Info on Lita

Lita has a very strong and positve personality. At first glance, you might feel intimidated, as did Serena. After all, she was kicked out of her old school for fighting! Yet, she is very loyal and trust-worthy. When the scouts are in trouble she is most likely to attack first. She is head strong, too. Her instincts are to attack first and to talk about it later. Lita is also very kind. She is always there to help Serena or the other Scouts out in any way possible, even if it means giving up her own comfort. She also has a thing for boys. For some reason, every man reminds her of her ex-boyfriend. Lita falls in love with almost every man that she meets. Well, except for Melvin!! Her boy-craziness is a sign of her being romantic. After all, one of her goals is to be a bride! There is one thing that sets her apart from the rest of the Scouts, and that is the fact that she lives alone. Lita's parents died on a plane, and now she lives alone. At times, her friends come to visit and spend the night because Lita can get lonely. Lita is a very kind, trustworthy, and loyal friend, while being a deadly foe. She is, after all, one of the more powerful Inner Senshi.
Sailor Name: Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Jupiter
Japanese Name: Kino Makoto, nickname Mako-chan
English Name: Lita
Height= 5'6" around
Day of week associated with Kanji: Thursday
Element: wood
Age (at beginning of show): 14
Age (at end of show): 16
Birthday: December 5th
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Blood Type: O
Gemstone: Emerald
Favorite Color: pink, green
Favorite Food: cherry pie, meatloaf
Least Favorite Food: none
School: Juuban Junior High
Favorite Subject: Home Economics, History
Worst Subject: Physics
Favorite Pastimes: bargin-hunting, cooking, reading romance novels
Favorite Animal: Horse
Has trouble with: airplains
Strong Points: cooking, fighting
Dream: to be a bride and marry earlier; to open a resturant, to be pretty like Michelle and stong like Amira.
Befor Lita met the other scouts, she was generally feared by her classmates and considered a bully. However being alone all the time made her lonely, so she was very surprised when Serena wanted to become friends with her. She is also a little more independent than the girls.

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