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Digidestined Darkness: Part 36-Maze of Darkness

by Argent Dragon

Tai: We set up watches for the night. Kari, Mimi, and I had the last watch. I went to talk to Mimi briefly. While I was talking to her, Darkgatomon showed up. That evil Digimon wrapped her in a globe of darkness. Then Darkgatomon and the Dark Digidestined carried her off. I blamed myself for her capture since I had promised to keep her safe. Jihan, Sarran, and Chan were determined to rescue her, so we went to find her. Later, we arrived outside another fortress. It was very similar to the last fortress we encountered. Izzy determined that Kari was in the fortress. Now we must get in. I'm sure we'll find a way.

Walking along the side of the fortress, Vari spotted an open doorway. "Hey guys! I found the way in!" The others rushed to her side.

"Way to go, Vari," Allison said. "But what if it's another maze?"

Vari shrugged. "I don't know where it leads. I haven't checked it out." She smiled. "I figured you wouldn't be pleased if I went in alone."

Joe rested his hand on her shoulder. "Thanks for waiting for us."

Jihan cleared her throat. "Are we going in or not," she asked.

"Maybe we should make sure this door doesn't lead to another maze first," Joe said. "After all, that last maze was pretty rough." Jihan scowled at him.

"He has a point, Jihan," Vari said softly.

Tai looked around. "Where's Chan? And where's Sarran and Allison?"

"I don't know," Taki whispered. "But I think I have an idea." As one, they turned to face the entrance.

"We'll have to go in now," Sora said.

"So let's get going," Matt said. They entered the maze cautiously. Once they were all in the maze, Sysamon shut off the entrance. Then she went to tell Zelda where the Digidestined were.

Sarran tried to see something, anything, in the darkness. She failed and let out one brief sob. "I'll never get out of here."

"Don't give up, Sarran," Trisermon whispered. "We managed to get out of that last maze, didn't we?"

Sarran was still silent. "I have faith that we will," Trisermon said.

Zelda crossed her arms over her chest. With a smile, she asked, "So they're all in the maze?"

Sysamon nodded. "Do you want me to let one out? Or lead one out?"

Zelda smiled. "Oh, get one out here. I want to show them I'm stronger. And will rule here for eternity."

Allison's crest still glowed. She could see, though, that the light of her crest didn't light this maze as much as it had the first one. "Allison?" Her hazel eyes flitted around, trying to see where the voice had originated.

"Who's there?"

"It's Chan," Sylvimon whispered. Allison didn't doubt her partner's identification of the voice.

"Chan, come here." The boy stepped into Allison's limited sphere of light. "How'd you find me, anyway?"

"Parmon can see a little in the dark."

"Good thing."

"Let me get this straight, Michael," Zelda said. "You want me to send the First Digidestined of Light to your fortress...excuse me, castle. Correct?" He nodded. "No! Absolutely not! I, and Sysamon, captured her. Here she will stay," Zelda said firmly.

Michael frowned. "And if those Digidestined escape from the darkness you call a maze? Will the First Digidestined of Light be allowed to stay captured? I think not."

Grudgingly, Zelda said, "You're right."

"Then you'll send her to me?"

After a lengthy silence, Zelda said, "Alright."

"Good. I'll expect her as soon as possible." He turned and left, Pilofmon following him.

Allison spotted a light up ahead. "Look," Sylvimon said, one claw pointing to the light.

"I see it," Allison replied. "Let's get out of this maze." Chan, Sylvimon, and Parmon nodded. As a unit, they stepped through the doorway.

Sylvimon looked around. "Let's find Kari," she suggested.

"Right," Allison said, with a crisp nod. "Let's go."

The moment she was thrown into the cell, the globe of darkness around Kari disappated. She immediately looked around the cell--and saw him.

He was huddled in a corner. Blue eyes were open, but it was obvious that he didn't see her. Blond hair was mussed, thought as still as he was, she couldn't quite see why it would be.

"TK," Kari cried as she rushed to his side.

He turned toward her, just as he voiced his thoughts. "Kari? No, Kari's gone. It's just a trick of the Master of Digimon." Kari sank to her knees with a choked sob.

"TK, what did they do to you? Why can't you see me?"

Will the Digidestined be able to free Kari and TK and defeat the Dark Digidestined? Tune in next time to find out.

Like what you see? Please send your comments to Argent Dragon.