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Ai no Senshi Sailor Moon soap opera Episode 56

~*This is a special episode, just about Scarlet and Duo, please be warned this story may cause crying as well as sadness, read at your own risk! Plus the words in bold font are from a song*~

As Scarlet lay in her bed, Duo remained by her side. She closed her eyes and drifted off into memories.

"We're sorry Scarlet-hime, but the cancer is spreading. You have only months left, we can try the chemo, but as you've seen it's still not working." Said the doctor.

"No, the chemo is just to draining. I will last longer without it." Scarlet replied.

"Shall we tell your family?"

Scarlet shook her head. "Father is too ill. And I must remain strong in my sister's eyes." Scarlet replied.

One month later she packed her bags and ran away. Running from the cancer, knowing it would catch up.

Scarlet opened her eyes and smiled at Duo.

She recalled the first day they met, the very first words spoken.

A young woman then bumped into Duo.

"Pardon me!" She said.

"Don't worry, not a problem." Duo replied.

"I am Scarlet, and you are?" She said with a touch of a French accent.

"Duo," he replied.

She smiled.

"Do, umm, why are you on this ship?" He asked.

"Oh, I man the one who does the cooking," she replied.

"Ah, I'm here 'cause I wanna get away. My life is so plane it's sick."

For all I've been blessed with in this life

There was an emptiness in me

I was imprisoned by the power of gold

With one honest touch you set me free

` "Pervert," she snapped.

"I'm not a pervert!" Duo growled.

"Prove it," she said as she put he hands on her hips.

He titled her chin up with his hand, and he kissed her. She slide her hands under his wet shirt. He ran his fingers through her dripping crimson hair.

She then shoved him away, "I still think you're a pervert." She repeated.

"Fine." He said as he headed back to the boat.

Let the world stop turning

Let the sun stop burning

Let them tell me love's not worth going through

If it all falls apart

I will know deep in my heart

The only dream that mattered had come true

In this life, I was loved by you

"Scarlet repeat after me. I Scarlet, take thee Duo."

"I Scarlet take thee Duo." Scarlet repeated.

"To have and to hold."

"To have and to hold."

"In sickness and in health."

"In sickness and in health."

"For richer or for poorer."

"For richer or for poorer."

"From this day forth as long as you both shall live."

"From this day forth as long as we both shall live."

She slipped a golden ring onto Duo's finger and smiled.

"Duo, repeat after me. I Duo, take thee Scarlet."

"I Duo take thee Scarlet."

"To have and to hold."

"To have and to hold."

"In sickness and in health."

"In sickness and in health."

"For richer or for poorer."

"For richer or for poorer."

"From this day forth as long as you both shall live."

"From this day forth as long as we both shall live."

Duo slipped a gold wring onto Scarlet's shaking finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The Priest said as he snapped the book shut and smiled.

Duo gave Scarlet a long and passionate kiss.

For every mountain I have climbed

And every raging river crossed

You were the treasure that I longed to find

Without your love I would be lost

Duo put his finger into the icing container. Then he put some on Scarlet's nose.

"Hey!" She yelped.

She smeared icing on his face. He then tickled her with his frosting covered fingers.

"I love you Scarlet," he said.

"Forever and ever, till death do us part ne?" Scarlet replied.

He put more icing on her face.

Let the world stop turning

Let the sun stop burning

Let them tell me love's not worth going through

Scarlet appeared in a glowing sliver light. The glow out lined Scarlet's figure. White wings spread out behind her. She had her red velvet dress on still, the one that clung to her like it was wet. Her chest was covered with silver armor.

"If you leave me now, it'll all be perfect." Said Scarlet. "You last memory of me will be in my final glory. You can say good bye now!"

Duo smiled as shook his head slowly. " can't seem to leave you." He replied.

Tears rolled down her face.

The glow faded along with her red dress. She was once again in her ed night gown. The wings disappeared last. She fell back into his arms.

"I can't ever leave you." Duo said softly.

If it all falls apart

I will know deep in my heart

The only dream that mattered had come true

In this life, I was loved by you

Returning to the present.

"Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu (thank you very much) for loving me with no regrets and no hesitation." Scarlet whispered.

"Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu for all your love, without it I wouldn't be the same." Duo replied. "I finally found something worth living for Scarlet. You, you were the reason I was born here on earth. You were my purpose was to be loved by you." Duo replied with a sad passion.

"Sarabada Duo-chan,"(farewell) Scarlet whispered.

Duo kissed her ever so lightly on her soft lips. He stroked her silky red hair.

"Sarabada, Scarlet-ko," Duo said.

He could feel her spirt leaving him. It felt like someone was pressing down on his chest. And at the same time a vital part of him was being ripped from his being.

Tears welled up in his eyes. "Please don't leave me!" He cried.

"We'll meet again. And I'll never leave you if you keep me in your heart." She whispered.

"I will I love you more than life it's self," Duo said.

She was gone. Leaving him alone in the world. He cried as he cradled her body in his arms.

Let the world stop turning

Let the sun stop burning

Let them tell me love's not worth going through

If it all falls apart

I will know deep in my heart

The only dream that mattered had come true

In this life, I was loved by you

Scarlet's story was inspired by a friend of mine, Jamuna. Only her family and friends in her neighbor hood knew she was dying. She had tons of online friends as well as a club online about her fave band. But she didn't tell us, those online friends. She was a very strong person and is remembered by all of us that way. I have created a website about her:

Also the song in the bold font is a song belonging to Ronan Keating, a member of Jamuna's fave band, boyzone.

Nothing is ever hopeless. Hope is what makes things a
reality, a believe in something that is not certain.
Hope in my stories never dies therefore as longs as
you hope for Scarlet's reserection, it could become a
reality. . .