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The Crest of Perseverance: Part 6-Enter Tyrmon's Dungeons

by Argent Dragon

Note from the Author: Besides the things I've already asked to have excused, please excuse the way I left you hanging. It seemed like a good idea when I did it. The show does it enough times, so why not? And yes, I know Blooddramon never refers to the Digidestined by name, only by crest.

Allison: I found TK at about the same time that Kari found Tai. Izzy discovered that Mimi was in the prison with him. Joe discovered that Sora was also in the prison. Can we all get back together? I hope so, because otherwise we're dust.

TK, Patamon, Allison, and Sylvimon were following the signal from another digivice. "Wonder who we're tracking down," Allison said.

"Could be just about anyone," Sylvimon replied.


There was silence until TK yelled, "Matt!" He ran forward, the others chasing after him.

Matt saw TK running toward him. "Gabumon..."

"Gabumon digivolve to...Garurumon."

Garurumon blocked TK's path. TK looked confused. "Matt!"

By the time Garurumon moved, Matt was gone. Garurumon soon followed. Allison looked at her digivice. "There's two people nearby. Let's go."

Tai spoke quietly. "I'm not sure why, Kari, but I'm scared almost all the time."

"That's really not like you."

"I know."

"Tai! Kari!"

Kari and Tai looked in the direction of the yell. Allison and TK burst into view.

"Boy, are we glad to see you," Allison said.

Blooddramon scowled down at a cowering Tyrmon. "You imbecile! I told you not to let them know that others were in your dungeons. You let Reliability find Love and Knowledge find Sincerity."

"Sorry, my lord."

"Sorry isn't good enough. Blood Whip!" Red whips streamed from Blooddramon's horns. They hit Tyrmon on both shoulders. "Do not fail me again, Tyrmon, and guard what you took."

Nearly whimpering with pain, Tyrmon replied, "Of course, master."

Blooddramon's head swung toward Gederimon. "You have also failed. Light is with Courage, Hope, and the ninth Digidestined. Blood Whip!"

Gederimon cringed in pain. "I will separate them again, lord."

"No! You will stay here until I order you out."

"Yes, my lord."

Allison looked at her digivice. "Four others that way," she said, pointing.

"Let's go," Tai said, trying to hide his fear. The quartet set off. Kari walked by her brother, trying to keep his fear away.

Izzy was flat out bored. "Tentomon?"

"Hush, I hear something."

"Izzy," Mimi asked.

"Hush. Tentomon hears something."

Suddenly Izzy heard it too. "TK! Over here!"

TK ran over to the outside window. "Izzy?"

"In here!" Izzy saw TK's face through the bars.

"Patamon digivolve to...Angemon."

"Izzy, get away from the wall." Izzy and Tentomon backed away, knowing what TK and Angemon planned.

"Hand of Fate!"

Moments later, Izzy and Tentomon were free.

Mimi knew Izzy was free. "Let me out!"


Mimi turned toward the outside window. "Kari!"

"Gatomon digivolve to...Angewomon."

"Mimi, get back." Mimi stood next to Palmon, their backs to the door.

"Celestial Arrow!" Mimi and Palmon climbed through the hole in the wall to freedom.

"Joe, do you hear something?"

"Nothing but you."


"Now I hear something."



"Sylvimon digivolve to...Argemon."

"Joe, can you get away from the outside wall?"

"Of course," Joe said. He thought he knew what they were planning. He picked up Gomamon.

"Dragon Storm!"

The wall exploded toward Joe. He flung up his arms to protect himself, dropping Gomamon in the process.

"Joe, come out!"

Joe slowly broght his arms down. Gomamon and Allison stood in a gaping hole in the wall. Joe walked out of the cell.

Sora heard, rather than saw, Joe's escape. "Sora!"


"Yeah! Back up!"


"Agumon digivolve to...Greymon."

"Get as close to the door as you can."

Sora suddenly understood. "Okay."

"Nova Blast!"

Sora watched as the stones of the wall melted. Once she could stand to be near the melted stone, she and Biyomon escaped the prison. "Let's find the others," Sora said.

Allison handed Izzy his computer. "Thanks."

Izzy opened it and started fiddling around with it. A short time later, he closed it.

"Stay right there." A huge Digimon with gray fur that looked like a cross between a wolf, a bear, and a lion lurched out of the prison.

"Who is that," Mimi asked.

"That's Tyrmon, a Mega Digimon. He's really strong, even for a Mega," said Gomamon.

Kari looked around. "I don't see Tai. Where did he go?"

Allison bit her lip before saying, "I don't want to say this, but right now, I don't think we need to worry about that. We've got a bigger problem."

"Maybe you guys should digivolve," suggested TK.

"Don't you need these to do that," sneered Tyrmon, displaying the digivices.

"Hand of Fate!"

"Celestial Arrow!"

"Dragon Storm!"

The three attacks hit Tyrmon at the same time, forcing him to drop Joe's digivice and Mimi's tag and crest. Allison ran forward, grabbed them, and threw them to the others before Tyrmon bowled her over.

"Gomamon digivolve to...Ikkakumon."

"Harpoon Torpedo!" The torpedos forced Tyrmon to drop Sora's digivice and Izzy's tag and crest. Allison again risked herself to give the others their stuff.

"Biyomon digivolve to...Birdramon."

"Meteor Wing!"

"Super Shocker!"

Again the combined attacks force Tyrmon to drop things. This time, it was Mimi's digivice and Joe's tag and crest. Allison threw the items to their owners.

"Palmon digivolve to...Togemon."

"Needle Spray!"

Tyrmon threw up one paw to protect his face. Unfortunately, he dropped Izzy's digivice and Sora's crest and tag. Allison was barely able to get them to Sora and Izzy before Tyrmon bowled her into the wall.

"Tentomon digivolve to...Kabuterimon."

Tyrmon snarled. "Let's see how you fare against my...Draining Roar!"

The Digimon glowed, then dedigivolve back to their Rookie levels, except Angewoman, who went to her Champion level.

"Oh, no" murmured Mimi.

Will the Digidestined be able to defeat Tyrmon? Where is Tai? Why did Matt not want to join the others? Tune in next time to find out.

Like what you see so far? Send comments to Argent Dragon.