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My Over Analyzing the Year After Colony 196

I will refer to the year After Colony 196 as though it were an actual moment in history...rather than a fictional event limited to an anime. For this reason and for the length of this thesis some people will assume i have no life. This is not true i simply can type rediculously fast and set aside time to write this. the year After Colony 196...the people finally believed they had obtained total pacifism. They were naive fools, it is in the human consciousness to fight, because human beings by their nature are constantly at conflict. It is hard enough to find resolve with oneself let alone with others. As long as two are more people are together the other person or persons are a potential source of conflict. I believe that ideal of total pacifism is admerable...however it is just that an ideal that not even Relena Peacecraft could make a reality. This was proven by the fact that there was even a need for preventers in the first place. Noin and Lady Une were much more sane than Relena...they understood that times of peace tend to give rise to greater fools because they cannot appriciate the lack of conflict nor do they understand it because it is not in their nature. Advancements are made through resolve conflicts rather than abolishing or avoiding them. The need to resolve dissputes forces people to search for an answer and discover many revelations by doing so. Simply having the answers handed to you accomplishes nothing. I believe Heero Yui's speech in GundamW was correct when he addressed the selfishness of humanity likewise Triez Khushrenada's plea to the Romerfellar Foundation. In the end it is only themselves human beings can think of. Their need to satisfy the desire to battle will out way the value of the lives they intend to destroy in doing so. From the veiw point of a planet the life of a living thing last but an instant, that instant is not to be taken for granted. By the year After Colony 197 human beings had come a long way in understanding these facts but still failed to appriciate the blood stained consciouces' of the soilders who sacraficed so much for the goal of peace...this victor flickers in the wind as a candle, and the winds of fate tend to be cruel and ironic concerning humanity. Not to say that it isnt deserved...