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Digdestined Darkness: Part 5-Reliability

by Argent Dragon

Note from the Author: You don't know what I have in store for this story, and I'm not telling anyone. Just wait and see...and comments, please!
Matt: I ran into a young woman who then took my digivice and ran off. I chased after her. After she gave it back, I discovered that she had the digivice with the Crest of Friendship on it. She told me her name was Jihan. I took her to Izzy's and from there to the Digwrold. She met her Digimon, Geramon. Sardrimon attacked us, but with Jihan and my help, Geramon used the Friendship Star to digivolve to Frigeramon. She drove off Sardrimon. Jihan, despite her solitary nature, agreed to help us.

Joe sat on a park bench beside Mimi. His eyes were focused on his digivice. "Nothing," Joe said. Then his digivice picked up a signal. "Looks like whoever it is entered the area."

"Let's go find that person, then."

Moments later, Joe saw a girl sitting alone. She was studying the gray digivice with the Crest of Reliability rather intently. He walked over to her. "Do you know what that is?"

"No, but it almost sounds like you do."

"I do know what it is. My name's Joe."

"I'm Davari, Vari for short."

"A digivice, huh? What do you do with it," Vari asked.

"I can't tell you, at least not here, but I know how to show you."

Minutes later, Vari, Joe, and Mimi stood in the Digiworld. "Vari, this is the Digiworld," Mimi said.

All of a sudden, Vari's digivice let off a light that formed a star of various shades of blue. Joe reached out, took hold of the star, then gave it to Vari. "You keep this," Joe said.

Sardrimon leapt into view. "Run," Mimi yelled.

They found shelter in a small hut. However, remembering what had happened before in a hut like this while they were in the Digiworld, Joe stood in the narrow doorway. "He's coming," he said.

"Who are you?"

Joe turned when he heard Vari's question. In the hut was a small Digimon. It had an uncanny resemblance to Gomamon, except it was blue where Gomamon was white and green where Gomamon was red. "That's Daraimon. She's a Digimon who can always be called reliable," Gomamon said.

While Joe's attention was off him, Sardrimon pushed his way past Joe, forcing Joe out of the hut. "You're mine!"

"I don't think so, numbskull," challenged Daraimon. "Tsunami Smash!"

Sardrimon wasn't harmed. "Vari, give me that star." Vari handed the star to Daraimon. The Digimon pinned it under one paw. "Now call out Power of Reliability."

Vari looked uncertain. "Do it, Vari. Daraimon knows what she's talking about, I know it," Mimi said.

"Power of Reliability!"

"Daraimon Reliability Star digivolve to...Redaraimon."

Redaraimon was a large Digimon that looked like a cross between a seal and a tiger. Her paws had a tiger's claws, and though her body was shaped like a seal, she had a tiger's stripes. The star was a prominent mask on her face. "Claw Missile!"

Four scars were drawn on Sardrimon's body. With a snarl he retreated. "You did it," Mimi yelled.

"I did, didn't I," Vari asked. Joe nodded.

A light shot from Redaraimon. It formed a computer with a gray star in one corner. Vari took the computer as Redaraimon dedigivolved to Daraimon.

Joe looked at Vari. "We're going to need your help, you know," he said.

Vari grinned. "You can rely on me." Her comment brought a smile to his face.

"Of course."

Will the new Digidestined be able to save the Digiworld, or is the battle already lost? And who is the Master of Digimon? Tune in to find out.

Like what you see? Please send your comments to Argent Dragon.