "No" "I don't believe you!" "Ucchan, it's the truth" "How do I know that you two are not trying to fool me again!" "Ucchan, he is telling the truth. He can't help it. I put a spell on him so that he can't lie" "Spell? Did you just say spell?" "Yes" "Do you honestly expect me to believe there is such things as spell and that you an do them?" "Yes" "Liar!" "Then how do you explain what I did to you?" "You must have used some kind of paralyzing dust!" "Ok, then I guess I'll have to prove it to you" Ranma started to chant again, and when he was done, Ukyou felt something happen to her body. "What was that?" "Ucchan, why did you throw away your womanhood?" "Because, I was ashamed of it, I wasn't wanted by you. I was thrown away" "What did you do to me?" "Magic. I used the same spell on you that I did on the old man. Except yours will end in an hour" "So....it is true?" "Yes" "You didn't know about it?" "No, I didn't know about it" "But, I wasted 10 years of my life. I'm not even a woman anymore!" "You are too. A beautiful one at that!" "What?" "I said you are beautiful" "I am not..." "Yes you are" Ukyou was now blushing bright red, and if she could move, she would have slapped Ranma silly. "So, how about it Ucchan? We start over?" "Sure" Ranma was releasing Ukyou from her paralyzing spell when he felt the evil again. The same evil that he felt at the Tendo's the night before. End of Chapter 10 Note: I'm so sorry for no updating soon. I was down and I was having trouble thinking about the fic and I was stuck. Sorry. I didn't send this to my pre-readers because it has been such a long time since I updated that I decided to update it right away. My email address is Jjang13977@aol.com I have my own web page. http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/ericheeohfic/index.html DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters are either owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi. Bastard!! Is a property of Pioneer Entertainment. I'm poor college student so do not sue me you won't get much out of it, just enjoy the fic and let me know what you thought of it. C&C to Eric Oh Note: These events takes place after the Bastard!! OVA series and if you are familiar with Bastard!! Manga that is out in Japanese and French, you will know what I'm talking about. Brief note for those who do not, after the OVA series, Dark Schneider faces off against the Demons of Hell and Angels of Heaven. He is more powerful than ever and his friends have learned many skills. I'm going to have it so that Dark Schneider has picked up an ability to cross over worlds, in other words, Dark Schneider has learned an ability to come to Ranma1/2 world. < > Thoughts ( ) Chinese [ ] Mental link { } Panda/animals using signs. Ranma1/2 Ranma the Bastard!! Chapter 11 Ranma started to focus, this time he wasn't going to let the evil get away without finding out what it was. It wouldn't do to have some random evil being stalking him. He started to concentrate when he felt teleportation magic being called forth. With that Ranma cast his own spell, which would make his job of finding this evil being much easier. What the spell would do is that, when the teleportation spell is finished instead of intended place, the person that cast the teleportation spell would end up in front of Ranma. While this was going on, Ukyou was just staring at her new found friend Ranma with different look. Genma was trying to slowly make his way away from here so that he would not get killed by Ukyou, who he has wronged. Both Ukyou and Genma was so into their own thoughts that they were both shocked to see this ugly creature appear right before Ranma. "WHAT? HOW?" "What is that!" "AHHH!" The demon that was watching Ranma from the shadows was confused. He was casting teleportation spell to go back to hell to report to his master when he suddenly appeared in front of the subject. Ukyou just saw something that seem like it was from the depth of hell itself and it was standing in front of Ranma. Genma for his part, ran as soon as he saw the monster. "Well, well. If it isn't one of Memnoch's little lackey" "I do not know how you did this, but you will be soon no more!" "Oh? And how will I be soon no more?" "My master has learned that you are in this realm, alone, without any of your allies" "And?" "Without your allies, you are nothing! You will face the wrath of my master! He has gotten stronger, powerful! You are of no challenge to my master now!" "So, Mamnoch is still planning on his revenge for that horn I cut off is he?" "Ranchan....what's going on here?" Ukyou asked Ranma, who was carrying on a conversation with this creature like he knew it, and it was talking back to him like it knew Ranma as well. "Well, Ucchan... let's just say that I met this little guy before" "Little?" Ukyou asked Ranma, and it wasn't surprising considering that the creature was at least 7 feet tall and was bigger then almost anything she has seen before. "Well, considering the others of his kind, yeah, he is little" "What do you mean?" "Well, there are things that are as big as buildings and such" That shut Ukyou up rather quickly. She was having a hard time imagining things like that, and it was almost mind boggling how casual Ranma was treating all of this. "So, you have been spying on me for the past couple of days is that it?" "I will tell you no more!" "Oh? You going to challenge me?" "Young fool! I am the demon Shab! I fear no mortal!" With that demon Shab attacked Ranma with fast punch that was almost too fast for Ukyou to even see. However, Ranma just casually side stepped it, and brought up his left foot to the demon's stomach, knocking the wind out of the demon. "Come now, you are the great demon Shab are you not? Surely you can do better then this" Ranma started to taunt the demon, having fun with it, now that he got him mad enough to attack him. Demon was getting angry and since he already gone up against it's master's order not to attack Ranma but just watch him, he was going to go full force and kill him. "Foolish mortal! I will show you my true power!" With that demon Shab started to change, his color which was red just till moments ago started to change into strange shade of gray. And he grew multiple horns on his back as well as along his arms. Ukyou for her part, decided to help out her friend Ranma. He was fighting this ugly monster and it just changed into something even more ugly. So, she threw at the monster what she has been preparing to use on Ranma "Floor bomb!" When that impacted with the monster, it let lose with small explosion and covered the monster with floor cloud. "And take this!" Ukyou proceeded to launch her mini-spatulas at the floor cloud. Ukyou did not stop until she ran out of the mini-spatulas, and Ranma during all this looked at Ukyou with amusement on his face. When she ran out of the mini-spatulas to throw, she turned towards Ranma with a smile, knowing that she helped out her friend deal with this ugly monster. Ukyou was about to say something when she heard a loud cry from where the floor cloud was. Floor cloud started to settle down and she finally saw the monster again. All her throwing spatulas imbedded on his body, but it wasn't bleeding at all, and it looked like it was pissed. Demon looked at the creature that did this to him, and saw that it was a young mortal female. "Young girl! It was foolish of you to try to attack me! After I'm done with the fool, I will devour you!" With that he launched himself towards Ranma who was standing there with smirk on his face. Ukyou was shocked, she was sure she had destroyed the demon, or at least hurt it, but it didn't show any sign of injury, even with her mini-spatulas imbedded within him. Meanwhile, the demon was fighting Ranma, and looked like it was losing. Ranma was moving way to fast and doing too much damage with his punches and kicks. He could not understand how mere mortal could hurt him so much. Demon started to fight harder to overcome Ranma, using his own life force to speed up his attacks, however it did him no good. Ranma was still dancing around him and hitting him just as fast and hard as before. Demon was frustrated and that was never a good thing. Ranma was bored. This fight was boring him almost to the point of tears. It was almost as if the demon was standing still and he was hitting none moving target. "Hey, would you mind if you tried harder? I mean I'm having no fun here" "You dare to mock me! This is it!" Demon was angry, furious. He had never suffered such humiliation at the hand of mortal before and he did not like that. "I will show you fun mortal! Too bad it will be the last thing you will ever see!" "Crimson fire, crimson blood, eternal darkness, eternal night from where I come from, unending pain I call forth the power, to bring forth pain and misery!" While the demon was casting his spell, Ranma was looking on like he was bored. Spell was at it's last and demon looks at Ranma with what seem like smile on his face. "Now you die mortal! Hell's Judgement!!" (In case, it's from FF8) With that the area that surrounding Ranma went dark, rune writing appeared beneath Ranma's feet and it started to glow. Ukyou was in shock. Ranma just fought this thing and he looked like he was winning. And now this thing was doing something to Ranma. All she knew was that demon was doing something to Ranma and Ranma did not seem like he was able to get away from it. With that thought in mind Ukyou started to run towards Ranma, hoping to somehow affect whatever the thing is doing to Ranma enough to make a difference. Demon knew as soon as the rune writings appeared that Ranma was trapped and could not get away and was about to celebrate his victory. Ranma looked down on his feet and knew that this was very powerful attack magic and he was thinking how to counter it when he saw Ukyou through corner of his eyes. Ranma wanted to yell out to Ukyou to stay away, but it was too late. Ukyou was already too close and the magic started to do it's thing. The rune writing started to give off more light and that light started to attack. "Now, you die mortal!" Demon watched on as the foolish mortal was caught in his Hell's Judgement. He watched on as the female started to run towards the mortal and he knew what would happen. Demon kept on watching as Ukyou reached the runes and then something strange happened. The rune writings which had been glowing brightly, but not bright enough to prevent him from seeing things, all of a sudden exploded. After the explosion, when Shab looked again he saw something that he will remember always....which was not that long. "Ho...HOW!" "Now demon, you made a horrible mistake here" "Wh...WHAT!" "First of all, you tried to attack me, second of all you tried this foolish attack, and third, you almost got Ucchan, my childhood friend I just regained, killed!" Now that demon looked closer, he started to see power gathering around the mortal, and he started to get scared. "Are you scared now? Well, you should have been scared from the beginning. This will be one mistake that you will not walk away from" Ranma put Ukyou down on the ground and started to walk towards the demon. Each step that Ranma took forward, the demon took step backward. "Now, now, it won't do to have you keep running away like that!" With that, Ranma cast a magic that made his feet became one with the ground. "Now, let's see what I can do...just killing you won't be any fun...banishing you to hell would be pretty bad, since your master would do some damage, but, I'm going to have to do something to you personally... I got it!" "What...what will you do to me?" "You'll see demon... Reaching into the darkness reaching into the unreachable soul reaching into the dept to bring out your own doom... Mirror!" (It's from FF9) When Ranma finished his spell, fog started to gather in front of the demon, then a huge mirror, bigger then the demon itself, rose from the ground and stood in front of the demon. Demon looked into the mirror and saw something that scared him, it scared him so much that he started to go crazy, it scared him so much that he tried to run, forgetting that he couldn't move. Demon panicked, and he wanted to run, look away, but he could not do any of them. Then the mirror shattered. When the mirror shattered, the demon suffered great pain in his soul, his heart, and his soul shattered like the mirror. Without soul, even the demons could not live. Demon Shab died one of the most painful way, assault on one's very own soul, very own essence. After demon hit the ground, Ranma looked around and found Ukyou laying down where he put him down. He walked over to her, and cast the healing spell on her. Soon, Ukyou walk up to see one of the most beautiful sight she will ever wake up to. Two of the most beautiful blue eyes looking down at her. "Oh. Ranchan!" With that, she leaned up and kissed him full on the mouth. However, that happened to happen right when the Amazons came to check what the powerful magic was all about. It also happened when Akane and Nabiki and rest of the family came, following the Amazons. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!!!!" End of Chapter 11 Note: I'm so sorry for no updating soon. I was down and I was having trouble thinking about the fic and I was stuck. Sorry. I didn't send this to my pre-readers because it has been such a long time since I updated that I decided to update it right away. My email address is Jjang13977@aol.com I have my own web page. http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/ericheeohfic/index.html DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters are either owned by or inspired by the works of Rumiko Takahashi. Bastard!! Is a property of Pioneer Entertainment. I'm poor college student so do not sue me you won't get much out of it, just enjoy the fic and let me know what you thought of it. C&C to Eric Oh Note: These events takes place after the Bastard!! OVA series and if you are familiar with Bastard!! Manga that is out in Japanese and French, you will know what I'm talking about. Brief note for those who do not, after the OVA series, Dark Schneider faces off against the Demons of Hell and Angels of Heaven. He is more powerful than ever and his friends have learned many skills. I'm going to have it so that Dark Schneider has picked up an ability to cross over worlds, in other words, Dark Schneider has learned an ability to come to Ranma1/2 world. < > Thoughts ( ) Chinese [ ] Mental link { } Panda/animals using signs. Ranma1/2 Ranma the Bastard!! Chapter 12 Bastard!! World... Dark Schneider as well as all those who has been viewing Ranma and his adventure were somewhat surprised by the demon attack. However, they knew that Ranma could handle minor demon like that... actually thew knew that Ranma could handle major demon as well. After all, he was taught by Dark Schneider himself, as well as all the member of the team Bastard!!. However, Ranma was their student, their baby, and they could not help by baby him. As it were, all those who watch the fight between Ranma and the demon were making plans to get to where Ranma was, just in case anything really serious happened. It won't do to leave Ranma in a hostile place by himself, no matter how in control he seems to be in. Ranmaverse... "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!!!!" The Amazon warriors readies their weapons. There was strange girl kissing their husband and it just won't do to let the husband stealer live. Most of the Amazons were really seeing red, they were all jealous. Beside Shampoo, none of them had even tasted Ranma's mouth, and here was this husband stealer, tasting what was rightfully theirs. Shampoo herself was not very pleased. Akane and Nabiki were not, pleased. Akane is by nature a hot tempered person, and seeing some girl kissing, her boyfriend got her really angry. Nabiki, who has better control over her temper then Akane was reaching her point. First it was her own sisters who wanted to compete for this perfect guy for her, then all these strange women show up to get in the way, now, another strange girl was taking advantage of her future husband. While all this was going on, Ukyou held firmly onto Ranma and kissed him and continue to kiss him without slightest hint of letting the people know that she heard the yell. Ranma, at first was caught by surprise by the kiss, and he even returned it a little, however, he felt the hostile energy that was coming from the number of girls. Ranma was debating it over his head. On one hand, keeping this going would be rather interesting and resulting chaos would be funny to watch. On the other hand, he just got his friend, Ukyou, who he barely remembers, back and he didn't want to alienate or hurt her. So, with that in mind, he pulled free from Ukyou and ended the kiss. "Ranchan, what's wrong?" Ukyou asked, when Ranma ended the kiss, which was in her mind, the best thing ever. "Ukyou...Ucchan...Look around" Ukyou thought it was strange, but she did as she was told and looked around. Only to see many angry females looking at her ready to kill her. "WHAT'S GOING ON?" "THAT'S WHAT WE WANT TO KNOW!!!!" Ukyou was not prepared for the sound blast that came after her question and was blown back. Ranma was about to speak up and tell them all what happened, when one of the more hot-tempered girl decided to take things to her own hands. "I can't believe you just kissed my boyfriend" Akane was angry and she slowly started to move towards the girl that just kissed her Ranma. "I cannot forgive you" With that Akane jumped towards Ukyou, who by now noticed that if she wanted to be able to see Ranchan again, she'll have to fight. If it was just a fight between Akane and Ukyou, it would have been Ukyou that would have come out as the victor, however, the amazons that were there decided that Akane had the right idea, and decided to make themselves useful. "We attack husband stealer!" With that the fight between Akane and Ukyou turned into fight between Akane, Ukyou, and the amazons. They were all trained martial artist, however they were all women in love with, or at least interested in one man. They were not thinking rationally nor were they thinking like martial artist. They were all acting like female cat defending her home, or her mate. There were lots of hair pulling, usage of finger nails, as well as teeth involved in this fight. It came to be that the girls attacked any female flesh that got in their way, it didn't matter if you were fellow amazons or older warrior if you were female and you got in the way, you did not escape the nail or the hair pulling. Ranma was just watching the scene with what could only be called as amusement. Nabiki was rather embarrassed to say the least. For one thing, her own sister was involved in that massive cat fight. Another thing, all these women fighting over one man. They shouldn't even bother, sooner or later, Ranma would be her man anyway. Cologne was rather disappointed in her amazon warriors. They were acting like common females and it seem like they have completely forgotten their marital arts training. Cologne decided to put an end to this senseless fighting. She enjoyed a good martial arts fight between martial artist, however, this was no martial artist fight, this was just common brawl and she would have no part in it and she will not allow her amazon warriors to be part of it any longer. "ENGOUH!" Cologne yelled out. Usually that would have gotten the attention of the people around, however, this time she was just ignored. Cologne could not believe it. Even her amazons have just ignored her. This could not be tolerated! She was the matriarch of the amazons! Cologne was about to yell out again and this time with ki boast so that it could be heard all through Nerima when it became unnecessary. Ranma decided that it was enough seeing the girls fight. Some of the hair pulling as well as scratching was going out of hand and it just wouldn't do to have any of their beautiful faces damaged like that. Ranma cast a spell that made the girls immobile. "WHAT HAPPENED TO US!" Question asked by every one of the girls that were involved with the brawl. Cologne once again decided that Ranma just had to be a part of the tribe. He was displaying power so casually. He has already defeated the greatest of the Musk and he had at one time caused her to become immobile. Girls were all glaring at each other, seeing they couldn't do anything else at the moment, then Ranma spoke up. "Well, I couldn't let you girls damage yourselves, it just wouldn't do to damage such pretty faces" With that, he flashed one of those smiles, that made the girls forget about the other girls and put them into a dream land where nothing else mattered but Ranma and whoever the girl was. Ranma was thinking while smiling. It was true he had cast the same spell number of times before. He had frozen the whole entire Tendo family as well as the Amazon once. He has also cast the spell number of other times such as on Kuno. Ranma was thinking how many more times would he need to cast this spell again in the future when Cologne decided to ask the question that was in all the girls mind. "Son-in-law...who is that girl you were kissing?" When Cologne ask the question, the girls that were gone in the dream land got back to reality and once again started to glare at each other, but most of them were glaring at Ukyou. "Hmm...that's Ukyou" Cologne and other girls waited for more to come, however, after couple of minutes passed and nothing more was coming from Ranma, they knew that he wasn't going to say anymore. Cologne was about to bring up the point that what he said still did not explain why she was kissing him when Nabiki made her point. "Ranma...that doesn't tell us anything. I think we could do with more explanation from you" "Hmmm...let me see... Ok I got it. She's my childhood friend that I haven't seen in a long time. We just got back together and found out that my father, the worthless man that he is, wronged her when some minor demon showed up. I trashed it and Ukyou was just happy" When Ranma was done with that, Nabiki was deep in thought, as well as Cologne. All the other girls were still glaring daggers at Ukyou. Nabiki was already making plans to find out all she can about this new girl. Cologne was thinking along the same line, however, she was thinking in different level then Nabiki. Cologne has already decided that Ranma is to be included in her tribe. To that there was no question about it. Ranma was just too powerful and too good of a prize to be passed up for any reason. Both Nabiki and Cologne was deep in thought and making plans when Ukyou decided to set some records straight. "Ranchan! Aren't you forgetting something?" "Huh? What is it?" "That I'm your future Wife!" End of Chapter. Note: I'm so sorry for no updating soon. I was down and I was having trouble thinking about the fic and I was stuck. Sorry. I didn't send this to my pre-readers because it has been such a long time since I updated that I decided to update it right away. My email address is Jjang13977@aol.com I have my own web page. http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/ericheeohfic/index.html