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B A N G .
welcome to >elsworld>>__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

>behind the smile:makimachi misao>> |a makimachi misao shrine|
>piece of heaven>> |weiss kreuz|
>aika hojou/domestic animal>> |ranting, raving, original works|
>seki tomokazu>> |:seiyuu:|
>about me>> (like you want to know.)

this site is a part of the ONNA PRODUCTIONS network. visit my sister sites>>
>>beautiful alone
> >>onna productions' anime winamp skins>

image of Hakkai of the manga/anime Saiyuki from the collection of JaneFaKer. Edited by JaneFaKer and peej.

February 2001: like the new layout? hakkai is from saiyuki, which is one of JaneFaKer's favorite series right now. I personally liked this picture because it's...both creepy and cool at the same time. eye candy!!!
I find that I'm getting better at HTML nowadays. I'm feeling very happy about that! I haven't updated the content of any of my pages yet, but i promise, a real update is coming REALLY soon. oh, i also joined the RK fanfiction webring. you can find my fanfics page in my misao page. somewhere. Ja ne, for now. ^-^

this group of webpages is owned by peej

get this gear!

hakkai-san. gorgeous.