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The Crest of Perseverance: Part 5-Coming Back Together

by Argent Dragon

Note from the Author: Again, excuse any flashback type things. Also excuse the (slightly) out of character things that happen.

Allison: Things are not going well. Matt and Izzy have disappeared. Out of Tai's group, Joe is missing completely and Tai is on his own. Kari, TK, Mimi, and Sora are all still missing. And Blooddramon is still out to get us. Can things possibly get any worse?

Allison looked at her digivice. "Ah-ha!"


"Signal from another digivice. You know, like what Izzy told me about."

"That's good."

"Yeah. Can you digivolve so you can fly me around? We could probably find whoever it is faster that way."


"Sylvimon digivolve to...Argemon."

Argemon stretched her wings. "Climb on." Allison climbed onto Argemon's shoulders. "Here we go!"

TK heard his digivice beeping. He looked at it. "Someone's coming. Maybe it's Matt."

Allison, her long hair blown back by wind from Argemon's wings, and Argemon flew into view. "TK!"


Argemon landed. Allison slid to the ground just before Argemon became Sylvimon. "Where's Matt," TK asked.

Allison shook her head. "I don't know, TK."

Kari looked at Gatomon. "Should we try to find someone?"

Gatomon thought for a moment.

"Gatomon digivolve to...Angewomon."

Kari smiled. "I guess that answers my question."

Tai looked up when he heard a whistle. He spotted Angewomon in the sky above. "Kari!"

Kari heard Tai, but barely. "Tai! Angewomon, Tai's down there!"

Not long after, Kari and Gatomon looked at Tai. Gatomon looked up at Kari. "Something's not right."

Agumon replied, "So you noticed too. He's been acting odd since Sora left."

"Left? Or was taken," Gatomon asked. Agumon didn't reply.

Kari walked over to Tai. "Tai?"


"What's wrong?"

"Wrong? Nothing is wrong except that everyone is separated."

Kari could tell Tai was trying to blow off her question. "Listen, big brother. I can tell something's wrong. Agumon and Gatomon know it too."


"Please tell me what's wrong."

Izzy looked over at Tentomon. "This is like that time when Devimon split us up. Remember?"

"Yes. We were all separated."

"And then we found that temple and the wall of code."

"Mimi showed up and you ignored her while you were trying to figure out that code."

"She ran off and you went after her while Palmon stayed with me."

"Centarumon attacked Mimi and me."

"And Palmon and I rescued you."

"Togemon and I got the black gear out of Centarumon."

"Then Leomon attacked."

"And you and Mimi drove him off with your digivices."

"Then we started heading back to Infinity Mountain where Devimon was."

"I remember that," another voice, a feminine voice, said.

Izzy's eyes flicked to the door. "Mimi? Where are you?"

"In a cell."

"Um, I figured that." Tentomon flew to the door and looked out of the small barred window in the top of the door.

"Mimi's right across from us."

"Hey Joe!"

Joe looked over at Gomamon. "What?

"Remember that time after Tai disappeared?"

"Remember? How could I forget? We got stuck in that restruant. Matt and Gabumon came and tried to help us, but I kept making things worse."

"It wasn't you, Joe. It was Demidevimon."

Joe looked around nervously. "Who said that?"

"It's me. Sora."

Joe moved to the door and looked out. He saw Sora's face across the hall. "So you're stuck here too."


"Hey Mimi?"


"Is Palmon in there with you?"

"I'm here."

"Do you think Palmon could get my door open?"

"No. I tried to get mine open, but nothing did any good. Not even yelling helped, Izzy. And Palmon tried to get it open, but couldn't."

"Tentomon couldn't get my door open. Why do I get the feeling we aren't going to get out of here?"

"There's no way to get out of here, is there?"

Joe sighed. "Not that I know of. Gomamon told me that fish can't get through the door, or get it open."

"Biyomon tried to get the door open, but couldn't."

"Great. We're stuck in here where Blooddramon can get us whenever he wants and don't even have our digivice."

"Joe, you're being pessimistic again," Gomamon said. Sora couldn't help but laugh.

Will Joe, Mimi, Sora, and Izzy escape Tyrmon's dungeons? Is it possible that Blooddramon might win? And what is wrong with Tai? Tune in to find out.

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