Copy writes. Ranma 1/2 is a creation of Rumiko Takahashi and is owned by Viz video and all that. None of the characters belong to me and I just used them to expand my own creativity. Ranma1/2 Giver of Heart It was a typical day in Nerima. Ranma and Akane were coming back from school. Of course they were both arguing with each other. It seems that Akane was yelling at Ranma about him eating lunch that was made by Ukyou or Shampoo. In the middle of their arguing however, Akane stopped with pained look on her face and stopped walking. Ranma, not noticing it at first continue to walk when he noticed that Akane wasn't walking with him. He turned to look back and saw that Akane seem to be in some kind of pain. "Hey Akane, are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine, just little winded that's all" When Ranma heard that, he didn't believe her at all. Akane was suppose to be in a great shape. She ran every morning and she did martial arts. Now she was telling him that she was little winded from walking back from school, which they have been doing for a long time. "Akane, what's wrong?" "Nothing Ranma. I'm fine now, let's go" With that Akane started to walk again, little faster. Although Ranma thought that something was wrong, he just didn't know what it could be and decided it might not be such a big deal and went after her. Later... Akane and Ranma were in the dojo sparring or Akane trying to hit Ranma and Ranma dodging everything that Akane had to throw at him. Akane was getting mad at this usual game that Ranma played with her. "Ranma! Why don't you fight me for real?" "Ah, Akane, you know you can't handle me for real" "Ranma! How dare you?" With that she launched more brutal assault against him, which didn't help much. This went on for a while, when Akane, stopped, making a pained expression again and this time clutching at her chest, collapsed. Ranma saw Akane go down and knew that this time it was serious. This was something serious and Akane was in trouble. "AKANE!" He went to her, checking her vital signs and when he felt a irregular heart beats, he knew something was definitely wrong. "SOMEONE CALL THE HOSPITAL!" Later... The Tendo family and Saotome family was in the waiting room of the hospital that now held Akane as one of their patients. Waiting for a doctor to come and tell them that Akane was ok and that she'll be fine to go home by tomorrow. "Is she ok?" The question was asked by someone behind the family and when the family turned to see who it was, they met Dr. Tofu standing there with worried expression on his face. "We are not sure, the doctor here haven't told us anything yet" Through out all this, one person who seem most worried was Ranma. He wasn't pacing around like Nabiki, or crying like Soun, or any other things. He was sitting on a chair looking at the door that held Akane just behind it with intensity that can one can see. Dr. Tofu noticed this right away and walked to where Ranma was. "Are you ok?" "She was hurt and I didn't even know" "Ranma?" "She was hurt and I didn't even know. I should have, I should have known that she was hurt. I should have helped her, I should have brought her to you or something sooner" "Ranma, I'm not sure what happened, but I'm positive that there was nothing you could have done" "No, you don't understand, I saw her with this pained expression on her face when we were coming back from school today. She said she was just winded, but I should have known that was a lie. Why would she be winded from a walk back from school? We've been walking to and from school for as long as I was here and she for longer" "Ranma, you shouldn't blame yourself like this" "But it was my fault!" "Ranma..." Dr. Tofu didn't get to say much more, because the door opened to reveal the doctor that was working on Akane. "Doctor, how is my little girl?" Soun asked through the tears. However, the look from the doctor wasn't all that encouraging to the family. "The patient has suffered a severe heart failure. It seems that she has a very rare heart disease that had been lying dormant for sometime. It could have been passed down from her mother's family" When Soun heard that, he was in shock. 'It can't be!' "Doctor is there anything you can do to help her recover?" Kasumi asked the doctor with hope in her voice. However, the look from the doctor wasn't encouraging at all. It seems that they doctor had already given up on Akane. "85% of her heart has already failed. Only thing that is keeping her alive right now is the machines that we managed to connect her to. If it was even 10 minutes late, we might not even had the chance to use these machines on her" "Doctor?" "Yes?" "My name is Doctor Tofu Ono. Isn't there anything that you can do for her?" "Doctor Tofu Ono? I've heard about you. Well, her case is very rare, and even with the machines sustaining her, she doesn't have much more to live. Unless we find a healthy and strong heart that matches her and that her body will accept it, she doesn't have a chance" "Oh..." "I'm sorry" "Do you have a matching heart available then?" It was Nabiki who asked that question, already forming an idea in her head how to get her that heart if it was available. "Unfortunately, we do not have a 100% match. The closest we have right now is 76% match, but with her condition and her disease, if it's any less than 95% match, there is almost 70% chance that her body will reject the heart. Once the heart transplant has been attempted and fails, then her chances at survival becomes less then 30%" When the doctor said it, the place was covered in silence. They all understood the situation and what it meant. "What if her family member gives her the heart?" Kasumi asked the doctor with a straight face that shocked most of the people there. "Well, even if her family gives her the heart, if they are her sisters, they have the possibility that they also carry the disease that is laying dormant in their heart. If that is the case, as soon as the heart is introduced to the body, the disease will become active and it will be for nothing" "Then, my baby girl has no chance?" "I'm sorry" "Doctor Tofu? Isn't there anything that can be done?" "I'm sorry. I know all your family very well and I have all your family record. Mr. Tendo can't even if he wanted to offer his heart to Akane. Both of you, Kasumi and Nabiki, can't because you are both female siblings and that you may have the possibility of having the diseases yourselves. I'm sorry" "Doctor Tofu, can I talk to you?" Tofu turned around to see Ranma. He had very serious expression on his face. "What about?" "In private please" "Oh" With that curious Doctor Tofu and Ranma walked down the hallway together to talk about something. 10 Days later... "Where am I?" Akane opened her eyes and looked up to an unfamiliar surrounding. "You've finally woken up" It was Kasumi who greeted her, but without her usual cheerful voice. "Where am I Kasumi?" "You are in Tokyo General Akane" "Tokyo General?" "Yes" "What am I doing here?" Akane was very puzzled, last thing she remembered was having a sparring match with Ranma and then nothing. "Hey, where is Ranma?" "Ranma is..." "Glad to see you finally woke up Akane-San" Akane turned to look at a man who was in his mid 40's and next to him Doctor Tofu. "Who are you?" "Oh, let me introduce myself to you. I'm Doctor Samura, your cardiologist" "Cardiologist?" "Yes, Akane you had a rare heart disease that almost killed you. Lucky for you that you were brought in just in time for us to keep you alive when Dr. Tofu here found a perfect matching heart for you to receive" "Perfect matching heart?" "Yes. It was a lifesaver. I don't know where he got it, but the heart was very healthy and 100% match to you that there was no problem" "What are you talking about?" "Akane, you have suffered from a rare form of heart disease and you now carry someone else's heart" It was doctor Tofu who said it. If it was anybody else, Akane might not have believed it, but because it was doctor Tofu, she had to believe it. 'I have someone else's heart inside me? This beating heart that I feel is not mine?' Doctor Tofu saw the troubled expression on her face and decided to comfort her a little. "Akane, the heart that is beating within you is a precious gift. It is something that was given to you to give you another chance at life" "Oh...ok" Akane was still little uneasy about having someone else's body part inside of her, but she had to accept the fact that without it she will not be here now, having this conversation. "Well, I guess I can let the rest of your family in now" Said Dr. Samura and started to walk out. "Akane, the procedure was perfect success and pretty soon, you'll be able to go back to your ordinary life" "Thank you doctor" When Doctor Samura went out, rest of the family came in. Soun, Nabiki, Genma, Nodoka, and few of her friends came in all with worried expression on their face. "Akane, it's so good to see you wake" "How are you doing sis?" "AKANE!!!!" Of course the last one was said by Soun Tendo, who was crying buckets. "Now father, you remember what the doctor told you about that" When Kasumi said those words in her gentle manner, Soun calmed down like magic. "How are you feeling daughter?" "I feel fine daddy" "That's good. I'm going to tell you something Akane" "What about?" "It's about how your mother died" "How mother died?" "Yes. You were too young to understand at the time, and I wanted to spare Nabiki and Kasumi of the burden as well. So I kept quite about how your mother died" "What is it father" "Your mother died of the very same disease. She was so healthy before she got sick that we didn't even suspect anything. Then one day she just collapsed. It turns out that females of her family has always carried this diseases with them. Most cases, they are dormant and does not become active, but some cases they become active and kills the person within days" "Mom?" "Yes, that is how your mother died. I was hoping that you and your sisters were spared of the fate, but it seems that the disease somehow become active in your cases" "What about Kasumi and Nabiki?" "We had it check out Akane. It seems that Kasumi and I won't have to worry about it" "That's good" With that Akane looked around her family and friends that were all there for her. But something was wrong, something was missing. "Where is Ranma?" "Ranma is not here" Kasumi said it. "Actually no one knows where Ranma is. When you got sick, he disappeared that same day" It was Nabiki who clarified it for her. "Why that pervert! I know it. When it looked like I wasn't going to make it, he probably went to one of his cute fiancee!" "Akane!" It was surprisingly authoritative voice that stopped everything. Akane turned to look at where the voice had come from and saw that it was Dr. Tofu with odd expression on his face. "Akane, Ranma told me to give this to you" With that he handed her a note. Akane took the note and looked at it. It was written in his bad handwriting. She read it out loud so that everybody in the room can hear it. Dear Akane, If you are reading this, that mean you are better now and that you are on your way to full recovery. That's good, I wish I could be there to see you smile and be happy with your family. I'm sorry, that I'm not there with you to share such a happy moments with you, but I have to go on a journey now. It's going to be a long journey and I'll probably not make it back. I just wanted to say that it was great living with you and your family. I hope you find happiness and joy in your life. Ranma Saotome. When she finished reading the note from Ranma, the room was in chaos. "How dare that boy leave on a journey when his fiancee is in the hospital bed?!?!" "How could he!" "Ranma how could you son? I thought you were man among men" Comments like that were popping out of everyone's mouth. This was when Doctor Tofu decided to put an end to it. "WILL ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP!!!" That got the room quite. The usually quite and gentle doctor yelling at them to shut up didn't happen everyday after all. "I can't believe all of you! Saying all these things without knowing the full truth!!!!!" "Huh?" That was what most people could say. "I wasn't going to tell you this, he didn't want me to tell you this. He said it will hurt Akane and he didn't want that to happen. However, you ungrateful people and your idiotic ways have convinced me to go against his wishes" "Doctor? What are you talking about?" When Akane asked this, he turned to her with very sad expression. "Akane, where do you think the heart came from? Akane? Where do you think I could have gotten a heart from?" When he said it, Akane got this sinking feeling, she was beginning to feel the wrongness of the whole situation, the whole thing was wrong. People in the room started show understanding as well. They all turned to look at Dr. Tofu to continue, but most of them already knew what he will say. "Akane, the heart that is beating inside of you is Ranma's" "No" "That day Ranma asked to talk to me and we talked for a while. He asked if his heart can be used. I have his record and your blood type is different and I told him so. However, he had another idea. It was so in the open that I'm surprised that I missed it. He asked to have his female type checked out and see if that might work" "No" "I did the check up and was surprised to find that his female body type perfectly matched yours. It was almost exact match" "NO" "He asked that his heart be used to save your life. At first I said no and that as a doctor I cannot condone such action. Kill a living person just to save another person. Who am I do decide who lives and who dies? I'm a doctor not god" "NOO" "He wouldn't listen to me. He was very strong in his opinion about it. I told him to give it up that will find another way. It seem like he gave up the idea when he walked out of my office. But when he came back later, he had that note with him and was bleeding from his wrists. He cut his wrist and came to me just in time so that I can use the heart but not enough time to save him" "NOOOOOOO!" The room was quite. The soulful cry by Akane and the explanation by doctor Tofu had shut every one up. Many had tears in their eyes. Soun was crying, but not his usual cry. Genma had tears in his eyes, for the first time he honestly cried. Nodoka, learning about the extent her son went for his fiancee couldn't help but cry. "Ranma, you are truly a man among men" Nabiki, who used Ranma every inch of the way, saw Ranma as nothing but a money cow, was crying at how much he actually oved her sister. Kasumi was spilling gentle tears for what this young man had done for her sister. That same young man who appeared to be brash and uncultured showed that he truly loved her and made the ultimate sacrifice for the person he loved. Akane was crying. She cried for Ranma. She saw his face in her mind, his smiling face. Then she started see all the images of her abusing him in every possible way. Just because he was a boy and not a girl. And later because she was jealous. And later, because she was falling in love with him and didn't know how to show it. "Ranma" Ranma showed that he loved her. Ranma had proven to her and to everyone, beyond the shadow of doubt that he loved her and that he had given his heart to her. It was too bad that it actually took his death and sacrifice for everyone, even Akane herself to see that. "Ranma no baka" Akane whispered those words that she used on Ranma many times. However, this time she flinched after using it. "No, I'm sorry Ranma" She was now speaking to herself, no she was speaking to Ranma, that now she carried within herself. "I meant to say I love you. I will always love you. I'll carry you with me all the time now" The room was filled with sad tears and people remembering the young martial artist who made a great sacrifice for his love. The end. Note: This I didn't send it to pre-readers. I didn't wanted to bother them with a oneshot fic. I know this is kind of a sad fic, but I recently had someone who died of a heart disease and this idea came to me so I wrote it. I'm not sure how people see Soun's wife died, but I don't think it was ever really explained in the manga or anime, so I decided to make it a rare heart disease that only the females of that family carry. Questions and comments are always welcome. Please send comments and suggestions to Thanks.