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From: Sailor Moon

saffire.jpg (65903 bytes)Looks: absolutely gorgeous. Resemble Tuxedo Mask except two times better looking ^-^. Has a pensive and sad looking face. Tall, dark and handsome *drool*

Personality: the only guy from the dark moon??? with brains. I mean, Saffire is the only one who saw through Wise Man's plan unlike his naive brother... He also very caring and sweet, the last scene before he died almost made me cry *sniff*.

Special Abilities: Hmm... not quite sure what power Saffire has. He definitely has some certain powers except he doesn't use it very often. He's probably like all the other villains, summon up monsters, create force field etc.

Sweetheart(s): Prisma who is one of the Negamoon sisters but I think he's too good for her.

Comments: Saffire is not the kind of guy that catches your attention at first. Actually I paid very little attention to him but concentrated all my attention on his older brother Diamond at first... but as the story went on, Saffire proved to be the better of his brother. He is the one who saw through Wise Man's evil plan and *spoiler* it's so sad that he died at the end. Stupid Sailor Moon, can't even protect him... Anyway, Saffire looks so much like Tuxedo Mask don't you think? but somehow I like Saffire so much better than Tuxedo Mask.
