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Andy's Amateur Anime

Due to a lack of interest, both on my part and on the part of others, I have decided to place this site into a "passive mode," meaning I won't be updating it on any regular basis. However, I still will accept any artwork you may wish to contribute. (See Information.)

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Submitting a Picture

To submit a picture to this site, send an e-mail titled "Anime" to with the picture attached. You may include the name of the artist, a title, and a breif description of the piece. If the character(s) depicted are from any current or past anime, provide the name of the character(s) and the show, movie, comic, etc.. The picture may be in any format, but .gif's and .jpg's are prefered. There are only two restrictions: the piece must be original* and it must be anime (or a reasonable facsimile).

*Due to different interpretations of "original" I have made two seperate catagories: "fans" and "artists." Any picture of a pre-established character will be considered "Fan work." Truly unique artwork will be labled as "Original."


Any submitted pieces will become open for public use. The publisher of this site is not to be held responsible if a piece of artwork is used in a fashion not intended by or unacceptable to its creator, nor does the publisher of this site have control over the distribution of any submitted pieces.


Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Slayers, and Tenchi Muyo images were all provided courtesy of

This site was last modified on September 3, 2002 at 11:35 PM, standard Eastern Time.

This site belongs to the Ring of Original Anime.

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