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The Anime Asylem

A Sub-Page to Ike's Asylem of Game Madness

Gallery | Music and Sound | Links | Movies and T.V. Shows | Downloads

NOTE!!! Latly, for some odd reason (probably Angelfire), when you click on a link, Angelfire will give you a "Page not Found" error. If this happens, CLICK REFRESH, as the page does exsist!

- - - News - - -


Wow, it's been a while. Well, as you've probably noticed, I changed the background, so the pages load faster. Also, I've added some new reviews, and a new section to the gallery because...

I seen a new anime movie! It's called Iria: Zeiram The Animation. It's really good, check it out in the Movie and T.V. Shows section.

Well, in other news, I've added a downloads section, which has some WinAMP skins and other stuff.


Well, I've added alot more links to the link section. A few have to deal with learning to draw anime! Also, I've finally added the Movies and T.V. Shows section. There's just a few reviews there, but at least it's up.


Hey cool! I got the links section up! This is all the links to the sites in my favorites folder that have to do with anime. Check them out! Also, last night I seen a new anime movie: Plastic Little. It's Watch for it in the movies section when it's up.


Well, the gallery is working. I'm getting tired of Frontpage Express for today, so I'll make some more pages tomorrow. Probably the links section.


Wow! My new page is up! Well, lets see. At this page, you're going to find the following series:

Please note that you will not find every single one of the above series in every area (I've tried to mark those, and the areas they only appear in).

And also, untill further notice, only the music and sound page is open. Gallery will open next, probably by tomorrow.

Have a question? Have a comment? Found a spelling error? Email me at:

(c) Ike654, 2000. All characters, images, and sounds property of their respective owners.

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