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Why I Like Dubbed Anime

Note: I wrote this while I was annoyed...

So so so many people whine and moan and complain about how awful dubbed anime is (Like Sailor Moon...), how bad it makes the show, etc. etc. But, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with dubs. I, in fact, like dubs way more than subs, because of the following lovely reasons:

  • Continuity: When you have to read subtitles, you can't look at the picture very well at the same time. It wrecks the continuity of the story when you can't watch it leisurely, be absorbed in it, you know? Especially if they're talking very quickly, then you have to stop and rewind to catch what they just said. No, I'm not saying that it's a problem with all anime, but it is in certain fansubs. Take Shamanic Princess or Angel Sanctuary. (Some day I'll upload a little piece of Angel Sanctuary...)
  • Censorship: Anime is not censored as much as fanatics like to think it is. If an anime is really innapropriate in the first place, they simply label it "restricted" and don't sell it to minors. They don't bother to censor it. Scenes which are cut are usually removed so that the English dialogue will fit better, and they don't affect the plot. Entire episodes of serials cut? So? You can still get them on tape. It isn't any reason to hate dubs, since subtitled anime always has to come on tape.
  • Annoying Voices: So what if the voice actors are annoying? It's not that big a deal. If you stop fretting over it, you probably won't even notice the voices a few minutes into the show. Besides, Japanese voices are usually even more annoying. Have you heard the voices the Japanese give to little kids and girls up to around 16 years old? They're so squeeky, you'd think they'd be beyond our hearing range...
  • Culture: Lots of whining about how they change the names of Japanese festivals, foods, etc. to "Americanize" the anime. Really, who cares? It's not a big deal whether or not they use Japanese names for things or whether they use their closest American equivalent. Unless you're so obsessed that you spend all your time learning about Japanese culture, it makes it easier to understand and makes the names easier to recognise. And the plot is not affected in the slightest bit, so this is nothing to complain about.

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