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The Crest of Perseverance: Part 10-Preparations

by Argent Dragon

Note from the Author: I will note now that there is one idea that you may or may not agree with (as in if it is possible) but right now, I don't care. Give me comments on that idea through e-mail.
Joe: Tai fell into the wierd cave, so Sora and I went down to rescue him. Instead of Tai, we found Matt. Sora stayed with him while I went to find Tai. Meanwhile, Slimon attacked the others. Sylvimon digivolved up to Argedramon to hold him off. I found Tai and managed to help him get rid of his fear. He made it out of the cave, but then I went back in with TK. Agumon warp digivolved to Wargreymon so that he could fight Slimon with Argedramon. The three of us got Matt rid of whatever it was that put him in the cave. We went back to the others and Gabumon warp digivolved to Metalgarurumon. Together, Metalgarurumon and Wargreymon defeated Slimon. What does Blooddramon have in store for us now that we're all together?

Allison grinned. "I'm glad we're all back together."

"Yeah, and just in time too," pointed out Tai. "If you guys hadn't shown up when you did..."

"Never play the 'what if' game," Allison advised.

"Can we eat," Yokomon asked.

"Of course." Allison passed some food from her backpack to Motimon, Tanemon, Yokomon, Tokomon, Bukamon, and Nyaromon.

A short time later, the diminutive Digimon were full.

"Motimon digivolve to...Tentomon."

"Tanemon digivolve to...Palmon."

"Yokomon digivolve to...Biyomon."

"Tokomon digivolve to...Patamon."

"Bukamon digivolve to...Gomamon."

"Salamon digivolve to...Gatomon."

Sorcemon watched as his master set up the final stages of the process. "Now, Sorcemon." With that command, Sorcemon began the process.

Blooddramon felt several surges of energy. A few minutes later, it was over.

"Blooddramon digivolve to...Megabloodrimon."

Megabloodrimon gave a malicious smile. "Even if you fail, Sorcemon, the Digidestined are doomed."

Izzy said, "Gennai sent us e-mail."

"Greetings. I've got bad news. Blooddramon has found a way, by means unknown, to digivolve to Megabloodrimon. Fortunately this is his Mega form, so you should be able to defeat him."

"I also have some information for you. The ninth crest is the Crest of..."

The message ended in static. Allison, Matt, TK, and Izzy shared a glance. "Not again," Allison groaned.


"That's twice now Gennai's messages have ended like that."

"That bothers me," commented Allison.

"Fire of Magic!"

A fireball exploded in their midst. Izzy opened the Digimon Analyzer and started to look up the Digimon who appeared before them. "That's Sorcemon, an evil Ultimate Digimon. His attack, Fire of Magic, consists of exploding fireballs," he read moments later.

"Sylvimon digivolve to...Argemon."

"Fire of Magic!"

"Dragon Storm!"

Argemon's attack hit Sorcemon and forced him back. "You think you can defeat me that easily? Mage Storm!"

Argemon was almost forced back.

"Argemon digivolve to...Argedramon."

"Electric Blizzard!"

Argedramon missed, but the Digidestined had a trick up their sleeve. The other Digimon joined the fight, even if they didn't digivolve.

"Blue Blaster!"

"Spiral Twister!"

"Boom Bubble!"

"Pepper Breath!"

"Electric Blizzard!"

"Super Shocker!"

"Poison Ivy!"

This time, Sorcemon was defeated. Argedramon dedigivolved to Sylvimon.

Megabloodrimon looked out over the Digiworld. He knew of Sorcemon's defeat. "It's my turn to take them down." He gazed out at the spot where he knew they were. "Beware, Digidestined. I'm coming for you. You are doomed."

Tai looked through his binoculars at Megabloodrimon's castle. He spotted the gigantic red Digimon exiting the castle and flying straight toward them. "Megabloodrimon is coming," he warned the others.


"He's coming," Tai said urgently.

Fear shone in Allison's hazel eyes. "But we're not ready!"

Tai smiled grimly. "We'll have to be..."

Are the Digidestined done for? Are they about to meet their match with Megabloodrimon? Or is there hope that they might defeat Megabloodrimon? Tune in to find out.

Like what you see? Send comments to Argent Dragon.