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Digidestined Darkness: Part 9-Eternal Love

by Argent Dragon

Note from the Author: I would like to comment now that (although I haven't sent in this far yet) I wrote up to part 20 before the Starmon/Deputymon episode in season 2. So, while I do occasionally borrow ideas from season 2, anything that came after that particular episode won't appear until part 21 or later...
Kari: TK, Tarini, and I went to find the digivice with the Crest of Light on it. After searching all day, Tarini led us to her friend, Chan, who had the digivice. I took him into the Digiworld, where it was night. We ran from Sardrimon and Chan met his Digimon, Parmon. Sardrimon caught up with us. Parmon tried to defeat him, but couldn't. Just as dawn arrived in the Digiworld, Parmon used the Light Star to digivolve to Liparmon. He used his Claws of Light and Lightning Smash to drive off the evil Digimon. Chan chose to help us anyway he could.

Sora was exhausted. Between this search for the new Digidestined and her work arranging flowers, she'd been putting in too many hours awake. She yawned.

Tai looked over at her in concern. "Do you want to stop for awhile. It really looks like you could use some sleep, Sora."

Sora took a deep breath and forced herself to stay awake. "No." She got to her feet slowly. "We're close. Let's go."

Sora's digivice led them to a boy whose fair skin was almost white. His short hair was a rich auburn. "Excuse me," Sora said.

The boy turned, revealing big, dark brown eyes. In his hands rested a red digivice with the Crest of Love on it. "What do you want," he asked rudely.

"This kid could use some manners," Sora thought. She stepped forward, saying, "I'm looking for someone. Maybe you could help me find them."

"I guess I could."

Sarran displayed her digivice as Sora said, "Have you seen anything that looks like that?"

If the boy's face could have gotten paler, it did. "Yeah. Yeah, I have." His gand dove into his pocket, then came up holding a red digivice with the Crest of Love on it."

"What's your name?"

"Ashi. My name's Ashi."

Sora placed her hands on Ashi's shoulders as she looked straight into his brown eyes. "This is the Digiworld. To be honest, it isn't safe. I know; I've been here before."

Biyomon landed. "Sardrimon's coming," she warned.

Sora knew she had to protect Ashi. "Let's go. Sardrimon is too strong for us."


"Come on!" She forced Ashi to run. She followed him as quickly as she could.

When she thought they'd gone far enough, Sora stopped Ashi. Then she saw the green and gold bird Digimon. "Who are you," she asked, slightly worried that this Digimon was her enemy.

"I'm Sparromon. I'm a caring Digimon and I am very loyal to my friends."

Ashi's digivice glowed. As he moved his hand toward it, a blue and red star formed. It fell into his hand. "That's the Love Star," Sora said, knowing that because she had listened to what the others had said happened.

Sardrimon was faster than Sora thought, because he soon caught up to them. "I will defeat you."

Sparromon looked at him with his blue eyes. "Never!"

"Spiral Twister!"

"Wind Cyclone!"

Neither of the Digimon was able to force Sardrimon away. "That's the best you have?"

"Give Sparromon the Love Star," Sora yelled. Ashi tossed the star to the Digimon, who caught it. "Now call out Power of Love!"

Before Ashi could speak, Sardrimon attacked. "Power Smash!" His fist rammed into Sparromon, sending the stunned Digimon flying back.

Ashi's eyes widened in fear. "Sparromon!" His now wrathful gaze locked on Sardrimon. "Power of Love!" The star, still held by Sparromon glowed.

"Sparromon Love Star digivolve to...Losparromon."

Losparromon was an elegant griffon. His face was hidden by a mask that looked a lot like the star. He spread his emerald wings. "Goodbye, Sardrimon. Feather Hurricane!"

Many of Losparromon's feathers shot at Sardrimon. Where they hit, Sardrimon was wounded. The evil Digimon ran off, leaving behind the Digidestined.

A light shot from Losparromon. It became a computer with a red star in one corner that fell into Ashi's open hand. Losparromon dedigivolved to Sparromon. Ashi's brown eyes widened. "Wow," he whispered. The Crest of Love faded from the digivice Ashi had.

Sora put her arm around Ashi's shoulders. "Will you help us defeat the evil Digimon like Sardrimon?" Ashi nodded in firm resolve.

Who is the last of the new Digidestined? Will they be able to defeat the Master of Digimon? Who is the Master of Digimon? Who will triumph in their first encounter? And how did the Master of Digimon block digivolution? Tune in to find out.

Like what you see? Please send your comments to Argent Dragon.