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DBZ History

This gives everything away! If you don't want to know everything that happens in DBZ, then don't read this section!

Now, well start off to where Freiza was at the Planet Vegeta. Freiza was very strong then. No one even compared. When Gokus dad, Bardock, lead a revolt against Freiza, with tons of warriors right behind him, Freiza laughed. He knew that one day, the Saiyan race would have a warrior even stronger than he. He was right. But on that particular day, there was none. With a mocking laugh, he reached out his hand, and with one finger, a huge ball of energy emerged, rather slowly, tell it grew to be outragiously big. Then he let her fly. It wasn't a pretty site. Now Vegeta, who was later working for Freiza, was with his partner Nappa. And Vegeta knew what Nappa didn't, and Nappa later learned. Vegeta knew of Freizas filth, and was one day planning to destroy the creature, when he was stron enough. But for now destroyed planets for Freiza. Some of them were named, "Planet Vegeta", after you know who. Now, back to Goku. Goku was sent of in a capsule at a young age. For he was thought to be one of the weaker ones, who the Saiyans shot off to different planets. They only kept the elete on the main planet. Anyways, When Goku hit earth, he was rather vicious. But that all happened to change when one day at Grandpa Gohans (No, not the little Gohan), who, by the way, found Goku. Goku hit his head while playing. He then forgot all about his evil purpose, and turned for the better. His power increased big time as he got older. He entered several Martial Arts tournament, and won one tournament against Piccolo, when they were both tean-aged kinda. And that's where he met Chi-Chi, his future wife. Anyway, Goku had a brother. And his name was Raditz. And Raditz was quite stronger than Goku at the time. And he came to Earth to see if Goku had conquered it yet. But, since he had hit his head and forgot his evil ways, he hadn't, and had no such plan to. Now, Raditz was very mad at this news, and immediatly started waisting on Goku. Now, Goku was already married to Chi-Chi, and they had had Gohan. Gohan was very little at the time, and was in a space pod, listening to his dads screams of pain. Then, Gohan unleashed his fury, that he never knew he had until later. And powered up to abnormal strength, and hit Raditz hard. Raditz backed down for a moment, whincing in pain. He then recovered and further more beat on Goku. Gokus life was about to end, when Piccolo stepped in and put two fingers on his forehead, and did his key move. Its blast killed Raditz, but also killed Goku at the same time. Now, this is where Goku and Vegetas lifes mix. Vegeta and Raditz were sent by Freiza to take over Earth. When they got there, Goku was still dead. And a day after their arrival, Goku was wished back, because they found all of the Dragonballs. Then, Nappa thought he was strong and tryed to take on Goku, who was alot stronger than he was against Raditz. Napped was killed during their fight. He was losing anyway, and Goku wasn't having a challenge. Krillan did a destructo disk at him, and split him in have, killing him. Then Vegeta proceeded to fight Goku, and was kicking his butt, but right as he was about to kill Goku, Gohan looked up at the moon, and it was full. For it was night at the time. And he turned into a giant ape, for Saiyans with tells do that you know, and his powerlevel turned 10 times its normal number. And beat Vegeta back. Vegeta left the earth, madder than ever. Now, Bulma, Krillan, and Gohan all left to Namic to collect the Dragonballs at Namic, while Piccolo was alreay there. And Goku went off to train with Kind Kai. Now, Vegeta was attracted to Namic as well, so he could get the Dragonballs and wish to be immortal. And Freiza came to Namic, just because he felt like taking it over. It was in this way that they all met at Namic. Now, Freiza sent for the Ginu Force to come to Namic. They were a pretty strong bunch of fighters. It was them that the Z-fighters ran into trouble to. But they formed a tenative alliance with Vegeta to work together to get the Dragonballs. Then, they ran into alot of the Ginu Force. Vegeta was strong, but not strong enough to take them all out. But he did take some of them out before he was on the ground bleeding. But then, when all hope was lost. Then (big gasp) Goku arrives. Now in his new, no-one-stands-a-change form, he was so strong, he took the rest of them out with more than ease. He let burter fly away, while he helped the rest of the injured people. When Captain Ginu heard about it, he was furious. He immediatly flew to meet this new force. When he met him, he read Gokus powerlevel, and found out it was above His 120,000 tops. It was 180,000. He got scared. But, being as tricky as he was, he used his move where he switched bodies with Goku. And he hit himself before he switched, leaving Goku helpless. But Gohan and Krillan soon found out the man in the Goku body wasn't Goku, so they began to fight him. At first, they were kicking his butt, because in order for a body to be strong, it has to be mind-body. But his wasn't yet. But graduall, he got stronger. But he was still getting his butt kicked, then he was going to switch bodies yet again, because he knew he couldn't survive, but they held a frog in its place, and he became a frog. Goku got his body back. But he was so weak, he fainted. So Vegeta and Krillan and Gohan took him to the rejuvination tank, where he later became alot stronger than he was to begin with. While he was in the rejuvination tank, Vegeta took off to fight Freiza. By the time Goku arrived, Vegeta had just been killed. What followed after was a great fight. It was an even match until Freiza told Goku he was only using 1% of his power. Then he upped it to 50%. Then Goku was no match. In a final ditch effort to beat Freiza, he made a spirit bomb and threw it at Freiza. But after the huge explosion (for the spirit bomb was HUGE) and they all thought Freiza was dead. But he wasn't. When he showed up out of the water, their spirits were lost. Then, he destroyed Krillan, and badly hurt Piccolo. This made Goku so mad, he went Super Saiyan. He then sent Gohan to pick up Piccolo, and leave in a spaceship. Then he turned to Freiza. Freiza was no match at all. Then Freiza powered up to 100%. Then, they were tied for a while. But Goku was just to much for him, and made Freizas own power disk cut himself in half. Then Goku got off the planet before it blew. (Because Freiza threw a bomb at it to make it blow up) He barely made it, but told no one where he was going. They never found out where he was for a long time. They even tried to wish Goku back from the dead, but the eternal dragon said he was not dead, but didn't wish to come back at that time. While Goku was gone, Vegeta left somewhere also, leaving Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillan on earth. But then an evil being named Garlic Jr. Showed up. He was immortal, and was taking everybody over. When finally Gohan and Krillan and Piccolo managed to fight back, but how did they kill him? Someone who's not immortal isn't really immortal. Each immortality is held in a star. Garlic Jr.'s happened to be near by, and Gohan destroyed it. Then they killed him, but now easily, I might add. Now things really start to heat up. One day, Krillan and Gohan and all the other Z-fighters (Now Yamcha and Tien were wished back.) felt a strong force approaching earth. They new it was Freiza, but how did Freiza survive? Really, half his body didn't, because it was sliced in half. He had a new "cyborg" half body. He was stronger than he was before. Right when all the other Z-fighters were going to march into a doomed final battle, a mystery man showed up. We now call him Future Trunks. Trunks quickly went Super Saiyan and disposed of Freiza and his dad, who was with him, King Coal. When the others saw his immense powers, they were astonished. But Future Trunks revealed none of his identity, fearing that his Vegeta and Bulma (who were not together yet) would not have him if he revealed who he truly was. He told them the exact spot where Goku was going to land, and the exact time. Future Trunks was of course from the future, but in a time when everybody was dead but him, because a final battle. Goku did not get to fight because he died of a heart disease, that Trunks would make sure he didn't get a second time. Trunks came in a time machine. When Goku arrived, he took him aside, and foretold how the evil Androids would show up. And of his heart disease. He told them to train, and he gave Goku the medicine from the future that the earth hadn't developed then. Future Trunks real time was grim. Everybody was dead but him, and he spent his time from place to place, running from the Androids. There were two of them, so he couldn't take them both. So he wanted to change the future for the better, that is why he used his time machine to arrive in this time. So Future Trunks left, and Piccolo, who had overheard the conversation, told everything that was vital, but didn't tell Trunks true identity. So they all trained. In three years, the Andriods came. But these were different ones. Goku actually got the heart attack during his fight, but the newly hightened Super Saiyan Vegeta saved him. The Androids quickly showed them who was boss. For the two different Androids were more weak, but these new ones, who killed Dr. Gero (one of the first two Androids, who ran from SSJ Vegeta) awakened them, but was betrayed. Then the two new Androids, #'s 17 & 18, were much stronger. But a new creature arrived also, and his name was Cell. And he quickly spread fear across the earth. He wanted to absorb Android 17 and 18 to become Perfect Cell. But Piccolo fused with Kammi and got alot stronger. And he was fighting the Android, 17, the strongest one of the two, and they were both tied. Then Cell showed up and almost killed Piccolo, and absorbed 17. Making him now very much stronger. But Vegeta and Trunks had just finished training in the hyperbolic chamber, and had gone Ultra Super Saiyan. This can be good, but mostly bad. It makes big really powerful, but really slow. But Vegeta didn't power up full, so he wasn't so bulky, but that much more powerful and quick. He was almost ready to defeat the almost-but-not Perfect Cell. He was getting mad, because he was searching for #18, who was trying to hide from him, as to not get absorbed. Then Vegeta showed up, kicked his butt, and was about ready to kill him, when Vegetas weakness showed up. Cell said he'd be stronger if he could absorb #18. Vegeta got mad and let him, but Future Trunks, who was almost as strong, barely not, and tryed to stop him. But Vegeta fired a blast at Trunks, and Cell consumed #18. The explosion was enormous. Cell got alot stronger and kicked Vegetas and Trunks butt. Then, he created the Cell Games. To try to test everybody on his new body before he destroyed the earth. Trunks agreed, who was the last fighter to lose to him then, and Perfect Cell gave them ten days. Then, while Gohan and Goku trained in the Hyperbolic Chamber. Gohan went Super Saiyan, and Goku got amazingly stronger. Then, the Cell Games Began. Goku fought first, and him and Cell seamed equal in everway. Goku powered up a Kamehameha and teleported near cell and blasted him. Blowing off his top half of his body. But, having everyones Genes, because thats how he was made. From everyones Genes combined. And he regrew his body, because that's what Namics can do. Goku counted on the blast killing Cell, and it didn't, so he was weak. So, he told Gohan to finish the fight for him, because he knew if Gohan was pushed, he would show power never seen before. Gohan wouldn't fight, because he was afraid of killing Cell. (Of just killing.) But when he saw Perfect Cell's Cell Jr.'s beating on everyone, and almost killing them, he went SSJ2, and Cell was no match. He later punched Cells stomach, and #18 came out. By the way, #18 was a girl, half human half robotic, and Krillan was in love with her, so he was really happy. Anyway, Cell grabbed Gohan, and attempted to self destruct, seeing that he couldn't possibly beat Gohan. But Goku flew up to Cell, and grabbed him, and teleported him to King Kai's planet, and he blew up King Kai's planet. Killing Goku in the mean time. Goku gave his life for everyone on the earth. But it was in vain. Cell regrew to his old self because one of his brain cells survived. And cell came back stronger than ever, Cell also knew Gokus instant transmission trick, so that's why he got back to the earth so quick. He then killed Trunks with one blast on his return. But Gohan wasn't going away, and Cell and Gohan were about to continue their fight when Vegeta went crazy with blasts but was knocked down to the ground real quickly, and Gohan took a monstor blast by Cell for Vegeta so Vegeta wouldn't die. Gohan, with blood all over him, wouldn't quit. Then, they each let out a kamahamahah, and Gohan ended up finding the strength to overpower him. Then, they used the eternal dragon to try to wish Goku back, but he didn't want to come. More to come! Sorry for delay!


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