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Why the Sailor Moon Manga is Also Dumb!

Okay, I haven't read much of the manga, only the first couple volumes and a few later ones, so I don't have very many reasons to hate them. But I do have a few. I'm not dumb enough to go buy them, since I hate them already. And I hate them because...

  • Details: Here's an example of what I'm talking about: In the first (or second?) volume, the big bad guy uses Molly's mom's jewellry store to turn the whole town (well, a lot of people) into zombies. Then (sorry, I forget a bit what happens... -_-) she ends up fighting with Sailor Moon in the basement of a house. The bad guy (girl...) calls upon her zombies. We see scenes of girls sitting up suddenly in their beds and then getting up to go help their master. Then suddenly they're all in the basement with Serena and the big bad guy. How did they get there so fast? How did they get in? Doesn't anyone lock their doors? Esecially how did they get there so fast. You see, in this manga, things sorta just appear out of nowhere. It really doesn't make sense half the time.
  • The Art: The art is really ugly. Yes, I know it's shoujo-style. But there are many shoujo artist who are way, way better than Naoko Tekeuchi (however you spell it). Her characters look really really demented. Just ugly. Especially in the early volumes. By the later volumes she's learned to draw a bit better, but her drawings still aren't nearly as appealing as those in other manga.
  • Characters: The characters are just as dumb and 2d as in the anime. And they're almost more annoying, if that's possible. Just the way they act... Really rubs me the wrong way. And why is she called Bunny? Maybe Usagi (which means Bunny) is an acceptable name in Japan, but here anyone who had the name Bunny would be laughed out of existence. You'd think they'd change it to something more sensible when they translated it... Like to Serena, for instance... ('Serena's' a corny name too but it's way better than 'Bunny'!)

Okay, you wanna know WHY her art is ugly? Take this example down here... In case it doesn't look ugly to you already, I've pointed out various uglinesses about it...
Don't take this too seriously you dummies! ^_^

example image

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