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Digidestined Darkness: Part 31-The Maze of Despair

by Argent Dragon

Note from the Author: For the record, the majority of part 44 was written after the Aquilamon episode.
Kari: We set up three watches, much to the irritation of Jihan. Allison and Tai managed to ease her anger a little, but not fully. Allison worried that we might have split the new Digidestined. Everything was quiet until the watch I shared with TK. The Dark Digidestined we had encountered before showed up unexpectedly. TK called out for help when Vulesmon got really close to him, although unfortunately Patamon was asleep. Vulesmon used his Nightmare Snare on TK. I wasn't able to react in time to keep TK from being captured as he was carried off by Vulesmon. The next morning, both Patamon and I weren't happy with the situation. Jihan suggested we rescue TK. Izzy pinpointed where he was and we set off. Later, we came upon a black fortress. Izzy verified that TK was in the fortress. Now we just have to get in.

"Look," Ashi called. The others rushed over to where he was. They saw a gaping opening in the wall.

"That must be the entrance," Glen said. "Let's go in!" He, Ashi, Taki, Sarran, Jihan, and Vari rushed in.

"Wai...oh, nevermind," Joe said. "They won't stop."

"Do you think it is a trap," Mimi asked. Joe nodded.

"Maybe some of us should stay out here just in case," Tarini suggested.

Matt shook his head. "We can't afford to split up, Tarini. We all have to stick together."

"So let's go after them," Allison said impatiently.


Once the Digidestined had gone in, Vulpemon shut the door. With a smile, he said, "Better go tell him they are in the maze."

It was cold. Jihan, Sarran, and Ashi huddled together for warmth. "Where are Glen, Taki, and the others?"

"I d-d-don't know, Ashi," Sarran said, her stutter a result of the cold.

They ventured on a little more. It wasn't long before Sarran was discovered missing. "Wasn't Sarran just with us?"

"Yeah. Hodw'd she get separated when we're huddled like this?"

"This place creeps me out."

"Me too."

Ross watched the Digidestined get separated. "Perfect. Now I just have to get one in here so I can finish them off. But who?"

Izzy was alone. He wasn't sure how he had ended up alone, but he had. "Where did they go?" His questioned echoed through the maze.

Izzy took a deep breath. "Okay, I can get out of here. I'll just find a map of this maze." His eyes glanced around the darkness. "That, and a light. I think a light would definitely be nice."


He looked around, almost recognizing the voice but not able to see anyone. "Tarini?"


Ross smiled. "So you want him safely at your fortress, Michael?"

The older boy nodded. "Face it, what if the Digidestined in your maze get out? They'll rescue the First Digidestined of Hope. You and I both know it."

"You've got a point," Ross conceded. "I'll have him to you as soon as I can."

"You'd better!" Michael walked away.

Once he was gone, Ross muttered, "I hate him."

As they emerged from the maze, Izzy and Tarini looked around. "Where are we," Tarini asked.

"I don't know, but I'll try to find out."

TK's unseeing blue eyes were open. Michael would have said he was awake, except he knew TK was not. TK suddenly screamed, "Look out!"

Michael wasn't sure who he was trying to warn. He looked on with a smug smile. "Poor fool."

Will the Digidestined discover that TK is no longer in the same fortress? Will the rest of the Digidestined make it out of the maze? Will Tarini and Izzy encounter Ross? Tune in next time to find out.

Like what you see? Please send your comments to Argent Dragon.