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~Fan Art~

~Welcome to my fan art section~

Hello! Konnichiwa! Genki desu ka? ii otenki desune!! ^_^

THIS-- is the (dum dum duuuum) FAN ART! here we have pics done by Sam, Pj, and myself.. (soon i will get some more up)ok! Umm.. most of the pictures here are about final fantasy , gundam wing , trigun and powerpuff girls (sam!^_^) there are also a couple that are just miscellaneous things that dont really come from any show or series...

WELL! enough of my rambling.. BRING ON THE FAN ART!

By: Samantha Krause

Heres a picture of HIM! as done by Samantha Krause!!!she goes to my school!!! very funny person!


Heres a picture that I did of Quatre Raberba Winner from Gundam Wing

by:PJ Krause

heres a pic done by Sam's little brother PJ Krause .. i dont know if you can see the caption at the top but it says "It looks like a Gundam, Sir."


heres another pic i did... not much to say about it.... there it is.

By: PJ Krause


By: Sara

TAMAKINS!!!!! this is my piccy of Tamahome from Fushigi Yuugi! ^_^

By: PJ Krause

oh no! ITS...HIM!

By: Sara

heres everyones favorite mad scientist... HOJO!

BY:Samantha Krause

Here we have three more FANTABULOUS pics by SAM!

(.. and to think she says that she cant draw!)

By: Sara

and a pic i did of Vincent Valentine

i have ten zillion more pics of Vincent Valentine buried deep within my closet! wooo! scary!..



Here we have a picture I did of Zechs and Trieze.Im gonna make it smaller.... im kinda gettin angry with it....

By Samantha Krause

OOOOO!!! EVIL!!! this is an EVIL powerpuff created by Sam... is she making a fist.. or flipping you off... hrm...

By: Sara

AND YET ANOTHER VINCENT PIC! god i love vincent.. he's the very essence of coolness.. the epitome of cool... hes so cool, hes almost frozen... ok.. umm... yeah... i think ill stop now before i hurt myself...


Heres a pic i did of i the only one who thought that Laguna was one of the best characters in FF8???


Here we have a picture of Squall i did in Biology... if Ms.Hoopes is at my site (for some bizarre and unkown reason..) IM SORRY!!! but ecology notes just dont hold my interest! ^_^;;


heres a watercolor that i did of red 13 ^_^ (click on button for larger version)


heres my most recent pic, and one of my favorites (click on button for larger version)


This is my new pic of Hotohori from Fushigi Yuugi!!! ^_^

By:Daniel Gullett

This is a submission from Daniel Gullett~ this is Gotenkz... (while im not all that familiar with DBZ i do know that this is an EXCELLENT peice!! ^_^) (and btw-- you all can submit stuff too!!! jus no hentai!:P)


LAGUNA!!!! IN A RARE COLOR PEICE!!!! (umm... in case ya havent noticed... im a serious Laguna fan-girl!! :P ATM i am working on a character shrine for him... and im making a Cosplay costume of Laguna for Anime USA (its in Arlington VA October 12-14!!! YAY!!!)


Iddnt Zell ADORABLE!!! HOTDOGS 4 EVUR!!!!! :P (if ya don know what im talking about when i say 'hotdogs' ... then GO OUT AND RENT A COPY OF FINAL FANTASY VII!!!! YOUVE NO IDEA WHAT YOURE MISSING!!!! FOOLS!!!! GO GET IT NOW!!!!


Don ask... i was doing this while watching my Rurouni Kenshin tapes....i guess its sorta Sahitou (sp?) when hes young mebbe?? i dunno.... :P


Is this not THE coolest thing you have seen in a long while?!?!


by: PJ Krause

Soon ill put more pics up... im just kinda lazy.... yeah.