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~*Dark Moon*~

Title:Dark Mega Moon?

By:Sweet Serena

This story is kinda like the story when Rini turned evil!This is my first FanFic so please be thoughtful of that.Visualize this FanFic as if you were watching it on T.V. Only one sailor was not present in this and that was Sailor Saturn. *¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´¨`·.¸¸.*¤**¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´¨`·.¸¸.*¤**¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´¨`·.¸¸.*¤**¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´¨`·.¸¸.*¤**¤*.¸¸.·´

"OH NO!! I'M LATE AGAIN!!" Serena said as she ran down Main Street.

"Raye is going to kill me" she said to herself. "Run Serena!Run Serena!" she also said to herself.She then takes a deep breath and casually walks up the steps of the Cherry Hill Temple.

"YOUR LATE AGAIN MEATBALL BRAIN!"screamed Raye to Serena. "I'm tired of you being so late",she said. "I really think we need a new leader."

"RAYE", Serena gasped. "I am the best leader you'll ever have." she continued "Sure I'm late, not the best fighter, and I don't do good in school but I do a good job when I'm in a battle."

"I think I agree with Raye", Mina said.

"Me too", whispered Ami

"I guess it would be a good change", Lita said.

"GUYS", squealed Serena."This is mutiny"

"I think we all agree", Raye said.

"Shut up Raye", Serena quickly muttered.

"Fine you want a new leader!Give her this!", as she quickly slammed her brooch against the table.

Then, as quickly as she slammed it down she ran out of the temple and to Darien's apartment. "Then, they grouped up against me", she said to Darien as she sipped some cocoa he made to calm her.

"Well Serena maybe you should try to see how it would be with a new leader", Darien said in a calm voice.

"Fine if that's the way you feel too, go to Raye's Temple and sign up for the job", as she got up and left.

"Serena", Darien said in a soft frightened voice.

Everyone met at the temple the next day except for Serena.Everyone was worried."Did she talk to any of you last night" Luna said to the scouts. "No!", they all replied.Darien ran to the temple with the outer planets and Rini. "She's not here either.",Rini said to Trista. "I'm realy worried", Darien said. "And she hasn't been home either." Luna replied.

"GUYS, Come here", Ami said in a panic.

Everyone ran near the radio they layed on the ground. The radio had an important flash anouncement. "And now our special anouncement. There is an unidentified object is in the middle of 1st and Main. We ask everyone to stay away because we have no idea of what this thing may do.And now we return to the music.

"I'm worried about Serena but I think we need to investigate", Raye said to the group.

"Right!" they all agreed.









"As soon as we find out what this is , evil or not, we'll try to find Serena." Ami said calmly." Darien , I think you should stay here if Serena may call or come." "OK"Darien said."Let's go guys" as they ran to 1st and Main. Darien clepped onto Serena's brooch and then looked into the dark sky.

Just as they turned onto 1st and Main a very dark figure appeared. "Pleased to meet you, I am the King of the Dark Mega Moon. Your planets have destroyed my people and because of that I have come to destroy you and your planet."

"You are outnumbered," replied Amara and Michelle."We don't want any trouble but if you make us we will destroy you,"said Mina.

"Well, well, well!", I think I need some help. Come out my queen." Emerging from the craft in the street a lady dressed in a black outfit, with a long split on the side, a black crown with a dark purple flipped cresent moon in the middle, and a long scetor in her hand.

"Well I think I finally found someone to appreciate my talents,"said a very familiar voice.

"MEATBALL BRAIN is that you,"Raye said.

ZAP!!A flash of light knocked Mars to the ground. The scouts ran to Mars. Ami said "Serena if this is about yesterday we were just joking with you."."We've been trying to find you all night and day."she added.

PHEW!!A blast of cold air blew Ami away. "Who's a meatball brain now.I have more power than that puny brooch could have ever gave me. Now I bet you wish you never wanted to vote for someone else.".

"Please Serena we care for you. Please don't team up with him!" screamed Sailor Venus.

"I'm tired of hearing your lies", Serena said as she disappeared and reappered behind Sailor Venus. She then tapped Sailor Venus on the shoulder and as she turned around another blast of wind threw Sailor Venus in the air and slammed her to the ground.

"I'm tired of playing games", Serena said as all the other sailors looked in amasement at Serena's power.

"Good-bye all",Serena said."Your pleeding won't work." she said finally. Then, a dark cloud came over all the scouts and trapped them in an invisable force field.STRIKE!!Lightining bolts came and striked every single scout.

"Please Serena stop!", screamed Mini Moon. *¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´¨`·.¸¸.*¤**¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´¨`·.¸¸.*¤**¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´¨`·.¸¸.*¤**¤*.¸¸.·´¨`»*«´¨`·.¸¸.*¤**¤*.


Queen no more

"HAHAHAH!, I already told you your pleeding won't help" Serena said as she floated closer to the force field.Friends forever. What a joke. As soon as I make a mistake you all are ready to judge. No more. Then, Serena raised bot her hands for a final attack. Just as she chanted Mega Moon Power Destroy a red rose flew and a masked man stood at the top of a shop.

"A puny rose won't work this time", as she used her ocean attack against Tuxedo mask. He dodged the attack and under his cape threw several roses around Serena. A wind blew the petals which entrapped Serena. The force field withdrew and the scouts were free.

"What are we going to do",said Mini Moon.

"Her powers are increased by 10. How are we going to possibly beat that", replied Sailor Pluto.

"NO!!", they heard as they quickly turned around.

They saw Darien laying on the ground looking almost lifeless. They quickly ran towards him. "He's fine", replied Lita. "What happened to him", Mini Moon asked Lita. "I gave him a little shock", replied Serena "Serena, please don't do this", Darien said in a very weak voice. "Remember what I said to you when we were in my apartment before you told me what happened. Things are going to get tough but I'll always be there to help and protect you.............."but before he could finish she zapped him with another bolt of lightining. He refused help from the scouts and grew up enough strength to finish what he said."Forever. Serena I'll protect, help, and love you forever. No matter what you do I'll be there."

"STOP PLEASE JUST STOP", Serena replied. "Lies all lies. The only one that was there was my new King.

"I think it's time to destroy this place", she commanded the King. "Of course my dear child", he replied.

"URANUS WORLD SHAKING", Uranus said as she used her atttak against Serena

"Right Uranus. We need to destroy her. She may be Serena but she still is evil", said Neptune.

"There has to be another way to deal with her", replied Mars.

"I don't see any other way to destroy this evil before it destroys us and the world", said Jupiter.

"LET'S DO IT", said Venus.

They all agreed but inside was hoping to be the hands that would kill their beloved friend.Darien heard this and under his cape he took out Sailor Moon's brooch. "I can't let this happen to her", he said to himself.

"MARS FIRESTORM BLAST", chanted Mars. As her attack streamed toward Serena she used her sceptor to block the attack."Huh", she gasped.

"My attack will surely work. JUPITER THUNDER DRAGON", she screamed. Her attack weakened Serena but still did not destroy her.

"I'll just have to stop her.VENUS METEOR SHOWER!'', she screamed. The meteor shower didn't even come close to destroying her yet it did weaken her.

"I think it's working", said Mini Moon.

"We'll finish her off",said Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto as Mini Moon was looking up at them.

"WORLD SHAKING, DEEP SUBMERGE, DEADLY SCREAM", they all yelled as they used their powers as one. The ball of power quickly grew closer towards Serena. Serena crossed her arms across her chest and was about to braise for the attack. But somehow she was still standing even when it hit her. There was no way anyone could have survived the attack. As the smoke (caused by the attack) cleared up they saw who the attack truly hit. Tuxedo Mask laid at Serena's feet lifeless. When Serena saw this, past memories of the horrible things that happened and how they always seemed to be together. All these memories startedto make Serena wonder what she was doing trying to destroy the ones she loved. Memories of when Mars gave her advice and comforted her. When the others threw her a birthday party for her. The fun days of study when they all goofed off. The days Rini helped her take care of the family. When the outer scouts helped and gave her advice.When Darien always tried to make her feel better. These scenes filled her head and then she dropped the sceptor.

"What have I done", as she she looked at her hands.As she moved her hands her eyes grew bigger and her heart felt like it was going to break. There laying on the ground was her love. Lifeless, motionless, and breathless. She fell to her knees and slipped her hands into Darien's hand. He wasn't dead. He said in a soft voice......"I told you I would protect you", as he finished his head fell to the side.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!", she yelled and as she began to cry the King of the Dark Mega Moon striked her with a lighting bolt.

"You all are nothing but weaklings", he said.

He then entrapped them in his ship. He vowed not to leave before he destroyed the earth.

"Say goodbye to earth then I'll take care of the rest of you.", he said.

"Darien please wake up,please", Serena said. She then felt something under his other hand. Her brooch. "I know what is wrong and now I must set it right.", Serena said.

"MOON PRISM POWER!!",as she transformed the evil in her heart disappeared.

"You have made me understand the power of friendship and love, but you are evil and on behalfof the moon I shall punish you!", she said. Then, she whispered something in Tuxedo Mask's ear which brought a smile to his face.

"Come on guys let's destroy this jerk!", she said, in astonishment, to the scouts.

"How?", Mini Moon said.

"Sailor Planet Power is the only way.", Sailor Moon said.

"Finally you have a good idea.", said Mars.

"Let's not start that now.",said Ami.











"No way you can beat me", said the King as he started to use his Dark Mega Moon attack.

The two beams of light hit each other with an enormous amount of power. Just as he thought he was winning a rose emerged and took away his concentration. It hit him and he soon disappeared. His ship ,then, caught on fire. The sailors then used sailor teleport to get back home. The sun was just peeking over the horizon. Sailor moon then transformed back into Serena. I can't believe that we did that. Then she still remembered Darien was hurt. She looked around but couldn't see him. Then, she saw a shadow of a man near the end of the street leaning on a lightpost.

"DARIEN!!" she screamed. He then fell to the ground.

"Now it's my turn to help you.", Serena said as she took her brooch, raised it over Darien's head, and said MOON CRYSTAL HEALING ACTIVATION! Beams of lights surrounded Darien and lifted the pain away.

"Serena", he said. I heard what you whispered to me on the ship. Then, he grabbed Serena, put his hands around her face, and kissed her.

Then he whispered in her ear....................."I know we'll protect each other."

The next day they all met at the Temple where Raye was outside cooking sweet potatoes for the group.

Raye casually walked toward Serena who was late again and said "I'll let it slide this time because Mina is late too."

"But next time you decide to get evil warn us",she said as they both laughed.

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