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The Wonderful World Of The Coelenterata

This web page is a glimpse into the rare facts, non-fiction of the amazing Coelenterata. The makers of this page are level III students at Prince of Wales Collegiate in St.John's, NF. Our names (as I'm sure your so interested to find out), are Rebecca Rideout and Sherilyn Hoddinott. So now that we've established the basics of this exciting world you are venturing into, sit back, relax, and take it easy. The adventure is about to begin! This phylum consists of jellyfish, hydra, and anemones. On this page we are going to outline and present information on things such as symmetry and germ layers. Also we will provide links to other homepages which detail and bring forth other good sources.

Levels of Organization
Germ Layers
Body Cavity and Structure
Segmentation and Life Cycle
Skeleton Structure