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heres the deal on space travel once you decide you no longer want to be on one planet leave a message on its board saying I am leaving for (planet your going to) and are rideing in a (space ship you will be flying in) you can no longer take any action exept talking to other people with a scouter. unless you wanna train, then you gotta go and get a message board for your stats page and name it "my ship" then you can train in it.

you must wait the amount of time that it takes your ship to reach its destination before takeing action on that new planet. write your current position on your stats page everytime you travel.(the only exeption is instant transmission, then you may come and go as you please, but you must still write what planet your on when you log off.) if a planet is destroyed by the ultra destruct while you are logged off and its your current position, you die along with it. thats it.