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The Crest of Perseverance: Part 4-Separation

by Argent Dragon

Note from the Author: Please excuse all of these remembrances from the Digidestined. It's my way of grounding the story in what came before.

Izzy: Tai decided to have us split up. Matt, TK, Allison, and I went to find her crest, while Tai, Sora, and Joe went to find Mimi. We found Allison's crest, but were attacked by Adrimon before Allison could claim it. TK was taken while we fought Adrimon. Among Tai's group, Sora was found to be missing. We almost lost to Adrimon until Allison got her crest and made it glow. Argemon digivolved to Argedramon and beat Adrimon. Let's just hope things get better from here.



"Where are we?"

Gatomon was silent.

"Where's Tai?"

"I don't know."

Sora knew she was in trouble. Her crest and tag were gone and Biyomon was shackled to the wall. Her digivice was missing as well. "This is like what happened to us in Datamon's pyramid. Do you remember that, Biyomon?"

"I think so, but I'm not sure."

"I was shackled to that table and you were shackled to the wall like you are now. Datamon started making that copy of me. And he would have killed me, or something, too if Tai hadn't shown up."

Sora was silent for a moment. "Biyomon?"

"Yes, Sora?"

"Do you think Tai will rescue us, Biyo?"

"Yes," Biyomon said, even though she really wasn't sure.

At that moment, Tai was far from ready to rescue Sora. Tired of Tai's bad temper, Joe had gone off to find the others. Tai was on his own.

Agumon looked at Tai and shook his head. He couldn't help think to himself, "Something's wrong with Tai."

Matt looked around. "Where's TK?" Allison shrugged.

"I haven't seen him since that fight with Adrimon."

Matt took a deep breath. "Patamon will protect him. I think we need to find the others."

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Allison said.

Suddenly there was a flash of light. When Izzy and Allison's eyes cleared, Matt and Gabumon were gone.

"This is eerie."


There was silence for a moment. "Allison," Izzy asked.


"I'm curious. Where are you from, because I don't think I've seen you before."

"America. The US."

"And you're how old?"

"15 and a half."

"You're older than Joe."


Joe had planned to just go off and find the others. He hadn't planned on getting caught and thrown in a prison cell, much less having his tag, crest, and digivice taken away.

His only companion was Gomamon. The usually cheerful Digimon was somber. Joe smiled. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but lighten up."

Gomamon looked up at him. "And since when did you have a sense of humor?"

"Since we went to find Matt that time. Or don't you remember?"

"Oh, do tell me again."

"You said something about me being a man after we found that swan boat. I asked you if you meant that I hadn't been a man before that. Or something like that."

"That sounds like it."

Matt was asleep. The scaly Digimon that had taken him from the others now spoke to him. "You have no friendsss. Your family hatesss you. Sssleep, loner, for the dawn bringsss enemiesss." Then he was gone.

Blooddramon was pleased. "You have done well."

Slimon said, "Thank you, my lord."

"You have accomplished your mission. The crests of Courage and Friendship will not glow now. That leaves seven Digidestined."

Blooddramon turned to Gederimon. "You have also accomplished your mission. The crests of Light and Hope are too far away from the others to help them. That leaves five Digidestined."

"Thank you, lord."

Blooddramon turned to Tyrmon. "You have not completed your mission."

"Soon, my lord."

"You'd better. There are still two Digidestined out there. One of them should be in your dungeons."

"Agreed, my lord."

Allison and Sylvimon, who had digivolved after eating, were curled up in sleep. Tentomon slept at Izzy's side. Izzy was working on his computer when Tyrmon grabbed him and Tentomon. However, the computer was left behind.

Allison woke to find Izzy gone. She paled. "No. This can't be happening. I can't be alone."

Sylvimon said, "You aren't." Somehow, that didn't comfort Allison.

Izzy found himself in a prison cell. He looked over at Tentomon. "I may not have my computer, but at least we aren't in Vademon's pit."

"Don't remind me."

"I gave up my curiosity and became a, well, zombie. You dedigivolved to Pabumon, which got my attention. You got my crest and tag back. Then we found my curiousity and I got it back. You digivolved to Megakabuterimon and we got out."

"We could do that again, except there is one problem."

"What's that?"

"No digivice."

Izzy smiled. "Very true."

Will the Digidestined make it back together? Or will Blooddramon destroy them one by one? Stay tuned to find out.

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