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Digidestined Darkness: Part 32-Ultimate Despair

by Argent Dragon

Note from the Author: I apologize ahead of time (well, sorta) for the sheer length of this fanfic. I promise the last one in this trilogy (yes, I decided to make it a trilogy) will be much shorter.
Tarini: Ashi found an entrance to the fortress. We all went in, but we didn't know Vulpemon closed the door behind us. It was cold in the maze we had entered. We all managed to get separated. We didn't know that TK had been sent to the fortress of a different Dark Digidestined. I found Izzy and we managed to get out of the maze.

Ross frowned. "Two of them got out. Hoe did that happen, Vulpemon?"

The foxlike Digimon gulped. "I...I don't know, Ross."

"You don't know." Ross glared at him. "You don't know," he shouted. Vulpemon cringed.

"I'll take care of them right away."

"Wait!" Vulpemon turned to look at Ross with his brown eyes. "I'll come with you."

Tai had blundered into a dead end. This was his fifth such mistake. Tai was quite obviously frustrated with the whole maze. Agumon looked up at him as he sighed. "Something wrong, Tai?"

Tai's sigh held a note of despair in it. "I'm starting to think we'll never get out of this maze, Agumon."

"Don't think that, Tai! Of course we'll get out of here." Tai didn't look as sure as Agumon did.

Elsewhere in the maze, Allison's perseverance was drawing to an end. When she had first gotten separated from the others, she had had a great deal of perseverance and determination. Her crest had glowed to light her way. Now, however, the light was dying.

Frustration was etched on her plain face. "I give up!" Allison's despair even touched Sylvimon.

"Are you serious," the silver Digimon asked. "You never give up."

"I'm sure now." Sylvimon's eyes held a look of concern.

"Nightmare Blast!"

Tentomon and Izzy were flung back by the attack. Tarini's brown eyes widened. "Leave them alone," she yelled. She looked down at Bordemon questioningly. "Bordemon, now's a good time for a digivolve." The lean Digimon nodded.

"Bordemon digivolve to...Laramon."

The Dark Digidestined sauntered out. "That won't be enough to save your friends," he snarled.

"Wanna bet," Laramon challenged. "Triumph Blade!" Vulesmon leapt out of the way of Laramon's attack.

"Not good enough," he taunted. "This is how it's done. Nightmare Blast!" Laramon was also able to avoid the attack.

"Really?" Laramon smiled mockingly.

A rush of despair came over Ross. Somehow, he knew that Laramon and Vulesmon could dodge each other's attacks for a long time. Around his neck, his crest glowed with a dark yellow light as it reacted to the despair of the Digidestined still in the maze and his own despair.

"Vulesmon digivolve to...Luperimon."

Izzy, barely able to pay attention, realized what had just happened. "He used the power of his crest..."

Tarini wasn't daunted yet, although she felt an edge of despair. In her heart, she knew Luperimon was stronger than Laramon. Yet her mind refused to accept the fact. "Get him," she called.

"Triumph Blade!"

Luperimon leapt out of harm's way. "That's not enough to hurt me, Laramon. Let's see you avoid this! Despair Blast!"

From his outstretched hand streamed a dark light. Fearing her partner would be hurt, Laramon shoved Tarini to one side. Then she dove in the opposite direction. The attack missed all of them.

Tentomon turned to Izzy. "Should I digivolve?"

Izzy's dark eyes blinked. "I get the feeling Laramon needs help. Go on, Tentomon."

"Tentomon digivolve to...Kabuterimon."

Laramon slowly got up from the ground. "Let's get him, Kabuterimon!"

"Electro Shocker!"

"Triumph Blade!"

Luperimon again dodged the attack. With a laugh, she struck back. "Vulpine Smash!"

Laramon dodged the attack, as did Kabuterimon. "Kabuterimon, digivolve!" Izzy's voice carried to the ears of the two Digimon.

"Kabuterimon digivolve to...Megakabuterimon."

Laramon smiled. "Let's try again, shall we?"

"Horn Buster!"

"Triumph Blade!"

Again, Luperimon evaded the attacks. "Is that the best you've got," he asked, laughing. "Vulpine Smash!"

Megakabuterimon was hit and dedigivolved.

Tarini yelled, "You'll pay for that!"

Izzy looked at Tentomon. "Can you digivolve again?"

"I don't have enough energy. I need to eat before I can digivolve again."

With that statement, Izzy knew what had to be done. "Tarini, you must have hope. If you do, Laramon will be able to digivolve again." Knowing the irony in his next words, he continued, "It's our only hope, Tarini!"

Outside Ross' fortress, a Digimon waited patiently for the Digidestined. "I hope they make it out of there alright. If they do, I have information for them." Worry was plain on his feline face.

At his side, another Digimon gazed impassively at the fortress. "We must be patient."

"I know."

A third Digimon said, "When we're sure of the fate of the Digidestined, then news, good or bad, will have to be spread. And good news will gather forces to aid the Digidestined." The other two Digimon nodded.

Yuka frowned. "Ross better finish the Digidestined off. If he doesn't, he'll have to answer to the rest of us."

Will Ross be able to finish off the Digidestined? What is TK's fate? Can Laramon digivolve again in time to save the day? Tune in next time to find out.

Like what you see? Please send your comments to Argent Dragon.