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Digidestined Darkness: Part 37-Ultimate Darkness

by Argent Dragon

Notes from the Author: I can't help thinking that if I hadn't had so many English papers and things to write, then I wouldn't have taken so long to write this story.
Chan: Vari found an entrance to the black fortress. She told us that she'd found the entrance. They debated over what to do until Tai discovered Sarran, Allison, and I were gone. Then they, too, entered the maze. We didn't know it then, but Sysamon closed the entrance to the maze. I found Allison with Parmon's help. We didn't know Kari had been sent to another fortress, so we were still determined to rescue her from the fortress we were in. Allison, our Digimon, and I managed to get out of the maze.

Zelda looked at Sysamon, frowning. "Did you shut both exits to the maze?"

A nervous smile appeared on Sysamon's face. "I shut the entrance to the maze."

"And the exit?"


"Sysamon, the alarms have told me that two Digidestined have left the maze. Now who's fault is that?"

Sysamon gulped. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be!" With a vicious smile, Zelda said, "Now we can deal with those two and finish them off."

"Of course."

Gatomon, accompanied by Patamon and Sarran, led them into a dead end. "I thought you said you knew the way out of this maze," Trisermon accused Gatomon.

"I didn't say that!"

"Well, I didn't," Sarran said.

"Neither did I," Patamon whispered.

Trisermon looked around. "But if none of us did, then who did?"

Sarran looked around warily. Now that she knew there was another force besides the Digidestined in the maze, she was going to be extremely cautious. "Let's be careful. There's something else in here, and we don't know if it's friendly."

Elsewhere within the maze, Joe's crest's glow dimmed. He had been confident that he could find the way out at first, and confident that the others could rely on him. But as he entered more and more dead ends, his confidence faded with the light of his crest.

Joe leaned against a wall and slid to the ground. "It's hopeless, Gomamon. We're never going to get out of here."

The cheerful Digimon replied, "Cheer up, Joe." The words brought a smile to Joe's face. "I know we'll get out of this maze."

"I don't know, Gomamon. The others were relying on me...and I failed." With his words, the light of the crest failed completely. Although Joe could no longer see him, Gomamon still looked at him hopefully.

"Thunder Slash!"

Allison and Sylvimon screamed as the attack hit them. They were flung into the wall by the attack's force. Chan winced at the pair's scream. "Don't you dare hurt them again," he screamed. He glanced over at Parmon. "Um, now would be a very good time to digivolve."

"Parmon digivolve to...Leopomon."

The female Dark Digidestined appeared in the doorway. "You can't save your friends that way," she said. "And now you're mine!"

"Never!" Leopomon was poised to strike. "Thunder Paws!" Darkgatomon was too agile and intelligent to be trapped by the same attack again.

"No way you'll beat me like that again! This is how it's done," Darkgatomon sneered. "Skybolt!" Like his opponent, Leopomon avoided the attack.

"So that's really how it's done," Leopomon sneered. "That's not very impressive, Darkgatomon."

Zelda held up her hands. Her eyes widened as a dark aura began to surround them. Her crest began to glow dimly with a dark pink light. Then, as it tapped the darkness of the maze, the glow brightened. Her jaw dropped as the glow surrounded Darkgatomon.

"Darkgatomon digivolve to...Ladydevimon."

Allison winced when the digivolution was complete. "She used her way she just used her crest."

Chan gazed defiantly at Ladydevimon and the Dark Digidestined. Somehow, he knew Ladydevimon was very definitely stronger than Leopomon. He refused to let that fact daunt him. "Take her down!"

"Thunder Paws!"

Ladydevimon flew out of harm's way, causing Leopomon to collide with a black wall. Chan winced at the pain his partner must be feeling. Ladydevimon spoke then. "That will never stop me! Darkness Wave!" Reacting quickly, Leopomon leapt across the small room. He knocked Chan to one side, then leapt in the opposite direction. Because of his action, neither the Digidestined or their partners were hurt.

Sylvimon looked up at Allison with her blue eyes. "Would this be a good time for me to digivolve?"

Allison looked at Ladydevimon. Her hazel eyes focused next on Sylvimon. "Leopomon needs your help." She held her digivice in one hand. "Digivolving time!"

"Sylvimon digivolve to...Argemon."

Leopomon shook his mane. "Argemon, let's take her down!"

"Right. Dragon Storm!"

"Thunder Paws!"

Ladydevimon dodged the attack. Then she struck back. "Black Wing!"

Both Digimon dodged the attack. "Argemon," Allison called, "digivolve!"

"Argemon digivolve to...Argedramon."

Leopomon bared his fangs. "Let's get her!"

"Electric Blizzard!"

"Thunder Paws!"

Again Ladydevimon evaded the attack. Allison turned to Chan. "I'm going to get the others." Her gaze lokced on Argedramon. "Stay here!" Then she ran back toward the maze.

"Was that the best you have," Ladydevimon asked derisively. "Black Wing!"

Leopomon leapt out of the way, but Argedramon was hit. She dedigivolved and moved to Chan's side, useless without her partner.

Chan was furious at the turn of events. "I will make sure you regret that!"

Sylvimon looked up at him. "Chan, I can't digivolve, but I will back up Leopomon. You can be sure of that!"

Chan nodded sharply. His eyes, though, never left Ladydevimon. He glared at her as if his will alone could defeat her.

Outside Zelda's black fortress, a pair of Digimon stood well apart. One seemed perfectly suited to cold climates. He said, "Gee, I hope they're okay. If they are defeated, there is no hope left for the Digiworld."

The other Digimon answered, "They will save the Digiworld. Leomon did tell us that they won their last battle with a Dark Digidestined. I'm sure they will win this one."

"You're right." Two pairs of eyes gazed at the fortress. "I'm sure they'll make it."

Chris crossed his arms over his chest. "So it's Zelda's turn...I just hope she finishes off those Digidestined. I know I can't."

Will Leopomon be able to digivolve again to save the Digidestined from the Dark Digidestined of Darkness? Will the Digidestined be able to save the Digiworld? Tune in next time to find out.

Like what you see? Please send your comments to Argent Dragon.