
This quiz says absolutely nothing about your personality. Take it!

which 'Oh My Goddess!' deity are you? by Raiha

What is your Alter-Ego Personality?

the internet junk 'how bad are you test' deems me:
80% bad!

You are likely to steal kid's lunch money. On a good day you are happiest when you make someone cry. You are the bully of the playground. Neighborhood dogs and cats run at the sight of you.

what's your battle cry? | mewing.net | merchandise!

What bird are you?
Quiz by Kat

you are not a bitch!
The Bitch Test by umi

I am 17% CANADIAN!!!
(Take the Canadian-ness test)

I am Meeki!
I took the catgirl test by Meeki
Click here to take the test!

You're Yuzuki!
You're quiet, but that doesn't mean that wheels aren't turning behind those pretty eyes of yours. While you're not as 'emotional' as others, there's no doubt that you entertain feelings of, perhaps, a more refined calibre. While you're expected (or programmed) to act a certain way, sometimes you surprise. And there's no doubt about it - you're loved.
Which Chobits Character Are You? quiz by Neru

As If!  I'm Tie!
Which Clueless Chick are you? Find out!
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
Are you Addicted to the Internet?

Hardcore Junkie (61% - 80%)
While you do get a bit of sleep every night and sometimes leave the house, you spend as much time as you can online. You usually have a browser, chat clients, server consoles, and your email on auto check open at all times. Phone? What's that? You plan your social events by contacting your friends online. Just be careful you don't get a repetitive wrist injury...

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Stvlive.com!

You are Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the Fourth
A strange and fun loving kid. You are an expert computer hacker and have all the really important, meaningful dialog in the series :).
Which Cowboy Bebop Character Are You?

Take the Which Fushigi Yugi Character Are You? Quiz!
Quiz created by gehnya

henna gaijin

You Are a Henna Gaijin!

You're not Japanese, but you wish you were!
You can use chopsticks with your eyes closed, and you've memorized hundreds of Kanji.
You even answer your phone "moshi moshi."
While the number of anime videos you've seen is way higher than the number of dates you've been on, there's hope.
Play the sexy, mysterous gaijin, and you'll have plenty of Japanese meat.

What's *Your* Japanese Subculture?

Which Jhonen Vaquez character are you? By EmReznor.

Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
Well-endowed both in mind and in body, you don't hesitate to use both to your advantage! Your confidence and sense of humour make you a pleasure to be around. You're crafty, clever and cute - a formula that would bring any man to his knees! But while your wit and charisma are definite assets, others may not be able to keep up with your resourceful intelligence. Take care not to overwhelm people with your treasures.
Which Love Hina Girl Are You?

Are you NASTY or NICE?
Quiz made by Angela

Take the Rurouni Kenshin Quiz by xceres.
74% SEVERELY ADDICTED to Instant Messenger. How about you?
I took the Yu Yu Hakusho personality test, so can you!

Hey, guess what? I'm a--

Yellow Yoshi

What color Yoshi are you? Come take the quiz!

test by Leanne
which CCS character are you?

Congratulations, you're New Orleans, the wild city.
What US city are you? Take the quiz by Girlwithagun.
What Is Your True Aura Colour?

brought to you by Quizilla
What's your Style? Find out here!
Quiz made by Chesa You%20aren't%20featured%20very%20much%2C%20but%20you%20don't%20care.%20%20You%20just%20want%20to%20be%20left%20alone%20to%20your%20pizza%20and%20video%20games.%20%20Everyone%20else%20is%20nothing%20but%20an%20annoying%20nuisance%2C%20especially%20your%20b
Which Invader Zim Character Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
How Emotional Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
What kind of Dreamer are you?

brought to you by Quizilla You%20wanna%20kill%20Avril
What annoying Celebrity would you most likely wanna kill?

brought to you by Quizilla avril1
!!! What are your true feelings towards Avril Lavigne? !!!

brought to you by Quizilla gothic
what fucked version of hello kittie are you?

brought to you by Quizilla (o_O;) Ancient
Where Did Your Soul Originate?

brought to you by Quizilla

You prolly like vampires cause you roleplay as one alot, and you secretly wish the local club had more room for you to play magic. It's all good though, at least you're vaguely intelligent and are well prepared to battle any orc should they come into existance with your uber-g33kness and your stompy boots!

What kind of goth are you?
Created by ptocheia