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Digidestined Darkness: Part 35-Capturing Light

by Argent Dragon

Chan: Taki and I were lagging behind the others. When we heard their cries for help, we ran to catch up. A different Dark Digidestined introduce herself. Her partner, Sysamon, digivolved to Darkgatomon. Parmon Star digivolved, but Darkgatomon forced him to dedigivolve. Then she attacked again. Just before her attack hit me, Parmon digivolved to Leopomon. He saved me from Darkgatomon's attack. Then he attacked Darkgatomon, forcing her to dedigivolve. The Dark Digidestined and Sysamon walked away. Then Leopomon released the others from the net they were in. After that, the Crest of Light reappeared on my digivice. Kari was worried that the Dark Digidestined might try to capture her, but we reassured her.

Allison looked around. "It's starting to get dark," she said. "We should probably set the watches for tonight, then get some sleep."

Yawning, Glen said, "Sounds good to me."

"Okay...Allison, how about you and Izzy on first watch. Matt and Joe will take the second, and then Mimi, Kari, and me until morning," Tai suggested.

"Sounds good," Matt said.

"Good night," Sora said.

"I'll wake you when it's your turn," Allison said.

During her watch, Allison was extremely thoughtful. SHe thought about what Centarumon had told them earlier. Under her breath, she softly voiced her thoughts.

"The legend...the legend of the Dark Digidestined. The one that says Digidestined of dark power will rule the Digiworld. It seems that the legend has come true. But...Centarumon said that the legend was incomplete. there hope for us, or not?"

Zelda crumpled the message from Michael in one hand. "So, I'm to capture the First Digidestined of Light? No problem. Come on, Sysamon. We have work to do."

Kari was alone. Tai was talking to Mimi, so he didn't immediately notice when Darkgatomon showed up.

Always alert, Gatomon tried to stop Darkgatomon, but the evil Digimon knocked Gatomon into a tree. Kari didn't have time to react before Darkgatomon struck again. "Globe of Darkness!" A sphere of darkness settled around Kari.


He whirled to see Kari being carried away by the Dark Digidestined and Darkgatomon. "Let her go," he yelled. They didn't listen as they walked away into the night. Hurt at the fact that he had broken his promise to Kari, Tai sank to his knees.

The next morning, both Gatomon and Patamon were sullenly silent. Tai, too, wasn't in the best of moods. "I let her down," he whispered. "I broke my promise to protect her. And now we may never see her again."

"Tai, we will see her again," Matt said. "And I know how you feel. When TK was captured..."

Jihan and Sarran picked up their gear. "Let's go," Jihan said.

Vari looked at them, puzzled at Jihan's statement. "Go? Go where?"

"Go to rescue Kari," Chan said.

Tai brightened up visibly at his words. "Let's go! Izzy?" His eager brown eyes focused on Izzy.

Izzy looked up and pointed. "She's that way," he said, having anticipated the question he knew they'd ask him.

The darkness around Kari hadn't lifted. She was worried that she might not see the others again.

Kari couldn't see her, but Zelda was watching Kari. "Wonder if she's afraid of the dark," she mused. Sysamon didn't respond to her comment, forcing Zelda to frown at her partner.

Michael had read the message Zelda had sent him. A dark smile on his face, he said, "So the First Digidestined of Light is captured? Excellent. Her power is great, but now that we've captured her we won't have to worry so much anymore."

Pilofmon again spoke up. "What about the other Digidestined?"

"Stop ruining my triumphant thoughts," Michael whispered.

The Digidestined walked in the direction Izzy had indicated. They ended up walking toward a fortress. "This place looks familiar," Joe whispered.

Indeed, the fortress was very similar to the other fortress they had encountered. The sole difference was in the flag. The flag of this fortress was black with three pink concentric circles on it. "I still think that is a representation of a crest," Msaada said. Again, no one listened to her.

"Is that where Kari is," Tai asked. Izzy nodded in reply.

"So how exactly do we get in there," Glen asked. "Please tell me we can find an entrance that isn't a maze."

"To be honest, I don't know where the entrance to this place is," Izzy said.

Zelda was still watching Kari when Sysamon ran back to her. "The Digidestined are outside the fortress," the Digimon said.

Zelda whirled to face her partner. "What? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. What do you want to do about them?"

"Open the maze. I know they won't get out of it."

"You got it," Sysamon said. "I'll let them into the maze now." As she ran off, Zelda smiled.

"The Digidestined are as good as gone," she whispered.

Will the Digidestined be able to make it through the maze? Is Msaada right about the flag? Tune in next time to find out.

Like what you see? Please send your comments to Argent Dragon.