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The Crest of Perseverance: Part 2-Allison's Tag

by Argent Dragon

Note from the Author: Again, sorry for any characters written badly. It is my fault, and I know they are in here. (Just look at Tai in this part.)

Tai: We got an e-mail from Gennai that told us that there was a new evil Digimon that we have to beat and another Digidestined. We found the new Digidestined, Allison, and were soon joined by her Digimon, Sylvimon. I don't know what our enemy is like, but I'm positive we can beat him.

"No, no e-mail."

Allison looked at the others in confusion. "Why would there be e-mail?"

Izzy looked up at her. "Gennai might have e-mailed us more information."

"Gennai? Who's that?"

Izzy turned off his computer. "He's hard to explain. You'll meet him later."


"Anyway, Gennai might have some information for us on where we can find your tag and crest."

"Crest? Tag? What are those?"

Kari pulled her tag and crest out. "Like this."

Allison looked at it silently, then nodded slowly. Kari put the tag and crest back under her shirt.

Sylvimon rested her head on Allison's lap. "Can we do something besides just sit around?"

Allison looked over at Tai. "Well?"

Tai shook his head. "We would just be walking around aimlessly. And while that would be doing something," he glanced around at the others with a small smile, "we already did too much of that when we first got here."

Allison suddenly heard a beeping sound. "What's that?"

"Sounds like a digivice is reacting," Matt said. Eight pairs of eyes turned toward Allison.


Joe pointed to the digivice stuck on the strap of her backpack. "It's your digivice beeping."

Allison's eyes turned toward the digivice. She took it off the strap and held it in her hand. "What does it mean?"

It was unexpectedly Mimi who answered. "It's reacting to the nearby crest...or maybe tag." The others who knew Mimi better looked surprised at her answer.

"Hmm." Allison got to her feet and shouldered her backpack. Holding the digivice, she scanned for the direction she had to go. "Got it," she said, pointing.

"Wait a minute," Izzy said. He checked the e-mail. "Prodigious."

"What," Kari asked.

"We have mail from Gennai. Summed up, it says that the evil Digimon we have to defeat is called Blooddramon. But there isn't anymore information on him."

"Great," Joe said. "We have to take out a Digimon that all we know about him is his name."

"Lighten up, Joe," Gomamon said.

"Yeah, lighten up," Allison said, then started off. The others, some of them a little reluctant to follow her, set off after her.

Blooddramon looked at his underlings with his fiery red eyes. He stared at one of them. "Ithirimon."

The Digimon stepped forward. "Yes, my lord?"

"I want you to make sure the Digidestined don't get the tag."

"Yes, my lord."

"Gederimon, Tyrmon, and Slimon."

The three Digimon in question stepped forward as Ithirimon stepped back. "Yes, my lord," they said.

"You are going to make sure the Digidestined split up. And if you can, make it so that some of the crests are useless. Especially those of Courage and Friendship. You know what to do, Slimon."

"Yesss, my lord."

"Gederimon, get the bearers of the crests of Hope and Light far away from the others. I think you know how to manage that."

"My lord, I do."

"Tyrmon, you will keep the bearers of the crests of Knowledge, Sincerity, Reliability, and Love in your dungeons. Do not let them be together. Do not let them escape or know that the others are there. In fact, take their digivices, tags, and crests from them and bring them to me."

"Of course, my lord."

Bloodramon grinned, revealing needle-sharp fangs. "Good." He again surveyed his underlings. "You are all dismissed."

Allison spotted a box, just large enough to hold a tag, not far ahead. "There it is!" She ran toward it, ignoring the others' cries.

Suddenly, a bearlike Digimon with brightly colored stripes running down his body leapt her path. "Ah!" Allison, who had been closely followed by Sylvimon, skittered to a halt. "What is that and how did I miss seeing it?"

"That's Ithirimon. His Stun Beam feezes his enemies in their tracks, while his Fire Song is a fiery offense," Sylvimon explained. "And he's very good at hiding and very quick, that's why you missed him. But I can't help here!"

"But I can," replied Gabumon.

"Gabumon digivolve to...Garurumon."

Garurumon leapt in front of Allison and Sylvimon. "Howling Blaster!"

Ithirimon dodged Garurumon's attack. "Stun Beam!" Garurumon was unable to dodge the attack. He was frozen where he stood.

Allison turned to Sylvimon. "Digivolve!"


"Please?" While they were all focused on the fight with Ithirimon, two clawed hands grabbed Kari and Gatomon. Another pair of hands, these gray and furred, snatched Mimi and Palmon.

"Sylvimon digivolve to...Argemon."

Tentomon said, "Argemon is a Champion Digimon who looks like a larger version of Sylvimon, her Rookie form. Her attack, Dragon Storm, is a powerful defense and offense."

Argemon sat back on her haunches. She turned her claws toward the sky. "Dragon Storm!" Three bolts of lightning fell from the cloudless sky. They gathered in Argemon's claws before she threw the ball of electricity at Ithirimon.

Argemon's attack struck Ithirimon, and he was destroyed. Garurumon, freed from Ithirimon's attack, went back to being Gabumon. Argemon, no longer needed to defend her Digidestined, went back to Sylvimon.

Allison grabbed the box and opened it. She took the tag from it and put it around her neck.

Kari had felt the hands, but as one had wrapped over her mouth she was unable to scream. After that she didn't remember anything. Gatomon wasn't in much better shape.

Mimi, like Kari, had felt the hands. She, however, remembered something after. She remembered having her tag, crest, and digivice taken away. She also remembered being flung into a prison cell with Palmon.

Blooddramon looked at the tag, crest, and digivice in one of his hands and smiled, even though he was disappointed in Ithirimon. "One on her own, one in Tyrmon's dungeons. Only seven more to go. And one without a crest!"

He grinned maliciously. "Adrimon!"

The furtive little Digimon that was unaccountably powerful slunk forward. "Yes, master?"

"I want you to guard the crest that belongs to the ninth Digidestined."

"Yes, master."

Will Blooddramon succeed in his plans to destroy the power of the Digidestined? Will Mimi and Kari make their way back to the others? And will Allison be able to win her crest? To find out, stay tuned to the next episode.

Like this so far? Send comments or questions to Argent Dragon.