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NAME: Charlene
AGE: Unknown, at least eight years old.
HEIGHT: 10 inches
WEIGHT: 2 lbs
FIRST APPEARANCE: “And So It Begins...” (as laptop) “What’s WRONG With You People?!” (as sentient laptop) “Have Yourself A Digi Little Christmas...!” (as mechanoid)

Charlene is a Pineapple Mac laptop computer, owned by Izzy of the DigiDestined. She was with him during the entirety of their original adventure in the DigiWorld, but when they returned home, in the following years, Izzy made continuous updates to her circuitry, trying to keep her one step ahead of current technology - and as a result, she became a sentient being, with a hell of a mean temper. Charlene is homicidal, and madly in love with Izzy - she will scream abuse at anyone who comes within about five feet of him, thinking they’re trying to steal him away from her. She is capable of three of the five human senses - sight, hearing, and touch (but not taste, as she has no mouth, and not smell, as she has no nose - she hears with a microphone, sees with a webcam, and can physically feel things “just because”). When Puppetmon placed her award statuette on her keyboard at the First Annual Digi-Awards (where she won “Most Popular DigiDestined Accessory”), she yelled in pain, and called Puppetmon a “stupid baby,” enraging him, and causing him to attack her with his mallet, only to have his Puppet Pummel countered with an electric blast (see below). The resultant explosion shattered Charlene, and her core memory began to delete. She apparently died, and Izzy hit the bottle pretty hard.

However, in reality, Charlene had actually uploaded a copy of her personality into the computers of the posters at Alt.Fan.Digimon, who were present for the awards. Her essence surfed the Net for a month or two, without a physical outlet, growing increasingly paranoid, her hatred of Izzy rising due to his failure to attempt her resuscitation. Then, she came across the digital remains of Diaboromon, who had been destroyed in battle with Omnimon some years prior. The digital remains had coalesced into a Digi-Egg, which Charlene watched over, until it hatched. In no time at all, Kuramon, the Baby from the egg, had digivolved to it’s Ultimate stage of Infermon, and he and Charlene fell for each other. Realising Infermon’s potential, Charlene was able to make contact with Censor Joe, Censor Bob and Censor Steve - the three FOX Kids censors - and struck up a deal with them. In exchange for their building her a new body, she would attack and destroy the Alt.Fan.Digimon Christmas party, which was in full swing, and was completely shattering the boundaries of taste as the Censors defined them. Using her connection to the Internet, Charlene was able to bring Infermon into the real world, as she uploaded herself into the heavily-armed mechanoid body that the Censors had ordered constructed for her. The core of the body was a Pineapple Mac laptop, just like her old body.

Charlene attacked the party, keeping her identity hidden from the revellers, and was able to defeat the DigiDestined’s Champion and Ultimate level Digimon. Then, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon fused into Omnimon, who used his Supreme Cannon attack to blow the canopy off Charlene’s mechanoid body, exposing the laptop core, and revealing her identity to the party-goers. Then, Infermon made his entrance, and everyone engaged in a frontal assault on the two whack-jobs. Datamon was successfully able to use his Digital Bomb attack to infect Charlene’s mechanoid with a computer virus, forcing her to jettison her laptop core to prevent infection of her hard drive. Infermon scooped her up, and they prepared to finish everyone off, until Chris McFeely and Sora (but only ‘cause she was drunk), on advice from Machinedramon, sang “Fairy Tale of New York,” which suitably soothed the savage beast. Charlene bounced into Izzy’s arms, begging for forgiveness, and shut down her connection to the Internet, making Infermon disappear. Charlene and Izzy are presently in a committed relationship - but that’s only because Izzy is afraid she’ll kill him if he doesn’t do what she wants.

In her initial appearance as a sentient being, Charlene displayed no powers other than a really bitchy temperament. However, before the First Annual Digi-Awards, Charlene developed the ability to generate bolts of electricity, which she fires from her screen at anyone she thinks is pissing her off. In a fit of ego, she dubbed this technique the “Connection Terminator.”

Charlene’s mechanoid body, created by the technical folks at FOX Kids, had a plethora of abilities. It’s armour was super-dense, suffering no damage from any attacks that were thrown at it in the Christmas battle. It had a pair of heavy-duty, all-terrain treads in place of legs, which could be moved in a stomping motion to create seismic shockwaves. The mechanoid was equipped with assorted laser weaponry, and the hands were outfitted with energy induction grids, allowing her to draw power from attacks which would strike them, which she could use to reinforce her own laser armament, and also her Connection Terminator attack technique, which she still possessed.