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Awards YOU Can Win!


Ahh yes, Moero Chika has finally picked her lazy butt up and designed some awards for other people. But first things first you CANNOT apply for these awards. I repeat, YOU CANNOT APPY FOR THESE AWARDS! ::Ahem:: by now you are probably thinking "What kind of a crazy psychotic person would make awards that you can't apply for?" I have an answer to that question, and the answer is: ::points at herself:: This crazy psychotic person. That's who. Now the reason behind this is the following. I have either no backbone or waaaaaaay too big of a heart. If someone applies for an award chances are I will give them one even if I think their site happens to be the worst Escaflowne site to ever hit the net. So, instead of applying you can send me the url to your site solely because you think I might enjoy it, and you may get an award in return. This keeps the competition up and makes me not feel like the evilest person since Isaac Newton, OK? Ok, glad we're past that, now onto the awards.


 This one can be considered fairly easy to win. All you have to do is have a Shrine to a character that I haven't seen A shrine to before.


An Award for a truly beautiful site. Represented by Celena one of my fave girl Escaflowne characters.


In other words I laughed until I cried and the Laughed and Cried and Laughed some more. And who better to represent this award than Dilandau-sama?


This is one of the harder awards to win. It pretty much means that you spend waaaaaay too much time updating and not enough time away from your computer. (In other words your site puts mine to shame)


And that's it for now ^_^
