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Boosh's New Web Page!

A Blinky Icon Story

One day, Boosh decided that it was about time that she built her very own webpage. Wanting to follow in the footsteps of such classic pages like The Practically Evil Shrine to Dark Koushiro, The Temple of Yomi, and many others, Boosh is thinking on building a page based on the similar topic. Digimon Rants and Parodies!

Excited of the prospect of finally opening a new webpage after her failed Broadway Musical-fanction thingy page, Boosh rounded up her best anime-loving buddies to tell them all about it. But, like always, Boosh ran into problems...

The Cast:

This is Boosh, the star of this here picture show. She's 14, a freshman, a Gemini, and also loves Digimon (much to her friends' embarrassment). She's also Dark Koushiro's third girlfriend (much to her friends' future embarrassment). She's the one who wants to build the new webpage.

This is Max, one of Boosh's friends. She's 14, a freshmen (in fact all these girls are), and a Leo. Loves Lantis and is an expert at playing softball and coal. (oh yes, flyash IS a word, and she'll make sure you know that!)Don't make her mad or you'll be creamed.

Meet Raye, another of of Boosh's friends. She's 15 and a Virgo. She loves so many anime guys it's hard to keep up with her (The lastest count is 34,271 love interests). She's also a braniac, and has recently decided to eat healthy lunches! No more ice cream!

This is Omega, and yes, she's Boosh's friend too. She just turned 15, so that makes her a Pisces. She is throughly obsessed with anime and she's dragging the others to an anime con this May. Loves to draw pictures and constantly fights with Raye over Gene.

Also, various Digidestined appear, but only the guys for some reason. ( ...?)

: Hey guys! How's it going?

: Mmmmf.

: Hmmm?

: Ack.

: The usual, then?

: Yep.

: So you notice anything different?

: I feel too weird right now to notice much.

: Me too...I feel so...small right now. And pixely.

: Me too. Never before have I felt so...deranged.

: *hee hee hee*


: Umm...nothing much. I'm making a new web page and I want to tell you what it's gonna be about and stuff. So I decided to um...upload you guys. ^-^()

: Upload?

: WHAT????

: Let me outta here! *pounds on the glass* I wanna go home and watch my Outlaw Star!

: You are so dead.

: Relax, relax. I'll download you guys back into the real world as soon as I'm done here. My webpage will have a lot of do with the digital world so that's why I brought you here.

: Well it can't be all bad...we've just lost about 99% of our body weight while being here.

: Well yeah but only our heads show up.

: Waita sec...didn't you say digital, Booshu? As in digital world? Is your new page gonna be about those repulsive Digimon by any chance?

: *giggle*

: BOOSH!!!

: Oh now you're so dead! >:[]

: Oh relax, you guys, it'll be great. It's gonna have tons of rants and jokes and scenarios and stuff. And I don't think it'll be just about Digimon. Maybe some other animes. Like Tenchi or something.

: Washhyuuuuu! ^-^

: Oh and of course your page is gonna star ME, right?

: No Fluffyhead, it's gonna be about ME!

: There's GUYS in here?

: Guys... *sigh* ;)

: That's just Taichi and Yamato. They won't bother you, I don't think.

: I don't like the looks of them. *shoots them dangerous look*

: *cower*

: You sniffling, whimpering cowards. *snicker*

: Ooohhh, who are you?

: I'm known as THE Ken Ichijouji, little lady, and I'm the Digimon Emperor! *wink*

: WHAT? Oh no, not again!

Whoops! *he he he* I forgot, I'm not evil anymore.

: What on earth are they talking about?

: I don't know, I don't watch this show!

: Don't worry, Kenny boy was just a bit of a bad seed during the first half of the second season. But then he saw the light, and now he's emotionally stable.


: Well, I HOPE you are, anyways.

: Well this has all been nice and stuff but when are we getting OUT of here? We have three tests to study for and I've got tons of Spanish homework.

: Ole, ole!

: ...

: Yeah and I've got softball practice. We've got a big game coming up really soon.

: And I've got....wait a sec, what DO I have to do?

: Greetings, everyone.

: Dark Koushy baby! *smoochies*

: Booshikins!

: Oh no, not him!

: You're REALLY dead, now, Boosh. We're sick of hearing about this guy!

: Aww but how could you hate him? He's so sweet.

: And short.

: *giggle*

: Hey, I resent that.

: Yeah, Koushiro, you tell 'em!

: Shut up, Taichi. Will someone take that plebian out of here?

: Gladly. *punches Taichi and sends him flying out of the room*

: Man, he's gonna be sore tomorrow.

: Hi Iori!

: Um, yes, hello. *loox at Ken* Oh. I see you're here. *glares*

: Shut up, little girl!

: I'm not a little girl! I'm a BOY!

: Okayyy the people here are messed up.

: No kidding.

: You're still here, Yamato?

: So Booshikins, what's this little meeting thing here about?

: I'm just telling my sistas here that I'm making a new webpage soon.

: Yeah, and she "uploaded" us into the digital world just to tell us that.

: Oh well that's great. Here, have a Vegan Espresso Chocolate Chip Cookie on the house.

: Gee sweetums, you're got some hospitality today. Usually you're so...dark and solitary.

: Yeah, well it'll soon be gone if Kenny and the little girl keep catfighting at eacother over there.

: RReow!

: *hiss!*

: Would you like me to get rid of them for you?

: Hmm, that would be nice.

: All right! *yells out a war cry and goes after Ken and Iori*

: Uh...oh....AHHHHHH! *run off like their booties were on fire*

: He he he, suckers. I'm one of the only ones left.

: I'd keep your mouth shut if you still want to be here.

: *flashes an evil stare at Yama*

: Yipe!

: Well before Max has to throw out everyone in the room, you think we should all go now?

: Well, yeah, but before you go, let me tell you all...

: Hellooo, Booshie! *wink*

: OH NO!

: What IS that thing, Boosh???

: It's my shadow twin, Dork Koushiro! The lame version of me in season two!


: Would you lovely ladies like to see my own site? It's called the Practically Nekkid Lounge of Dork Koushiro and...

: No, Dork, they're not ready for that! They're not ready for YOU. Get out!

: NEVER! This is my world and I am leader and you are my Booshu!


: I think it would be best if you downloaded us back to the real world now, Boosh!

: Like NOW, as soon as possible!

: Or else I can clobber him away!

: No, he's too dangerous!

: We'd all better go! The dork's dorky data is clogging up the codes in this webpage! If we don't leave now the whole thing will burst!


: Yes, you girls gotta scram now! I can my own ways of escape, but if you don't leave now the Dork will get you!


: Let's go!

4 Objects Selected for Downloading back to the Real World! Download will be complete in ten seconds!

: AHHH! This download better hurry up!

Download 50% complete, To Be Completed in 5 seconds

: Hurry! I'm too young to die!

: I'm afraid of anime now, waaaaah!

: If I wasn't being downloaded now I would take the Dork out!

: MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I'm gonna get you all and make you my slaves!


: Stay calm!



: hee hee hee, sucker. Oh wait, I'm still here! AHHHHHHH!


Since then, the four girls have still been friends despite their frightening adventure in the digital world. All are well, except Omega hates Digimon more than ever and Raye is a bit skittish around anime men now. Max's new favorite hobby is throwing people out of the way. All four will still go to the Acen Convention this May!!!

As for Boosh, she will still make her new digimon page and make it Dork-proof. Hopefully it'll be a big hit! *LOL*