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.:Christmas Time Has Come Around:.

Title:Christmas Time Has Come Around

By:.:~*SwEeT SeReNa*~:.

Brief Description: Christmas time has come around. All the girls are here (No chibi chibi). They have helped each other to not spend any money so that they would have plenty for Christmas. But.... when a freak snow storm comes in and a loved one goes away will Christmas still be a good one?

Scene:All the girls are on a busy sidewalk. All the stores are either packed full of people or have half empty shelves. The girls are being shoved around the busy sidewalk.Christmas is only 2 weeks away.


"Can you believe how packed the stores are?", Rini said. "How am I going to find a gift for Darien?", she added.

"What about me brat.", Serena squealed.

"All you need is a life.",Rini commented.

"UGGHHH!!", Serena growled.

"Will you 2 stop fighting for once. Rini I'll help you find the perfect gift.", Rei said to Rini.

"Thanks Rei.", Rini said as she pulled her eyelid down and licked her tounge out behind Rei's back.Serena then mocked Rini. As she did this she didn't notice the raised pavement. She then tripped but didn't fall on the ground.

"You sure are clumsey meatball head.", a familiar voice said.

"Darien.", she said as she lifted herself up. "Umm what are you doing out today. I thought you had work." she continued as she brushed herself off. Just as he was about to talk Mina gestured Serena to catch up.

"I've got to go.", Serena told Darien.

"Serena I really have to talk to you." Darien told Serena as she tried to catch up.

"I really have to go Darien.",Serena insisted.

"Bye. I'll try to catch you later.", he said as he walked the opposite way.

"So what happened?", Mina asked Serena as she finally caught up.

"He said he wanted to talk to me later. I wonder if he got me a gift.", Serena said.Rei then told them to hurry up. All of them finally found a store not to crowded. Rini and Hotaru went seperates ways so that they wouldn't know what they were giving to each other. All the girls had saved up to buy a reat gift for each other. As they left the store a snow flake hit Rini on the nose.

"Is it snowing?", Rini said to the rest of the group.

"Snow!Snow!", Hotaru screamed. "Wow!", Rini squealed as she threw her arms out and spinned around. It started getting colder and colder.

"I think we better go to the temple and rest.", Rei suggested.

"No. My house is much closer.", Serena said because she had forgot to give Rei back her comics and knew as soon as they would have walked into the temple Rei would have remembered.They started to make their ways to Serena's home.

"Serena I didn't know you were bringing your friends over today. Just give me a few minutes while I go fix you girls some hot cocoa.", Serena's mom said as she went back into the kitchen.The girls then all took off their coats and made their way to the living room. Serena's mom placed a tray of the wam cocoa on the table.

"I brought some cookies to go with it. I know you girls must be very cold outside.", her mother said as she passed out the cocoa. "Did you girls do some good shopping?", she questioned.

"Yeah. The stores were full of people. All we need to do now is wrap it.", Ami said as she sipped the cocoa.

Serena's mother asked all the girls to come over Christmas Eve with their family to celebrate the holiday. The girls agreed. Serena went into the kitchen and asked her mom if it was alright if she was to ask Darien to come. Her mother saw nothing wrong with it but her father did. After a while of convincing him to let Darien come her father caved in. Hours and hours passed as the girls laughed at Serena's antics and foolishness. The girls left after a while the girls left. At one point even Rini went to Hotaru's house.Serena decided to walk with Rini to make sure she got there in one piece.

"Bye meatballhead.", Rini commented as she entered Hotaru's house. Serena started to boil but shook it off. She caught a glimpse of Darien down the street. She started to run towards him screaming his name. He heard it and turned around.

"Hey meatballhead.", he said as she caught up to him.

"Darien. I remember there was something you wanted to tell me.", she said as she caught her breath.

"Serena I have to go to America this Christmas.", he said as he looked & walked towards the bridge.

"Why?", Serena questioned as she grew sad.

"My boss wants to send me to represent his company. It would be a great oppurtunity for me.", Darien said as he made his way up on the bridge. He looked down towards the water.

"What about Christmas. It's right around the corner. Will you be back to celebrate it?", she said as her eyes began to water.

"Serena please don't cry. I don't want to go but if I must I must.", he said with his head still down looking towards the water.

"Darien my mom wanted you to come and spend Christmas with us. Remember I'm your family now. We'll be taking care of each other.",Serena said as tears coated her face.

"Serena this is already to hard to do without you crying.", he said. "I really have to go. I still have a gift for you. Please wait until Christmas to open it.", he said as he took it out his pocket. A small little jewelry box is what it looked like but it wasn't heavy enough to carry jewelry.

"Serena please don't cry. I love you very much.", he said as he walked off the bridge.

Serena went back to her house in a sadened state.

"Hey why are you so glumpy.", Mina said as she smacked Serena on the back.

"Mina............", Serena said as tears started to come down her rosey cheeks. They went towards Crown Arcade.

"He's going to America. I won't be able to give him his gift Christmas morning.", Serena added as she told Mina the whole story.

"Don't worry Serena. I'm sure if he changes his mind he'll be back in time for Christmas. You have to stay positive.", Mina said as she patted Serena on the back.

"I'll try.", she said.

The hardest part for Serena was telling Rini. When Rini found out she was devestated. Darien came by the same day and gave Rini a gift that looked just like Serena's gift. He gave Rini a hug and told him not to worry.He also told Rini not to open it til Christmas. Rini cried for awhile but knew that Darien would be back.

The next day was the last morning Serena would see Darien before Christmas. Darien came early in the morning and threw little stones at Serena's window. She the exited her room onto the balcony.

"It's time for me to go. I just wanted to say good bye.", he said in a soft voice.

"Please wait a minute.", Serena said and then quickly went back innto her room. She threw on a pair of pants and a t-shirt. She then quietly sneaked down the stairs, grabbed her coat, put on her shoes on, and walked out the door. Before she left she put a note on her bed telling her parents that a friend was in trouble and that she would be back soon.

A kiss and an embraced greeted Serena as she left the gates of her home.She hopped into Darien's car and they started driving towards the airport. The closer they got to the airport, the more Serena's heart broke. As soon as they parked and entered the airport Serena knew he wasn't going to change his mind anytime soon.

"Serena please be strong. I already know you are.",Darien said as he boarded the plane

"Darien.",Serena screamed as he was about to step into the plane.

"Serena.......... Don't worry about me. I love you.",He said as he stepped into the plane and the door closed.

Tears coated Serena's face. She couldn't believe he was gone. She went to the window to see the plane lift off into the air. She pressed her hand against the window and cried even more. By the time she had left the airport her eyes were sore and red.

"What's up meatball head. We'll give you a ride home.", Amara said as Serena finally lifted her head.

"We heard that Darien had to leave to America. I know you really wanted to spend Christmas with him.", Michelle said. She waited awhile but there was no response. Serena laid sleep across the back seat.

"Well I guess she's exhausted from what happened.", Amara commented to Michelle.

By the time Serena got home the sun peeked over the horizon. Amara awakened Serena from her sleepy state.

"Your home. You better go before your family starts to worry about you.", Michelle said as she helped Serena out of the car.

"Thanks you guys. I hope to see you Christmas day at my home.", Serena said as she rubbed her eyes and stepped into the gates of her home.

"We'll be there.", Amara adressed as she hopped into the car.

"We'll see you then Serena.", Michelle said as Amara started up the car and drove off.

As Serena entered the house and slipped off her shoes, luckily, no one was awoke. Serena threw away the letter, slipped back into her pajamas, and slid under the covers.

Seconds, hours, days, and weeks passed. Next thing anyone knew it was 2 days before Christmas. All the girls decided to come to Serena's home early. All the girls knew of Serena's situation and wanted to keep her from thinking about it. Gift after gift after gift poured into the Christmas decorated filled room.The girls couldn't believe the seen. Everything was so beautiful. On the floor was trays of decorations for the tree. Rini and Serena ran down the stairs when they heard the door open and close.

"Yay!",Rini hollered as she saw the girls dressed in Christmas colors. Rini was dressed in a puffy red and green dress. (What do you exspect it's Christmas!)

"Hey guys.", Serena said as she entered the living room wearing almost the same exact dress as Rini.

They all went towards Serena and started a conversation. They all , then, made theirselves at home. All around the house was the smell and feel of Christmas. By the time they had finished it was almost midnight. The girls made their way up to Serena's room. They all slipped into their pajamas and conversated about all sorts of things. By the time they finally fell asleep it was 3 in the morning. The next morning they woke up to the smell of fresh pancakes. They all ran down the steps and saw Amara and Michell sitting at the table sipping on tea.

"Well I hope you guys got enough beauty sleep. We just arrived a few minutes ago."Amara commented.

"Amara and Michelle.Where are you guys?", a voice said.

"PLUTO!",Rini yelled as she ran towards her. "You came.", she continued as she squeezed the life out of Trista.

The girls were so happy to see each other. They all sat down and enjoyed the breakfast before them. It was a cold morning and on the ground was layers of snow. The girls knew exactly what they were going to do after breakfast. While Trista, Amara, & Michelle made their way out side and waited for the girls, the others were quickly taking baths and dressing warmly. When they were all finished they hatched a plan to make teams.

"OK, how about Rini and Hotaru team up with Trista and the others and we go against them?" Rei suggested.

"Perfect.Now lets go.", Serena said as she made her way downstairs and slipped on her boots.

As soon as she opened the door a snowball greeted her in her nose.

"You're going to really get clobered Serena said as she reached for a big glob of snow and threw it towards them. The others finally made it outside and their eyes caught Serena trying her hardest to keep from being hit by a snowball. The two teams went for it. Snowballs flew from side to side. After the snowball fight Rini and Hotaru made snow angels. Buy the time snowmen were lined up in front of the house it was 3 p.m. The girls decided to call it a day.Waiting inside was a tray of cocoa and hot sweet potatoes. The girls pigged out and by the time they had finished talking it was 9 p.m. Rini and Hotaru went to bed earlier and by the time the girls finished they were laid on the floor sleep.

"Wake up!", Rini yelled as Hotaru and herself entered the room of the girls. They all yawned and then looked around the room. Presents were laid out all over and seperated so that the girls didn't have to search for who's gift was who's. Serena ran up stairs where she kept the gift from Darien hidden under her bed.

She ripped the paper off the gift and then opened the jewelry box. Inside was a small piece off paper. It read-----


Serena ran to the balcony and didn't see anything. Just as she was about to give up hope rose petals dropped from above. Her eyes grew bigger as she slowly looked up. Darien was sitting on the top of the roof with a single rose in his hand.

"Merry Christmas Serena.", Darien said as he climbed from the roof onto the balcony. Serena had tears come down her cheeks. He wiped the tear from her cheek and embraced her. A kiss made her cold rosey cheeks turn warm.

"I left and made my way home early.I already had planned it but I wanted it to be a surprise.", he said as they made theirselves out of Serena's bedroom and down the steps. A warm greeting was waiting for them at the bottom of the steps.Rini also opened her gift from Darien but it said-- WAIT A MINUTE AND WALK TO THE STAIRS. She ran and hugged Darien. She was so happy to see him.

"So this is Darien."Serena's father said in an deep voice.

"Mr.Tsukino I am very glad to meet you.", Darien said as he shook hands with Serena's father and braised for a comment about him and Serena being together.

"I'm glad to finally have met you.Please come on into the living room and have a seat.", he said in awe.

The day ended quickly but the memories would last a lifetime.
