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Super Saiyan Levels

First there's Super Saiyan. This is acheived by high strength and kii. It doesn't have any disadvantages. Goku is the first one to acheive this level. It turns your hair blond, eyes green, and makes you alot more stronger. Saiyans to acheive this level: Goku, Trunks, Goten, Gohan, Vegeta, Brolly.

Next there's Ultra Super Saiyan. This form raises your powerlevel by a whole lot, but it sacrafices speed and agility to raise the powerlevel. Thous, making the Saiyan slow and strong. The Saiyans muscles grow to be huge, thous slowing down the Saiyan. There are no changes to the Saiyans body except high muscle mass growth. Saiyans to acheive this level: Goku, Trunks, Vegeta.

Now comes Super Saiyan Two. This stage is very powerful. It is a huge increase of powerlevel. Unlike Ultra Super Saiyan, this level doesn't sacrafice anything, and everything increases largly. There are no changes except your hair grows longer, and sticks straight up. Gohan is the first to ahieve this level. Saiyans to acheive this stage: Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten, Gohan.

The next stage is Super Saiyan Three. This stage unleashes large powerlevels. Your hair grows down to your waste. Your powerlevel is sky high. But there is one downside. You can fight for a while, but since your using so much energy, you run out more quickly than usual. Saiyans to reach this stage: Goku, Gotenks.

Now there's Golden Oozaru. This is acheived by a very high powered Super Saiyan Three. This stage is very hard to ahieve, and takes a long time to achieve. Goku was the only one to ahieve this form. Saiyans to achieve this form: Goku.

Last but not least is Super Saiyan Four. This level is the hardest to ahieve of all. This stage is totally different the the other ones. Your hair doesn't change color, and you get lots bigger and taller. You look a whole lot different, and you grow fur on your chest and lose your shirt. Goku is the first to achieve this stage. Saiyans to acheive this stage: Goku and Vegeta.
