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Mike's Anime Domain

This isMike's web page devoted to the finer things in life......Friends,and Anime.....

speaking of friends i have a couple of hellos to all my ppl out there....

Erika Parrill...Heddo, it was fun but nothing lasts forever... tough shit eh? ~.^
Jennifer Carrol...Hello from my webpage to you Tracy T...hey my babygurl, go Timmies!!!, 2 in the morning and my tired ass spills coffee
Kayla...take it easy Smurf i'll see you this summer
Sam... Hey your name made it here!!!
Jamie Laing...Order up on those Won Tons and Fried Rice!!(this is meant only for J, for only he will understand)
Stephanie King...Hey Stephy keep up the work on the page
Gabe... get your fuckin ass back home on the rock!!!
Allison H...I miss you lots
Megan O... Missy you, System of a Down Rocks!!
Cara K... Awww you looked so cute at the dance
Well dats all i can think of for now keep checkin for updates on this page

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Key: Metal Idol Gallery
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