Heaven's End Warriors Last Stand

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Welcome to The Warriors Last Stand
To give a little intro to the whole thing.
Warriors Last Stand(WLS) is basicly what I call this here, in all its beauty it is part of larger thing called Too Much Milk Comics(TMMC)
So Here at TMMC we plan on bringing you a sprite comic and a web comic though we aren't sure how well this is going to hit off
I suppose all I got to say is just keep an eye out for us
Errrr working on the second comic seeing as I am a lazy mofo.
I mean just because I work and play Lacrosse I have all the time in the world
for this site. Not to mention my crappy computer which takes 10 hours to download FFXI
and loves to die when I try to do anything on a web page. hopefully when I get more funds I can buy a
a cable so I can at least have a faster interenet connection. Well nearly done that second Comic.

Well, nothing really to say I have been working on this site here and there
doing my best to make it look better still trying to find some sort of Photoshop
Robby finally got the Web comic part of TMMC up as soon as I get around to it I will get a link up to the
web comic.

Well I have to say this. havning no internet connection sucks. Phone people turned off phone and seeing as I use a
56K I need that. I got the second comic done and I started working on the third but don't expect them up until I get a internet back
cause lets face it people having to play 162 dollor phone bill with only making 98 a week doesn't look that promising.
Well as soon as I pay that damn bill off I plan on getting rid of the Nazi orgainzation know as Msn and pick up cable.