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The next morning, or so Yolei decided, was entirely too sunny for the mood she was in. In the background, she could hear a song Hawkmon had turned on.

I woke up this morning
The sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face

Yolei sighed. "Can you please turn that off? I'm really not in the mood for it right now."

"But, Yolei, I'm only trying to cheer you up."

Woke up and realized
This world's not so bad after all
Looked at it through a child's eyes
And I saw these beautiful things
That you never think about
Like the ocean, moonlight and stars and clouds
It's amazing how we don't appreciate our blessings
There's plenty of people who don't like me
But since there are more who love me and I love myself
Sometimes, it gets tough
It gets tough
But I can't give up
Can't give up
Just take a deep breath
Close my eyes
Feel the love and give a smile

Yolei sighed again as she turned to face her Digimon partner. "Alright, alright. I get the point. I need to cheer up." A tinge of sorrow still lingered in her eyes. Yolei adjusted her glasses. "I suppose you think it's funny that song's stuck in my head now."

"Of course not!"
"I'm going over to TK's, Mom!"

"Okay, Ken. Have a good time." Ken walked out of his family's apartment.

Wormmon, not going with Ken on this particular trip, hummed contentedly to himself. "I hope this works out."
I woke up this morning
The sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face

I woke up this morning
The sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face

Yolei walked down the street, trying to spot any of the other Digidestined. Out of the corner of one eyes, she saw Matt walking with one arm wrapped around Sora's shoulders. Mimi and Joe weren't far away from them. Although they weren't touching, Yolei knew they were together. Inwardly sighing, she kept going.

**Why did he have to play that song?** Yolei continued to walk down the street. She spotted Tai flirting with some girl ahead on her right and TK, Kari, and Davis off on her left. Frustrated at seeing the other Digidestined paired off, she turned and headed off in the other direction.

It's me
I just wanna be happy
Uh, just be happy
Uh, just be happy
Today is the day I am willing to say
I will put all the past behind me
No more enemies
Ready 'cause
(Ready 'cause)
I'm living in this world
(Living in this world)
I wanna make a change
(Wanna make a change)
Gonna make a change
(Gonna make a change)
Put on my happy face

"Hey Cody, Izzy."

"Hello," Cody replied, preoccupied with something on Izzy's pineapple laptop.

"Hi Ken. What brings you across the river this early?"

"Have you, uh, seen Yolei around?"

Izzy smiled knowingly. "Sorry to disappoint you, Ken, but I haven't. I don't know where she might be, either."

"Oh. Well, thanks anyway. I'll see if I can find her."

With a smug chuckle, Izzy answered, "You do that, Ken." Ken eyed his friend for a moment, then walked off.

Cody looked up from the laptop. "Do you think he finally got it figured out?"

"I think he did..."
I woke up this morning
The sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face

I woke up this morning
The sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face

Yolei sat at a table, sadly alone. All around her she saw couples. She sighed. **Well...this is a GREAT way to spend Valentine's. I'm probably the only girl in town that doesn't have a boyfriend to spen the day with.**

A/N: I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day. Something about the 'I'm old enough to date, and no guy wants to date me' thing, I think.

Yolei took a sip of her soda. Smiling sadly to herself, she mentally toasted "Here's to a Valentine's Day alone, Yolei." Then she drank a good bit of the rest of her soda. She never noticed Tai walking by alone, but he did see her.

Everything's gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be okay
Everything's gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be okay
Gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be okay
Gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be okay
Gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be all right
Everything's gonna be okay

"Hey Ken!"

Ken looked up, emerging from his internal focus, to see Tai. "Oh, hey Tai."

"What's up? You look like you fell into that despair pit thing Joe mentioned once."


A/N: This is where the Davis-bashing in the beginning of season 2 (dubbed version) started infecting me. I'm not sure why, though...Anyway, this is not in anyway my opinion of Davis, especially as this story takes place after the end of season 2 (I don't know how long after, though) so that Davis isn't the idiot he seemed to be at the beginning of the season. And now on with the story.

Tai laughed at the confused look on Ken's face. "I never thought I'd make 'genius Ichijouji' confused. Davis maybe, but never you."

Ken chuckled. "Hey, Davis is easy to confuse. I mean, he can't even get TK's name right. I know. I've heard him mess it up before."

Tai grinned. "I knew I could make you feel better. So what was wrong?"

"I've been looking for Yolei all morning and haven't found her."

One brown eyebrow went up. "Oh?"


"You didn't try using your D-terminal to e-mail her and ask her to meet you?"

Ken looked sheepish. "I left it at home with Wormmon."

"Then you've come to the right Digidestined, because I happen to have just seen her."

"Where," Ken demanded.

Tai chuckled. "Slow down, alright?"


"Alright, alright. I'll show you where she is, one soccer-playing Digidestined to another."


Tai and Ken headed back to where Tai had seen Yolei. As they went, Tai asked, "Ken, you wouldn't happen to know any girls that might want to go out with me, would you?"
I woke up this morning
The sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face

I woke up this morning
The sunshine was shining
I put on my happy face
I'm living, I'm able
I'm breathing, I'm grateful
To put on my happy face

Yolei took the first sip of her second soda. She had almost resigned herself to being alone when she heard a familiarly quiet voice ask her, "May I please join you, Yolei?"

Yolei looked up and met Ken's blue eyes with her own eyes. "Sure. I could use some company."

Ken sat down and as one they took a sip from sodas. "So...you sound like you want to talk to me," Yolei said.

"Well, I do. And you sound like you could use a friendly non-Digimon ear to hear you out about something."

"Well, to copy you, I do."

Ken smiled gently, something Yolei thought was easy for him. "Then," he suggested, "why don't we go somewhere a little more...private, I guess. The digital world?"

"Sounds good."

"Great. We'll meet in...what, three hours?"

"Sure, I guess."

"And I'll bring some food. I don't mind doing that."

"If you want to..."

"Look, Yolei. As far as I understand, you fed the others' Digimon enough times. Consider this your turn to be fed."

Yolei laughed quietly. "Then I'll see you then, and don't forget the food."

"I won't."

I woke up this morning
With a happy face
I'm flying, I'm flying
I'm flying, I'm flying
I'm flying, I'm flying
I'm flying, I'm flying
I'm flying, I'm flying
I'm flying, I'm flying
Flying, flying

Yolei and Ken headed off in different directions. If she had looked, Yolei would have noticed a slight bounce in Ken's step. Yolei, though, was too wrapped up in thoughts of making a change for the better in her life to look.
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