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The Crest of Perseverance: Part 3-Allison's Crest

by Argent Dragon

Allison: My digivice started reacting to the nearby tag. Gennai told us the name of our enemy is Blooddramon. We went after the tag, but were attacked by Ithirimon before we could reach it. Gabumon digivolved to Garurumon, but was caught by Ithirimon's Stun Beam. Sylvia digivolved to Argemon and defeated Ithirimon, but not before Kari and Mimi were taken. I got my tag, but now we must find my crest, Kari, and Mimi.

Tai silently counted the numbers of the group. Something hadn't seemed right after the fight with Ithirimon. Not getting a total of nine, he silently counted them again. "There's two of us missing," he said.

Joe glanced around. "Oh great, this is really what we needed. A Digimon enemy that we don't know the strength of, much less what it looks like, and we have people missing."

"Joe, do you have to be so pessimistic," Gomamon asked.

"It isn't being pessimistic, but being realistic."

"I don't care what it is called," Tai said, inwardly worried about Kari but refusing to let his worry show. "I want to know who is missing."

"Mimi's missing," Sora said.

"You're right," Tai said. "I haven't heard her complain about anything. Who else?"

"Kari. Kari isn't here," TK said.

Tai's face paled. "I've got to go find her." He was about to rush off aimlessly when Matt stopped him.

"She'll be fine. I'm sure Gatomon is with her, and Gatomon can take care of her. Besides, you can't just do nothing but protect her your whole life." Matt smiled. "It's like what I discovered about my relationship with TK. I learned that he didn't need my protection anymore. That's why I left. And that's what this situation seems like to me." The others looked surprised at what was, for Matt, a speech.

Tai nodded slowly. "Okay."

Allison looked up. "Now that that's settled, shouldn't we do something? Like look for my crest or Mimi?" She seemed to have a little bit of a take-charge attitude, but nothing the others weren't used to getting from Tai.

"That seems like a logical idea."

Tai thought about it. "Sure. Why not?" He looked over the group. "Joe, Sora, and I will try to find Mimi. Izzy, Matt, TK, and Allison will go after her crest."

"Alright," Allison said.

Matt looked back over his shoulder. He mentally counted the group. "Good, we're all still here," he told himself. They stopped to let Izzy check the e-mail again.

"Nothing...wait a minute. Mail."

Izzy opened the e-mail. "I hope you are all doing well," Gennai said.

"As well as we can be with two people missing," Allison said. She was hushed almost immediately.

"Blooddramon has begun to prepare to stop you from accomplishing your task. Be very wary. Set a watch at night because..."

There was nothing else but static. Matt looked at Izzy. "That didn't sound good."

"No, it didn't."

Joe, Tai, and Sora slept. The same hands that had grabbed Mimi stole Sora away. They then took Biyomon.

A short time later, a scaly Digimon crept up to Tai, careful not to wake Agumon. "You are a coward. You can never again make your cressst glow. Sssleep, coward, for the dawn will bring fear," the Digimon whispered in Tai's ear several times. Then it crept away.

Mimi screamed, "Let me out of here!" Her voice echoed through the dungeon, but there was no reply.

"Mimi, I don't think they are going to let us out," Palmon said.

Mimi sighed. "You're right. But I can't help wonder if this is how Tai and Joe felt when I had them put in the dungeon. Remember?"

Palmon certainly did remember. When Mimi had gotten the Gekomon and Otamamon to think she was a princess, she'd kept stalling so she could get the royal treatment. When Tai, Joe, Agumon, Gomamon, and Palmon had tried to trick her into singing so the Gekomon would stop treating her like a princess, Mimi had found out and had them all thrown in the dungeon. "Yes, I remember."

Allison's tag started shining with a blue light. She looked over at the others to see what was going on. "Your crest is nearby," TK said. Allison held up her tag, trying to find which way the crest was. Once she had figured out which way to go, she pointed. They set off in that direction.

A little while later, Allison caught sight of a stone wall with a carving of a five pointed star with a circle in it. TK told her that it was a crest. She assumed he knew from experience. Before she could get close enough to claim the crest, a quiet voice said, "I wouldn't if I were you."

Izzy looked around. "Who are you?"

The Digimon that stepped out of hiding was small. His black fur formed a thick coat. Sylvimon made the identification. "That's Adrimon. He's an Ultimate Digimon with amazing power for his small size."

"That's right, and you aren't getting your crest."

"Oh," Izzy asked.

"Tentomon digivolve to...Kabuterimon."

Izzy told Allison, "You get the crest. I'll hold off Adrimon."

"Got it." Allison started to creep toward the crest.

"I don't think so. Ivy Bind!" Ivy shot up from the ground. It tied Allison up so she couldn't get to the crest. Before Sylvimon could untie her, the dragonlike Digimon was also tied up.

"Kabuterimon digivolve to...Megakabuterimon."

Tai wasn't in a good mood anymore. "First Mimi and Kari, now Sora. And who knows what the others are doing."

"Whoa, calm down, Tai."

"Calm down? We've split up and at least three of us are missing, and you expect me to be calm, Joe?"

"Being angry won't help."

"I know that, Joe." It seemed, however, that no matter what Joe said, Tai refused to calm down.

"Horn Buster!"

Megakabuterimon missed as Adrimon jumped out of the way. Gabumon was busy trying to free Sylvimon and Allison. As their attention was on the fight with Adrimon, the hands that had taken Kari took TK and Patamon.

Allison was finally free of the ivy. She crept toward the wall.

"Sylvimon digivolve to...Argemon."

"Gabumon digivolve to...Garurumon."

"Garurumon digivolve to...Weregarurumon."

"Dragon Storm!" This time, Argemon collected nine lightning bolts. The ball she threw at Adrimon missed him completely.

The stone wall glowed silver, then shrunk and slid into Allison's tag. She turned around and saw Adrimon tying up the Digimon except for Argemon. "Don't give up, Argemon!"

"There's no hope!"

"Never give up!" The crest began to glow.

"Argemon digivolve to...Argedramon."

"I am Argedramon, a dragon Digimon. With my Electric Blizzard, I can take down many Ultimate Digimon."

Allison looked at Argedramon. The silver dragon was about the size of Weregarurumon, and equally humanoid. While her face was like a dragon, her body was like a woman's. Her wings were held so that they looked like a cloak. She wore tight pants that fit her long legs well. Her blue tank top matched her eyes.

"Electric Blizzard!" From her open jaws streamed a white blast that was crackling audibly. It hit Adrimon, destroying him.

Argedramon dedigivolved to her In-Training form, Draxmon.

Blooddramon still smiled despite Adrimon's defeat. He looked at the pair of tags, crests, and digivices in his hand. "Two on their own, one with an undermined crest, two in Tyrmon's dungeons. Four more to go."

Will Blooddramon defeat the Digidestined? Or will the Digidestined somehow make it back together? Tune in to the next piece to find out.

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