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Here are the items list, buy them on your own just make sure that yo take away your propper amount of Zeni, also every once in a great while, I will post a message on a random planet under the name of mystik merchant, I will allow you to buy very rare and helpful items but you must buy them in a certain amount of time and you must be on that planet.

item name--------description--------------------------------------------------cost

*senzu brean------restores all health-----------------------------------------1000 zeni
bag of senzu beans----you get 3 in a bag---------------------------------2500 zeni
*regeration pill---regrow all lost limbs----------------------------------500 zeni
*kaioken pill------doubles strength of 1 attack---------------------------700 zeni
*holy water--------renders opponets next attack useless---------------900 zeni
bean seeds--------after buying, wait one week and you get 3 beans-------1000 zeni
*weighted boots---pl goes additional 1/20 after training-----------------1000 zeni
*weighted hat---pl goes additional 1/20 after training-----------------1000 zeni
*weighted cape---pl goes additional 1/20 after training-----------------1000 zeni
*weighted shirt---pl goes additional 1/20 after training-----------------1000 zeni
*weighted wrist bands---pl goes additional 1/20 after training----------1000 zeni
*sayian elite armor-----absorbs 5 points before falling apart-----------2000 zeni
*sunglasses-------------renders solar flare and daze attacks useless----1000 zeni
ginyu armor-------absorbs 7 points before falling apart------------------1500 zeni
freiza armor-------absorbs 10 points before falling apart----------3000 zeni
sword-----------causes 2 points of damage---------------------------------2000 zeni
extendo pole---------causes 2 points of damage----------------------------2000 zeni
*Scouter--------allows you to talk to people on planets your not on----500 zeni

Space Ships

NAME---------# of passengers---------time to reach destination--------------cost

capsule corp------------holds 3------1 day-----------10,000 zeni
NAmekian crsft------holds 3------2 day-----------10,000 zeni
Sayajin pod---------holds 1------5 hours---------20,000 zeni
Sayajin delux-------holds 30-----2 day-----------50,000 zeni
cold alliance-------holds 30-----1 day 12 hours--60,000 zeni
ginyu pod-----------holds 1------15 minutes------100,000 zeni