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Haruka and Michiru Music

This is what used to be an mp3 page. But I've decided that its pretty useless to upload all of these songs, because you can get them on Napster alot easier. So I decided to give you a little summery of all of the Haruka and Michiru related music I have, that way, you'll know whats good. And I'm usually logged on Napster whenever I'm online (which is, umm... 24/7?) So you can look me up and DL them from me, NanamiGirl, especially if you have any questions about a song.

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Name Description Rating (out of 5)
Kaze ni Naritai (I want to be the Wind) This is the image song for Haruka in the super season, sung by her seiyuu, Ogata Megumi. At first this song annoyed me (especially the beginning), but I kind of like it now. The beginning reminds me of a merry-go-round. Plus there is this weird sound in the background once in a while that reminds me of traditional spanish music. Its still a really nice song, it reflects Haruka very well. Lyrics ***
Unmei wa Utsukushiku (Fate is so Beautiful) The image song for Michiru in the super season sung by Masako Katsuki. Its *really* pretty, I listen to this all the time. The beginning can get stuck in your head. Masako Katsuki has a very beautiful voice, and sounds very elegent. I highly reccomend DLing this song. Lyrics *****
Initial U I like this song alot, its Haruka's image song for the stars season, though its not sung by Megumi, but by Risa Ooki. Its *really* cool, the beginning is awesome (what is it with me and beginnings of songs??). Risa Ooki's voice sounds more like Haruka in the actual anime. There's a sax solo and a violin solo, so its got a bitta' Ruka, and a bitta' Michi in it. Lyrics *****
Senshi no Omoi (A Soldiers Memories) This is a really nice song. Its Michiru's image song for the stars season sung by Masako Katsuki, though it sound a heck of alot more like Ogata Megumi. When I hear this song, I picture someone swimming under dark water. The song is sort of dream like, merky almost. It kind of shows the dark, sad, feelings Michiru has but never shows. Lyrics *****
Harukas (Super) Prologue Its a really pretty poem recited by Ogata Megumi, it starts out with the beginning of Kaze ni Naritai. Read the lyrics, that'll help you out more. Lyrics ***
Harukas (Super) Poem This is really cute, it starts out with Michiru calling Haruka late at night and asking her to come down to the beach. Than after that she recites a poem. At the end of the poem she says "And yet... When I'm thinking of you... for some reason... gentle feelings... fill my heart..." And "fill" being literally the last word she says, in japanese is "michiru". So listen to it!! Its adorable! Lyrics *****
Michiru (Super) Poem Wow, Katsuki-sama has such a beautiful voice. Why do I not have the lyrics to this?? I'll have to get them. But its a pretty poem without even knowing the words, she recites it to the music of Unmei wa Utsukushiku. *****
Michiru (Super) Prologue I don't have the words to this either! But I can tell you it takes place at the beach. She's there by herself thinking (or talking to be specific) about Haruka (I'm guessing, I hear her say "anata wa" alot, and at one point she sounds frustated like "where is she already?"... but I'm guessing) The backgrond music is nice here, very soothing. ****
Michiru (Stars) Poem This poem tells her feelings about being Sailor Neptune, it matches up with the feelings I described for Senshi no Omoi (which is played in the BG) She doesen't have such a flirty voice in this one, she sounds serious, like Sailor Neptune. Lyrics ****
Michiru (Stars) Prologue Senshi no Omoi plays in the beginning, you might think you've DLed the wrong song. She also sounds very serious here, like she's getting hyped up to fight a big fight (Galaxia maybe?) Very cool. Lyrics *****
Senshi no Shukumei (A Soldiers Destiny) This is the song played in episode 110 when Neptune gets shot in the Marine Cathedral. Its starts out with her getting shot, than goes into the sad music where Uranus gets flashbacks of her and Michiru. I always see the rose falling to the floor when I hear this song. *****
Uranus Soshite Neptune This is a combanation of themes, in order they play---> transformation---> introduction---> attack music. Since you've all heard these before (I'm assuming) you know they are cool. *****
Fight Theme I actually don't know what this is called, but I know it plays when Sailor Uranus and Neptune try to beat up Sailor Moon in the last (or second to last) episode of the super season. It doesen't show the elegence of Haruka and Michiru like 'Uranus Soshite Neptune' does, but it shows their tough cool side ^^ ****
Uranus Techno Mix (Dance Mix) *blinks* this is wierd... I have to say, I've never heard anything like it. Its um, interesting. Its definately original. It has Sailor Uranus transform in the beginning, than it goes into repeated "World Shaking"s and "Space Sword Blaster"s and even a few more "Uranus Planet Power Make Up!"s. Than suddenly it jumps to 2 or 3 seconds of the transformation theme itself. O.o; *
Neptune Techno Mix (Dance Mix) Another interesting peice of work, but it is definatly better than the Sailor Uranus Techno Mix. Its has nicer music, though its basically the same idea with the attacks and make ups. It ends with some cool submarine noises (its sort of like water drops in a very echo-y room). **
