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Last Updated: January 4, 2003

Yes, I do know this is a cliche part of a web site. But since I'm approaching the close of the second year of the site (about 1 month), I felt a need to finally let my visitors know just who I am.

Who is Argent Dragon?

Well, if you haven't been reading the updates page, I might as well say here that I'm an incredibly busy high school senior. Um...I love to write, and between school, work, collecting anime quotes, and maintaining two rather obscure websites, I don't exactly have a lot of free time on my hands. Gomen for anyone who wants me to update. Oh, I'm pretty open to ideas for stories, so if you've got one you'd like to see me try, just scroll down on the main page and eventually you'll see a contact me thing. Hit that and drop me an e-mail about it. *grins*
Er...that's not really about me, is it? Um...I'll talk more about me next update. I just really have no idea what to say.

Other Aliases:

Quill Dragon Lira of the Fantasy Fighters at the Site Fights. I'm just now starting my work as a Quill, and I haven't yet gotten completely started, but keep an eye out. Quill Dragon Lira might just pop up here sometime...