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Awww, leaving so soon? ^_^ Here I will try to link all the sites I think are really worth the time it takes to upload them ^_^. Oh and odd as it is... this is one of the rare occasions where you will find more sites for the villian of the series than for the hero... but hey that's just how the chocolate milk shakes ^_^.

In Honor Of Dilandau-sama:

A site by the ever-wonderful Sarah-neko featuring the excellent Fanfiction Scars on the Heart. In my opinion this is one of the top three Dilandau Worship sites on the net.

A beatiful site and number two on the top three list. Features the Dragon Slayer likeness quiz. (I'm like Gatti ^_^) All in all, a beautifully constructed site.


A lovely little Dilandau shrine and number three on my top sites lists. I don't really know why I like this site as much as I do... I just know I like it. ^_^

In Honor of Van-Sama:

A small yet kawaii Van shrine named after our favorite young king's kingdom. It has a small but good quality image gallery, and I'm not sure but I think that the webmistress likes the scene where Van crushes herbs with his sword handle. ^_~

A beautiful Van shrine with Excellent fan art and a beautiful poem as a theme. An absolute must for all Van devotees. Cathy-chan, I bow to your superior web-page-making power. ^_^


If you want to link me then go right ahead ^_^ Text links are great but if you want to get fancy you can use the banner below:
