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in your group of friends you'd be considered the

tall one
youngest one
short one
loud one
happy one
hated one
smiley one
quiet one
funny one

you're always...

"on the phone"
"driving here and there"
"perfect duh!"
"out and about"
"at home"
"on my computer"

you eat out, you're most likely to order

"i dunno, what are you getting?"
"something on the menu that's different and hard to pronounce"
"you pick for me, i dunno what i want"
"the sampler and an ice tea"
"i'm not really hungry,i just ate"
"the usual"
"can we skip to dessert? i want ice cream"
"depending on my mood"
"nothing for me thanks"

something is making one of your "crew"-mates feel down, you...

probably ARE that "crew"-mate
just don't say anything
ask what's wrong but leave them be
are just there
try talking to them about it and see what you can do to help
ignore it, hey it's not your problem
were the first to notice, you sense these things
crack a joke to lighten the mood
ask someone else what's wrong since they don't want to talk about it

what really gets to you?

"when people don't believe me"
"people with attitudes"
"nothing much"
"liars, sh!t talkers"
"annoying people"
"boppers at the malls"
"when i get sick, or my siblings get mad"
"Annoying little thug wanna-be girls who talk sh|t because they think they are so good."
"ppl talking about drinking"

people will remember you for

your craziness
your hair
your sarcasm
giving them rides
your lies
your job
your smile
your car

three words that describe you are

Friendly, Funny, Long Hair
Funny, Self-Centered, Stupid
Creative, Strong, Friendly
Nice, Caring,n`Lovable
Short, Wierd, Ancient
Grumpy, Quiet, Lazy
Crazy, Weird, Funny
Boring, Fun, Talented

your favorite food is...

teriyaki steak rice bowl
fast food
anything that's good
kanin (rice)
ice cream
vietnamese cuisine

you're at the mall, the first place you go is?

food court
electronics boutique
through the door
the bank
foot locker
a buck or two
west 49

favorite expression?

"i don't know"
)"okay bye."
"good is good, bad is bad"