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UPDATE!!!!!! instead of getting me to figure up your pl's from training use this calculator and these super easy guidelines and you will be w master at updateing your stasts in no time

what happend-------------------------increse---------------what to do

lost a sparring match----1/8 of currnet pl----divide PL by 6 add that to pl
won sparring---------1/6 current pl------divde by six add number to pl
lost battle------get 1/8 of oppont pl----dived opponet pl by 8 add to pl
won battle-------get 1/6 of opponet pl---dived opponet pl by 6 add to pl

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Your gonna update your own stats. heres how to do it.

1. Go to and click on the signup button

2.go through the process and all that and once a webshell pops up, thats all you really need to do can mess with the prefeences font sizes and all that, you can even put pictures and gifs on your stats page if you want, but your main job is in the white html box at the bottom of the page.

4.leave your first stats update up to me, give me your member name, and password and I will update it for the first time, this below is what you should see
Power Level:Your Current PL
br Moves:Your current moves
br Items:Your current Items
br Zeni:yor current amount of money

Current Position:the planet you are now on
br Brief Description:a short history of your character
br Special Features:Special abilities about your character(only I will be changeing this)
br #of dragon balls:your current # of drgon balls.

(It will show up on your page when others look at it as below)

Power Level:Your Current PL

Moves:Your current moves

Items:Your current Items

Current Position:the planet you are now on

Zeni:your current amount of money

Brief Description:a short history of your character

Special Features:Special abilities about your character(only I will be changeing this)

#of dragon balls:your current # of drgon balls.

Now, here is how to change your stats according to your RPG performance
Power Level:every time you lose a battle your pl goes up by 1/8 of your opponets pl, if you win it goes up by 1/6 of their pl, when you train, on a messsage board your pl goes up 10 pts for every line you type, dont forget to factor in weighted clothes if your gonna train with them.

Moves:Every time you learn a new move put it on here

Items:every time you want to pucrchase an item subtract the amount it cost from your zeni, and put the item here, every time an item gets used up, take it off

Current Position:when you stop playing for the day, put your last position on here

Brief Description:you dont have to change this once you write it

Special Features:(only I will be changeing this)

#of dragon balls:evey time you lose a ball knock your number down by one and when you gain one add one to it.

Ok this is what a normal stats page should look like.

Power Level:5000

Moves:Kamehameha, Masenko, kaioken, spirit bomb, rapid shot,

Items:senzu beans(3), sunglasses, Sword, Sayajin armor, weighted boots,

Current Position:Earth

Brief Description:bob was born in a small town on earth he was a normal kid until krillin trained him to fight, he looks almost like krillin

Special Features:Bob has a move called the mind daze which he can use once a battle wich allows him 2 free shots.

#of dragon balls:2

Do you see how this all works? I hope so its a very important part of the RPG.