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Digidestined Darkness: Part 7-Perseverance is the Key

by Argent Dragon

Note from the Author: Because I have nothing else to say, I'll give you the legal stuff now. Let's see...I don't own Digimon. I don't own Tai, Sora, Joe, Mimi, Kari, Matt, TK, or Izzy. I also don't own their Digimon. I do own Allison and Sylvimon, as well as the new Digidestined used in this story. I think that's everything.
Izzy: Tai and Allison returned with Sarran. They met Tarini, Jihan, and Vari. Allison and I went in search of the digivice with the Crest of Knowledge while Tai stayed with the new Digidestined. We discovered that a girl that looked rich had the digivice. We went back and enlisted Jihan's help. That night, we snuck into the girl's home. The three of us managed to get her to the Digiworld, although Jihan stayed behind at my suggestion. The girl, Msaada, met Lupimon, her Digimon. They hid when Sardrimon attacked, but there was no room for Allison and me. Sylvimon and Tentomon tried to drive him off, but to no avail. Msaada sent Lupimon to help us, but we were still unable to drive off Sardrimon. Lupimon used the Knowledge Star to digivolve to Knolupimon, who drove Sardrimon away with her Wolf Thunder Slash. Msaada agreed to help us and we left the Digiworld. Then Jihan, Allison, and I left. Will we ever gather all the new Digidestined and defeat the Master of Digimon?

Allison stared at the computer screen. "Hey Izzy."

Izzy looked over at her, as did Jihan, Msaada, Matt, Tai, Sarran, Vari, TK, Tarini, Joe, Mimi, Kari, and Sora. "What?

"Three more digivices nearby as far as I can tell, which is good." Izzy rushed over and pulled up the information on the three.

"Let's is Light, one is Love, and one is Perseverance."

"So which of us will be chasing these down besides Kari, Sora, and I?"

"I'll go with Kari," TK said.

"And I'll go with Sora," Tai said.

"It might be wise for the newest of us to go as well," Joe noted.

"I'm with Tai and Sora," Sarran said. Despite the fact that she knew she must work with the others, Tai and Allison were the only ones she really trusted.

"I'm going with TK," Tarini said with detemination.

"Jihan, Msaada, I guess you're with me," Allison commented. "Anyone else," she asked. There was silence until Izzy spoke.

"I'll stay here to open the gate to the Digiworld."

Allison, Jihan, and Msaada took to the streets. Allison led the way, using her digivice to track down the one with the Crest of Perseverance. Suddenly a boy ran past in front of them. Allison watched him pass. "Quam celeriter currit," she said softly. The others looked at her.

"What does that mean," Jihan asked.

Allison smiled gently. "It's Latin," she told them. "It means how quickly he runs. Or it runs. Or she runs. Depending on the subject's gender, of course." Suddenly her attention was drawn to her digivice. "Let's go," Allison said, running after the boy. Clueless, the others followed her.

Moments later, Allison caught up to the boy. He stood, doubled over and panting. "You okay," Allison asked.

"Yeah," he gasped. His hand drifted to his waist, where Allison spotted a silver digivice. From what she saw of it, it had the Crest of Perseverance on it.

"What's that on your belt," Allison asked, hiding her excitement.

"Oh, this?" He held out the digivice as Jihan and Msaada showed up. "I don't really know what it is. It just appeared on my bed one morning."

"Really," Allison said, a certain amount of disbelief in her voice.

"I'm not lying!"

Allison smiled coolly. "What's your name?"

"Taki. And yours?"

"I'm Allison, and these two are Jihan and Msaada." Allison showed Taki her digivice. "A decade ago, that sort of thing happened to me. And now I'm here to help you."

"Help me?"

Msaada stepped forward. There was something about him that drew her to him. "You're one of us, Taki," she said.

"One of us?" Taki's hazel eyes darted across their faces. "What is this, some kind of gang or something?"

Jihan laughed. "Hardly. I've lived in the worst part of a city before, and the three of you are hardly gang material. Me, I'm a real stretch, but certainly not the three of you."

"So what is this about," Taki asked.

Allison took a deep breath, dreading telling him out in the open like this where anyone could over hear. But Jihan had no such scruples. She bluntly said, "You are a Digidestined."

"Digi..." Taki's tongue fumbled over the unfamiliar word. Allison sighed.

"Digidestined. Come on. I can show you something that will soothe your fears."

Taki looked at her warily. "I don't know..."

Allison had a suspicion that she knew what his reservations were. She grinned. "Look, I won't make you do anything you don't want to."

Taki looked at her. "I'm really not sure about this."

"You want me to bring him," Jihan asked Allison sincerely.

Msaada looked at her in amazement. "Let him choose, Jihan," she snapped.

"Like you chose," Jihan snapped in reply.

"Will you two stop it," Allison said, weary of their bickering even though she barely knew them.

Taki laughed. "I'll come, I'll come!"

Izzy crossed his arms. "It's open," he said. "Go on."

Taki looked at Allison. "What now?"

"Hold the silver object, the digivice, to the screen." Uncertain, Taki followed Allison's instructions. Soon he disappeared from view. Allison winked at Izzy. "We'll be back," she said before following Taki.

Taki looked around. "Where in the world am I?"

"You're not in the world you were in before. You're in the Digiworld!"

Taki whirled to see a golden Digimon looking at him. Much to his surprise, it darted away before he could ask anything else.

"Taki!" He whirled again to face Allison and Sylvimon. Fear was in Allison's bright eyes. "Behind you! Run!"

Taki, cautious at the fear evident in Allison, turned around slowly. Sardrimon stood there, grinning evilly at him. "No one can stop me now!"

From Taki's digivice appeared a flash of light. It changed into a metallic colored star, a beautiful blend of silver and gold. Taki grabbed it just as Allison pulled him back away from Sardrimon.

The golden Digimon reappeared. "It's Aurimon," Allison cried excitedly.


"Aurimon is a determined Digimon who possesses a heart of gold, like his scales. He is the golden dragon Digimon," Sylvimon said.

"Pyre Blaster!" The fiery attack missed Sardrimon as the evil Digimon darted out of the way.

"You pathetic Digimon! You'll never defeat me that way!"

Acting on instinct, Taki threw the star to Aurimon, who caught it. "Call out Power of Perseverance, Taki! It's the only way we'll make it," Allison yelled, desperately hoping that he was listening.

"Power of Perseverance!"

"Aurimon Perseverance Star digivolve to...Peraurimon."

Peraurimon, while still a dragon and still golden, was now obviously more suited to the cold than before. He was stockier, but still larger. The star was a mark on the back of his head.

"Blizzard Thunder!"

Burn marks scattered over Sardrimon's already injured body. He howled in pain before quickly running away.

Taki's face had a look of triumph on it. Allison grinned at him. "That's what we do, Taki."

Taki looked at her. "And who exactly are we?"

Allison laughed. "I guess we never did explain to you what all this means."

"Do explain," Taki said.

Before Allison could say anything, a light shot away from Peraurimon. The Digimon dedigivolved to Aurimon. The light became a small computer. It had a silver star in one corner. Allison took it and handed it to Taki. "This is yours," she said. He took it from her. The crest faded from his digivice.

"I think we should get out of here before I explain," Allison said. Taki nodded in agreement.

Allison spoke, her words quiet. "Taki, we are the Digidestined. For reasons that we do not know, we were chosen a decade ago to save the Digiworld. And now you and eight others have been chosen to accomplish the same thing."

"Not just save the Digiworld," Izzy said. "But to save our own world as well. It's a big task."

"Right. But I think the reason that you and the others have been chosen is that you and the others can do it this time, and we can't, at least for now, because our Digimon can't digivolve. But yours can and will. You see, Taki, we need your help."

"And you'll have it," he said in reply.

Can the new Digidestined save the Digiworld and our own world? Who are the other new Digidestined? Will the original Digidestined's Digimon be able to digivolve again? And how has the Master of Digimon blocked digivolution? Tune in to find out.

Like what you see? Please send your comments to Argent Dragon.