Kasumi's Wish
Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Long Ngo

Beautiful fanfic, Long Ngo is just a great author and I'll guarantee you'll like this fanfic. In this fic Kasumi made a wish (AMG reference) when she was younger to marry a good person, however due to bugs in the system (Skuld and her mallet, hehe) the wish was never complete. Kasumi was suppose to fall in love and marry Ranma, but that never happened. However, a year after Ranma appeared on new year's eve, Ranma and Kasumi discover a mutual attraction, and at the same time Skuld fixes the bug which messed up the wish. Kasumi is sent back into time and allowed another chance. Due to request from author all chapters of this fanfic will be linked to his site.


His webpage @: