The Darling Clique

They actually are QUITE addictive. And I have decided to make up muh own ^_^. It's a darling one. Cause I love the word darling ^_^ You can have as many as you like. Heehee, I hope people join ^^V

PLEASE have the code already up on your page either in a Cliques page or your main page so it makes it easier for me to search for them. I've also made a form for you guys, it's easier to join. Thanks.




Website URL

Website title

Place this code on your website replace the ()'s with the <>'s:
:: My Darling//(a href="")Your Darling(/a) ::

This is what it will look like:
:: My Darling//Chichiri ::

Make sure you put it on a "Cliques" or your main page so I can see it clearly, THANK YOU. I'm getting sick of looking all over your page to find the clique and ending up with nothing. Put it on your page before or straight after you email me with info thank you ^_^;


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