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*New Links!*

Above are the links already submitted. Soon, the sites recieved will be placed within' catagories to better the organization of this site on the upcoming new layout. When you join, look for your link here within 2 weeks! ^.~ It would be greatly appreciated if members would place a link to this page on their site. How else will people know about it eh?
Link to me
click here to get the button for linking this page! Thanks!
One minor update: This site will be re-done in a few months! Hopefully, when I have more links ect...I'll keep you posted!

Welcome to the Anime Jump Page!
My name is Takara and this is my page for every anime link I can get my hands on!!! Eventually, if I accomplish my goal...this site will be the best resource for links on the net. The only way this can happen is if send in your page today! I need as many submitions as possible.

Here's the requirements:
1)Your name (as you go by on your page)
2)Your e-mail (just in case I need to get in touch with you...this won't be posted)
3)A brief description
4)The site's name
5)The site's URL
ThiS iNfO shOuld Be sEnt iN an E-maiL to this

So the only reason you shouldn't submit is if you don't have a page right? I accept all pages, as long the link you send works, I will accept. Every page deserves recognition so I'm here to lend a hand.
Also, you may submit a page for a friend, or reccomend some of your favorite links. Please spread the word!
See you,