Below are the two links to choose to join the site. The first one is used when you pick a character off of the character link. The second is a fanfic link(currently inactive). If you found no suitable character on the character link, make your own character. Do not email us saying you haven't heard any information or asking for a character directly. Do not post a message on the message board requesting a character niether. If you do so, we will not even look at your form and if you ask for a character directly, we will just delete the message. We are very busy and have alot of stuff to do so yes, it might take a few days. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU GIVE A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS OR ELSE WE CANNOT GET BACK TO YOU!!!(lately many applications have come back from the mailer daemon because the email is wrong, so lets fix that problem up)


Ok, basically for fanfics you can either come up with a character out of thin air, or use similar characters off of games and other animes or cartoons that relate to DB/Z/GT. Basically fighting games and rpgs are good to get fanfics from. Do Not request a fusion character or ridiculous character like SSJ Goku and the like for they will automatically be turned away. Also, your character must fit into the rpg some way(that is why fighting games and cartoons/animes are good choices to look at)

Must haves for being in the RPG
Their are a few factors that you must meet in order to join. We are trying to run a serious rpg so we have to have good members. Here are the must haves for being in.