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Digidestined Darkness: Part 3-To Find Hope

by Argent Dragon

Note from the Author: Hiya! Just couldn't think of anything to put here, so I just decided to let you guys know that I'd love to hear what you think. Please let me know. That's all.
Tai: Allison and Izzy found a way for us to track down the new Digidestined. Allison discovered that the Courage digivice was in the town she lived in. She and I went there to find the Digidestined. We met Sarran, who turned out to be the Digidestined. The three of us went to the Digiworld, where Sarran met her Digimon, Trisermon, in a cave. Sardrimon attacked us, but Trisermon managed to digivolve to Courtrisermon. She drove off Sardrimon. We persuaded Sarran to return to Japan with us.

Izzy looked at the others. "Tai and Allison are looking for one of the new Digidestined in Allison's hometown. There are a couple, though, really close by."

"Which ones," Matt asked.

"Looks like Hope, Friendship, and Reliability."

"Mimi and I will go after the digivice with the Crest of Reliability. Right?" Mimi nodded.

"I can't go," Kari said. "Homework."

"I'll go after the digivice with the Crest of Friendship," Matt said.

"Do you mind if I go with you," Sora asked.

"No, I don't mind at all."

"See you later," Mimi said as she, Matt, Sora, and Joe left. Kari followed them out.

"I guess that leaves you and me," TK said.

"Let's go."

TK followed the signal on his digivice. "It's really close."

"Hold on." Izzy read an e-mail. "Tai says that they found the first of the new Digidestined."

"That's great!"

"They'll all be back here as soon as they can."

"That's good, but shouldn't we be getting on with our search?"

"You're right."

An hour or so later, TK and Izzy were watching a girl. She was fairly young, but no younger than Izzy had been when he had first gone into the Digiworld. "Is she the one we're looking for," Izzy asked.

"I think so."

"Do you know her? I know I don't."


"Then here's the plan..."

Izzy and TK walked past the girl. "So your digivice has been going off lately?"


The girl looked up at them, curious. "What's a digivice?"

TK smiled at her. "A small little object. They're very rare, actually. You probably don't have one."

The girl pulled a digivice from her pocket. "Is this one?" It was yellow with the Crest of Hope on it.

Izzy nodded. "Yep, that's one. Do you want to see what you use them for?"


As they walked back to Izzy's, TK asked, "So what's your name?"


"To use a digivice," TK said slowly, "you just hold it up to the screen."

Tarini followed TK's instructions, but nothing happened.

"Nothing happened," she protested.

"That's because I haven't opened the gate yet." Izzy typed for several minutes, then said, "Now it should work."

Tarini held her digivice up to the screen as was gone in moments. Patamon and Tentomon entered the room. "She's going to need our help," TK said. They held their digivices to the screen. Then they too were gone.

Tarini looked around in panic before TK and Izzy showed up. "Where are we and what are those," Tarini asked, pointing to Patamon and Tentomon.

"This is the Digiworld," TK said.

"And those are Digimon," continued Izzy.

Sardrimon leapt into view. The moment he saw the Digimon, TK yelled, "Run!"

They found an enormous tree that they could hid in. Inside the tree, there was a Digimon. It was small with wide brown eyes and white all over.

"That's Bordemon. She's a sweet tempered Digimon with an optimistic attitude," Patamon said.

"I'm your Digimon, Tarini," Bordemon said.

Sardrimon entered the tree. "You can't escape me now."

"Wanna bet," Bordemon asked. "Air Blast!"

Bordemon's attack had no effect on the much larger Sardrimon. Light shot from Tarini's digivice to form a yellow and white star in Bordemon's paws. "Call out Power of Hope, Tarini! It's the only way to get rid of him!"

"Power of Hope!"

The star glowed brightly as Tarini spoke.

"Bordemon Hope Star digivolve to...Hopebordemon."

Hopebordemon looked a little like a unicorn. Across her back like a saddle was an enlarged version of the star. The pattern also formed a mask on her face. Her mane and tail were a light color. "Zodiac Chain!"

From her hooves came all the symbols of the zodiac. They hit Sardrimon and burned more patches in his fur. He retreated from sight.

Light shot from Hopebordemon and formed a computer with a yellow star in one corner. The computer dropped into Tarini's hands. The Crest of Hope disappeared from her digivice.

TK knelt down to Tarini's level. "You're a Digidestined now. We may need your help again. Will you help us?"


Two of the new Digidestined have now been found, but are they enough to help save the Digiworld? And what of the still unanswered question of how the Master of Digimon blocked digivolution? Tune in to find out.

Like what you see? Please send comments to Argent Dragon.